Is reaper too OP?
Is reaper too OP?
Caleb Williams
Henry White
Every time I see him played well, he can single handedly defend a point extremely well.
Bentley Rivera
No, stop picking winston.
Grayson Foster
He's actually fun to play now.
He used to be garbage before the buffs.
Colton Long
no. the real problem is widowmaker atm. see: >
Noah Davis
Who is the best counter to reaper?
Leo Nelson
McCree at the moment can do a pretty good job. Also it nullify his ult.
Caleb Diaz
No clue, Reaper can be kept up indefinitely now with a good healer.
>About to kill reaper
>he ghosts
>full HP
>get him down again
>he heals through his shots and is hard to kill
Ayden Williams
Mcree obliterate him.
I'm a pretty good mcree and I eat reapers for breakfast.
Jonathan Stewart
Widow isn't a problem because you wont see a good widow till you reach above diamond.