I want to try getting caught up on Kingdom Hearts, but I can't parse this... mess

I want to try getting caught up on Kingdom Hearts, but I can't parse this... mess.

I assume there've only been three unique games up until now, right? KH, KHII and the GBA game? What version of each should I play, and should I play the GBA one at all?

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KH1, KH2, BBS are the only ones you need to play.

The rest are extra.

KH I leads into CoM which leads into 2. Dream Drop Distance, 352 days over 2, and Birth By Sleep flesh out the backstory and introduce answers and problems. They're all necessary before you play .2 .2 leads into III. Got a PS4 and can deal with some gameplay issues (dunno if that been fixed honestly) get the HD Remix collections and 2.8. They have all you need.

358/2, BBS, DDD, Coded and even Unchained are all necessary to understand what is going on in KH3. The game will expect you to know what happened in each game and characters, objects, and events unique to each game are brought up in the numbered games.

So, just get the 1.5 and 2.5 Remixes?

That's like 145 leaf bux on the PS store. I'll think about it.


What do these games even play like? Did FFXV lift their combat system? I thought the combat in XV was pretty good. Do the HD remixes feel dated at all?

why are you interested in playing KH if the idea of more games to play makes you feel sick? Why are you playing video games at all if you don't actually want to play them?

Because I want to play the Toy Story level in III.

Basically, get the 1.5 Remix, the 2.5 remix and the 2.8

Then the only thing left will be 3.

so why do you give a shit about any of the other games if you're only interested in playing one specific level of one game?

Don't bother trying to understand this shit, man. Just play the games you think are fun.

I like Mulan? and Sephiroth? And some other Disney and Square shit.

Did you even see them fighting in Andy's front yard, bro

you're getting meme'd itt OP, you only need to play 1 and 2 to understand 3.

>n-no I like all of this other shit as well
So we're back at my first post which is why do you not want to play all the KH games when they all have these characters?

If you have a PS4 get 1.5+2.5 and 2.8
That's all you need for KH3

If any of it's tight like that Pixar-looking shit they pulled off with the U4 engine, sure. I mean, goddamn. Know what I mean

DDD is pretty important to understanding what's going on in KH3, but they'll probably cover all of the real story of that game in flashbacks and reiterative dialogue.

>all of the people that will play KH3 thinking KH2 was the last game
>They ended with Xemnas and Sora/Riku/Kairi reading the note
>The game will pick up with Riku being a Keyblade master, Axel and Kairi having keyblades, 13 Xehanorts, an old man calling himself Xehanort, two Roxas', Xion, MoM,
that book Mal got from Coded, and several of the Org members casually being alive without any sort of surprise

I wonder how many people will just stop playing the game entirely.

in what way is DDD important for KH3?

True Organization, Sora's connection to the Darkness, Nobodies returning to Humanity, etc.

>young xehanort
>old xehanorts return
>new org13
>sora losing power
>riku becoming a master
>the "rebirth" of the apprentices, specifically lea
>kairi training to become a keyblade wielder
Stop me anytime.

desu I haven't even played kh1 so I literally don't know what these posts are saying

Just buy the KH 1.5+2.5 and that's it.

BBS -> KH1 -> CoM ->368/2 -> KH2 -> DDD

everything else is optional.

Coded is skippable at least.

I hate you and everyone like you who has completely and utterly ruined this board.

What's the gameplan for Chain of Memories? Should I stock up on only high level cards? Are premium cards good? How many 0 should I have?

Well to start, it's not a prequel. It directly continues KH2 and leads into KH3. Beyond that
>details the plan Xehanort has for KH3
>shows that nobodies can grow hearts and become whole again
>all of the apprentices are alive again as well as Lea, Isa and Braig
>Braig and Isa are already half Xehanort
>7 lights and 13 darkness
>Sora wanting to save Terra, Ventus,
Aqua, Roxas, Xion, the importance they will have in the coming fight
>Xehanort travelling through time
>young Xehanort
>Ansem and Xemnas being back
>Mal/Pete after Coded
>Axel being a good guy
>Axel and Kairi having keyblades
>Riku now being a Keyblade master
>Sora being targetted by the new organization
Just off the top of my head

So, the general consensus is a PS4 with 1.5, 2.5, 2.8 and eventually 3 is the best way to play the entire Kingdom Hearts series, right?

Apparently the PS4 version of 2.5 contians 1.5, so you only need that and 2.8.

How are the original ps2 games to play on an emulator? s

Yeah, PS4 has 1.5+2.5 as one disc

Fine, but make sure they are the final mixes, they have extra content.

You people seriously make this into a bigger deal than it actually is. How many goddamn threads do you need a day about this one subject?
>KH1 (The first game of the series)
>CoM (Teaser/Link between KH1 and KH2)
>KH2 (The second game of the series)
>358/2 Days (Roxas spinoff)
>BBS (Prequel to KH1)
>Re:Coded (Filler game that got turned into a movie)
>DDD (Teaser/Link between KH2 and KH3)
It's not fucking difficult to understand at all.

Does the Kingdom Hearts franchise have THE most retarded subtitles ever or what?

Just because something is a prequel does not mean it should be experienced first.

See: the Foundation heptalogy, anything with nonlinear storytelling (Tarantino movies)...



Or if you are a human being and properly refrained from getting a console play KH 1, the remake of Chain of Memories, KH 2, Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance.

All of the games are on 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8. If you get 1.5+2.5 on ps4 all you need is 2.8. That's like 70 bucks.

>implying Lea isn't the reincarnation of the Master of Masters.

You mean Braig right?

A good stock of cards of all types generally speaking. You want to be able to pull off sleights for massive damage. You do wanna try to replace cards with the latest and greatest iterations in terms of keyblade strength and spell strength but sleights are SUPER important. Those that can be easily countered tend to be among the strongest.

As you continue you'll get access to special... reverse cards, were they called? Heartless cards. They'll let you tone down the pain of losing the first card of any sleight.

Try to start with the the lowest numbered cards when making a sleight. When you're down to 1 remaining low card, use the next lowest, and so on. You want to spread out sleight usage potential as much as possible.

Nah, Gula becomes Ventus after the Keyblade War in X Union so it makes a lot more sense that way.

>Gula becomes Ventus

I get the retarded plot of time traveling Xehanort making the nuOrganization XIII. But was it ever explained how Lea and co returned to normal? Was it because we defeated their nobodies?

Literally the deus ex machina of love that Sora exudes onto everyone.

once you lose your heart, all you need is for somebody to kill your nobody and heartless and you're good to go.

Yeah, he high-tails it out during the Keyblade War Fights, they establish right from the start that Ventus is loner (to explain why no one recognizes him) and his name is the one that's pointed out to Ava when she gets the list for the dandelions. He studied the book the most and aimed for kingdom hearts, things were set up so that knowledge would get passed on to the next world even if ventus himself doesn't remember it.

If you defeat a persons Heartless and then its respective Nobody in that order the two will return together to remake the original person.

In that exact order? Not sure when to watch the movies/play the prequel. I understand you go KH1 > CoM > KH2 > DDD > KH3.

Play 1
Chained memories


Release order. Always.
KH1 > Chain of Memories > KH2 > 358/2 Days > BBS > Re:coded > DDD > 0.2 > KH3

I played 1.5 HD when it came out on pstriple. Dropped it in the jungle level because it was not fun

How is the KH series not completely dead by now? I honestly can't think of any series that comes close to being as ridiculous and convoluted. 20 games, most of which are remixes and .5s that take place who knows where in the story and are all apparently for understanding with no logical entry point. At least with shit like Warhammer or Star Wars it's clear that not everything is important in everything else and it's possible to start from whatever seems interesting.

I genuinely don't understand how KH can get any new fans with this mess.

Just play them in release order, you stupid goddamn leaf.

Because nobody but autists (whether they are fans or haters) takes the story seriously in the first place. Most people praise the combat.

Just get 1.5+2.5 collection and 2.8 for the ps4, my only advice for you is to not try and play them all back to back because this is 15 years worth of games, just take it easy and play something else between each games, you have plenty of time before KH3 comes out. The only thing missing is the ongoing smartphone games but don't bother playing them, they are total money sinks for cash whales, just watch some kind of youtube video on the story.

where exactly in the game timeline does the story get all convoluted and ridiculous? From what I remember KH1 had a pretty straight forward story but I never played any of the sequels.

PLAY:1.Kingdom Hearts 1
2.Chain of Memories GBA/PS2
3.Kingdom Hearts 2
And then watch this shit for the rest of the lore

As much as you'll hate me for saying this. It gets better after that world.

If you're ever in doubt as to which order you're suppose to play in, play it in order of release

If you're interested only in the gameplay, play 1, 2, CoM, and maybe Re:Coded

If you want to know the story, you're going to have to play all of them (or watch the compilation movies that come with the HD remasters). Don't listen to the other posters in this thread. In the KH series there are NO SPINOFFS. Also play/watch them in RELEASE ORDER.

Hell there's even less thinking involved since the 1.5+2.5 HD collection does this for you with the exception of 358/2 Days being before KH2.

Judging by all the different answers in this thread, somewhere before the first game. Whichever is first.

How about instead of playing a retarded amount of games you watch a 20min video on youtube

Or are you too dense to think about doing that yourself you fucking faggot?

The combat is the worst part of KH1. I hope that changes for the sequels.

It's really not that hard, especially these days. Jesus.

If you own a PS4, buy the 1.5 + 2.5 collection. If you like that, buy 2.8. That's 2 games. Really not hard at all.

Jesus Christ, I forgot someone can have a nobody AND heartless. What was Nomura thinking?

people like you are why video games now suck you adhd retard.

It makes sense though. Your heart falls to darkness (becoming a Heartless) and if your will as a person was strong enough your body will reanimate into a Nobody.

I assumed it must because of how popular it is but I didn't like the alice in wonderland area either, and the gummi ship was awful imo so I think it was just not for me

Fair enough. I suppose as a kid when I first played it, it was all just too awesome so I naturally overlooked the rougher, slower start. And replaying it later in life I know it's only a short while before it gets better. If you do choose to go back to it, Agrabah is your next destination.

>3 hours long
Is it really worth watching?

Yeah, I mean obviously I'm on this thread because I'm interested. That trailer looked so good...

Indeed it was a pretty great trailer, followed up very nicely from last months. If you do continue the series, KH2 Final Mix should keep you very satisfied gameplay wise.

Just play the games in release order

you should stop trying to make sense of the shitty story and just play the games for the gameplay

>triple d

He's obviously a memelord.

I'm gonna replay 1+2 in preparation for 3 and nothing else. The "story" is so convuluted and messy overall that I can't be bothered to catch up with it. Also I don't expect it to be Suikoden or Terranigma levels of writing so I don't think I'll be missing out on much.

I still find the naming convention to be amusing.

>The heartless actually do have hearts, they're built around them
>The nobodies actually are bodies, just slightly emptier