Is reaper too OP?

Is reaper too OP?

Every time I see him played well, he can single handedly defend a point extremely well.

No, stop picking winston.

He's actually fun to play now.

He used to be garbage before the buffs.

no. the real problem is widowmaker atm. see: >



Who is the best counter to reaper?

McCree at the moment can do a pretty good job. Also it nullify his ult.

No clue, Reaper can be kept up indefinitely now with a good healer.

>About to kill reaper
>he ghosts
>full HP
>get him down again
>he heals through his shots and is hard to kill

Mcree obliterate him.
I'm a pretty good mcree and I eat reapers for breakfast.

Widow isn't a problem because you wont see a good widow till you reach above diamond.