What are the odds of hex getting a redesign on the new pokemon switch?

what are the odds of hex getting a redesign on the new pokemon switch?

not yet

I think her design is too loved for them to do that.

Not a chance, she has became too popular.
>Official card sleeves
>Official full art card
>Advertising poster girl for the spooky pokeman campaign
>Now also advertising poster girl of the new mysterious pokemon campaign
At best, theybwill change her clothes a luttle, but hee face will be the same.

What the fuck are pokemon campaigns?

Some promotional things, the spooky pokemon ine talked about ghosts and had art done by the sick fuck that does those creepy as fuck mangas (remember "durr durr durrr" spaghetti man?) And now tgere is a new one about mysteries, it will be revealed on 19th.

Literally 0%. She's a sexual dynamo but all of that is fan shit. Ninty doesn't give a fuck.

What exactly did you have in mind OP?

Why is hex so unhappy here?

She hates being drawn off model.

There is a strange man with no shading measuring her tits.

She should just walk away then.

Hex Maniax translation when

Hex Maniac weight gain ERP when?

>one single hex maniac sells moo moo milk
>because of that, all fanart depicts her with enormous, disgusting cowtits

It's in the works

Don't tell anyone

goth girls are love

closet homo


Look, loose robes would have tripped off drawfags at some point anyway. The milk seller only sped up the process.

I can wait
I just want it to be happening

Nothing wrong with that.

On f-list probably


nothing there but a bunch of furfags, ESLs and maybe the occasional half-decent stuff that really isn't worth the investment
I did once met a 27 year old woman who roleplays a bunch of vidya girls though, that was pretty sweet

I know, fucking worst shit.

thank god

>it's real

I know what you mean. I've had a few nice encounters there but it feels like I've got the worst luck most of the time. Either I'll get ignored completely when I message someone or they'll turn out to be absolutely terrible with nothing but short one sentence replies and shit like spamming emoticons.

What the fuck happened to ghost types?

>Gengar gen 1
He's a goofy goober who likes to play pranks and hide in shadows
>Gengar gen 7
Literally the fucking devil who mentally tortures people into suicide

Pretty much, but I'm guilty of the same thing some times because the person on the other side is boring. A paragraph of play eventually declines into sentences and then one word responses.
Are you into the same kind of stuff as I am?

Pranks have gotten more intense.

how often do you think she showers?

just a *BANG* bro

The prankster shit was mostly just from the anime.
Some dex entries have gengar just scaring people, others have them flat out attacking or even killing people.

From Fire Red which is based off the Stadium entry
>It is said to emerge from darkness to steal the lives of those who become lost in mountains.

From Silver
>To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.

Haunter's dex entries have mentioned to never approach one or else, so it only makes sense its evolution would be even worse in that regard.

Hex is cute! Cute!

Yes she it.

Why did this become a /soc/ thread for 2 anons?
Post more Hex you fucking queers.

It's nice this mod got off his lazy ass but why the fuck was the more relevant Pokemon thread deleted over this specific NPC /vp/ discussion shit.

I legit dont remember how she looks in official art

Is this what you like?

Hex is sex.

Cool blog

I know a little Japanese, maybe I could produce some sort of half-assed translation if I put in enough effort.

Where can I find it?

>my tits hurt
>I want to go home

probably once a month, I wonder what she smells like haha

Alright janny, no areola this time.

And then I forget the pic, of course.

Man this janitor is accomplishing fuckall.

When did people become so gay?

Meeting of the Maniacs.

Boob envy hexes.

What do they discuss? Do they determine which hex gets certain routes?

there is no choice here, you are patrician

Happy Hex.

How the fuck our Hex got such massive tits.

ghastly was said to envelope it's victims and paralyze them. It gets worse for each evolution

A good diet along with genetics gave her a nice body.

FINALLY some art that depicts there being multiple Hex Maniacs. I hate the preconception that it's just one character. Hex Maniac is an archetype. The artist even shows them with different sized chests which is the main complaint people have about fan art of "her."

She's never coming back is she?
How popular is she in Japan? Is there even a chance?

Are they complaining about her getting all the good fanart?

She's very popular in pornography if that helps.

I don't think it does.

I think it's like her lewd body is giving all of them a bad reputation.

It helps my dinugs wingus if you catch my driftus

She can't help that. They shouldn't bully her over that.

the cutest

You must be new to japan then

Well you know how women are.

It's a meme you dip.
basically there was a NPC in a town who sold Moomoo Milk. But since there were no Milktank around, people wondered where she got the milk. So the perverts got together and said it was her titty milk and gave her massive breasts in fan art, and it just continued to get further bastardized from there.

That is still no excuse to hurt a fellow hex.

qt Hex feet



she brob smells bad

What makes you say that?

that's ur upper lip

She probably smells like incense and burnt leafs.

I'll make out with her stinky armpit as I fill her with my stinky semen


i fucking hope so

>hex maniac makes a charm that makes you her friend
>tell her it doesn't work
>she looks sad
>tell her you were already her friend

but how can we tell if it actually works or not

Wanting to impregnate a girl means you're her friend, right?

>not pretending to be under her control to see what lewd things she makes you do

They're just drawing Moo Moo Milk Hex.

Other Hexes exist that are flatter and get drawn too you know.

I really wish this artist's hex stuff got translated

>tits hanging over the panel border

my fetish

This is the redesign
She's gained weight due to being lonely all the time.

Won't you be her friend Sup Forums?

user please, with all this meat she showers every day, always making sure to lift up each of her enormous jiggling milk tanks and thoroughly wash her underboob from all the sweat from the previous day. She's a very clean person.

I'll be her husband.

best creepy weirdo

you mean improved, what a happy accident.

>dark long hair
>big tis
sign me the fuck up

>she brings you a bottle of "special milk"
>says it's a gift for you
what would you do?

I would be her anything

drink it, obviously
I would never turn down a nice gift

>that art
Never seen it before but my gut is telling me "bad news"

even toilet