Does anyone still play this or did Tempest make everyone drop the game?
>these new bonus units
Stop enabling horse meme faggotry.
Does anyone still play this or did Tempest make everyone drop the game?
>playing since launch
>only here for the waifus
>always thought that sniping was the superior method to get the 5* in banner, why risk rolling something of a color you don't want
>somewhere I missed the memo that says this is not the case
>mfw I pissed away so many orbs trying to get things like bunny Camilla, Celica, Sonya, ect. and have nothing but bulk to show for it
At least two of the 5 I have is a Rein and Julia.
playing all the god damn time, I just got priscilla I don't think she's all that good but I'm always happy to get a character 7
I should replay 7. A lot of the characters and their personalities are starting to slip from me.
I've been autogrinding Tempest for a while. I wish I'd done this from the start. Just pick the highest non-Lunatic difficulty trial, put in your second best team, and hit Auto Battle. Most likely your second-best team will bite the dust after 3 battles of retarded AI, so you can then switch to your best team for the final bit. You reliably get like 380 points per run as long as you're using a bonus unit in one of the teams.
Of course, manually running the hardest Trial will give you more points for your Stamina, but that requires actually playing the game and at this point, playtime is a bigger barrier than Stamina for me. Like this I can just put the phone next to me whole working, shitposting, or even playing another game, and all I have to do is tap the screen every now and then to start the next level.
Tempest Trials are a shit design decision all-round because it's so damn grindy, but like this it's pretty bearable.
is shadow dragon any good? thinking of getting it.
I would but my phone has less than 200MB of RAM and cannot run the game. I kind of gave up and assumed I missed the poll version of Ike a long time ago and forgot about the game since then.
Sniping is always the best way to get a character you want. If you don't care about getting one specific character, just pull for every color that's on the banner to max your odds of getting a 5*.
There's no real point in pulling for colors that aren't on the banner though. I mean sure you might get lucky and pull a non-banner 5*, but those are some long odds compared to pulling banner units.
W-what memo?
>I kind of gave up and assumed I missed the poll version of Ike a long time ago
The poll versions aren't coming out until after the summer.
Not really. You can play it for the lore if you want, but it's really average. Not bad, just super average.
New Mystery is worth playing.
PoR Ike was released a while ago, but not the poll version, and there's always the possibility of him getting a RD version later.
>nonexclusive units
not worth the orbs.
So I've just had extremely shit luck? Because I don't roll unless there's a character I want on the banner.
I eventually got fed up enough this time after spending some 130 orbs trying to get Sonya and complained on /feg/ and was met with responses about how sniping isn't that good.
From the prerelease? I voted for him, BK, Micaiah, and Jill a lot and was somewhat pleased when he won, but damn, they took their time I guess. Phone still can't run it though, I can't even play Battle Cats anymore because the newest update refuses to install on it.
I mean RD Ike was the one I liked more (manly Ike>boy Ike) so that's nice.
I got every rewards in TT but fuck Tempest Trials.
I started powering through it yesterday. I didn't get any 40% bonus unit from the banner so i didnt want to bother.
Can someone make the calculations to how many stamina i must use to get to 40k in 3 days? As a side note can i get to 99k as well?
>tfw 16k points in Tempest
never gonna make it
You just aren't trying. At least get the res seal.
>How much Score do you have currently?
>How much Score do you make per run?
[40000 - (Current Score)]/(Score/Run) = x Runs * 20 Stamina = 20x Stamina / 5 = 4x Stamina Potions
[99999 - (Current Score)]/(Score/Run) = x Runs * 20 Stamina = 20x Stamina / 5 = 4x Stamina Potions
We still play it, it's just that nobody makes threads here anymore since a mod got a stick up their ass.
>4,814 score in T20
>3,383/6,635 in tier
>need to rank 1,990 or above to stay in rank
Man, this is depressing. Still, as far as F2P goes I've been doing quite well I guess.
I have 10k and i make 500 per run. Jesus this is going to take a while.I sometimes use tobin in my second team but that is only if my first team somehow fails
Sniping is the way to go though, it's just not as great at low 5* percents. 2 full rolls should be good enough to snipe away with, unless you're blessed with tons of orbs in the color you're looking for early on.
SD is bad, New Mystery fixes most of what made SD bad but it's still a DS FE game. You should probably play both if only to complain/compare the two.
>roll for a bonus unit because I don't want to spend 20,000 upgrading someone
>now down 30 orbs and still no 5* bonus unit
I should have listened to the Sharenafags.
>expecting a 5* on only 30 orbs
I dropped it when i spent 200 orbs on the ylissean summer event and didnt get a single 5 star, never mind a focus hero. Fuck it.
I've had remarkably good luck with getting bonus units at the last minute, but I guess it was a mistake to expect that to last.
I'm F2P too and I ain't never even seen T20.
I'm gonna get promoted to T19 after this season though, so that's still pretty good as far as I care. I guess I'll probably drop back down after that but bouncing between 18 and 19 isn't that bad.
Oh, made a miscalculation for no reason.
30000/504 (Assuming Lunatic 5/5 A Speed A Survival +40% Bonus Ally) = 60 Runs / 5 = 12 Stamina Potions
If my math isn't wrong. You get 14 runs a day, and for the next 3 days, that's 42 runs, meaning you actually only need 18 / 5 = 4 Stamina Potions.
>Spend 120 orbs for at least a good unit, like a nice 5*
>Get a Celica with the worst IV combinaison possible
Then I dropped it incredibly hard.
Right now I'm on Exvius, and it's much much better.
Just so we're clear, sniping means going after exclusively the color you want, right? Like if there's only one green, you tag the green, then leave?
Good news, the event is still on and there is a ton of orbs still on the table.
Yep, sniping is just as the name implies, aiming only for the color you want. Just pray that you don't get fucked by a high % roll without the color you're looking for in it, I've had far too many 5*s appear on those.
It just means it wasn't meant to be. Usually you get the characters you need until the end of the banner. I got katarina last banner and now delthea in the first 2 rolls.At the same time anything that is a bonus unit at 40% for the TT alludes me. I did 3 full rolls and i got another ike and a roy that i fed to my cecilia.
If i had a 40% i would have finished TT a long time ago. I have a 80% chance to finish the 7/7 one with my first team.
If I were you I'd give yourself maybe a ~20% leeway in score, since you're not likely to get straight A's in all of your runs.
I shit you not, I read this and thought I'd give it one more shot. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
Tempest trials was a fucking mistake. I swear this shit has drained the entirety of my phone battery 30 times over by now.
after FGO came out i've been playing that instead
is there a fan-made English patch for new mystery of the emblem or something?
Ha-ha, time for Virion!
>Cecilia a bonus hero
Ooooooh boy
>not having a 5* Sharena
Yeah, there is, though I forget where exactly it is. Check Serenes or the Shrine, I think they might have it.
Fuck, this next season's going to be a bitch on Offense for me.
A little less right now cause I couldn't get fucking green's for summer tiki so kinda killed my motivation abit least got summer Robin easily.
good luck user
Guess I can just chalk this up to awful luck then.
Oops, old picture. I made some upgrades since then.
Enjoy your Horsecock.
I take it that Virion is your main deleter?
Him and Anna. Sharena is my tank and Alphonse is mainly there to deal with Hector.
>Using horse memes as my defense team
>Get maybe 2-3 wins a week around tier 19
>Get 0 this week
>Don't have a good dancer to fit into it
>I want to switch to a non horse team but I lack the SI to do it
I'm glad that Cecilia is in there because fuck that I want a defense win.
Yeah, that sounds about as I expected. Who's the most dangerous non-Cav unit you come across? Is it a tanky Mage?
This TT is way way way easier than the first one, if you have a good sweeper you can easily get A speed every time. If you go with the surrender strat it's a guaranteed A+B score every single time.
I wish they would up the points a bit for lunatic if they are going to make it this easy, it's not as fun.
Honestly, every time a team has more than one mage, or a mage and a dancer (or, horror of horrors, two mages and a dancer) I start sweating. Virion is the only one who can hit at range and his Res is so low any mage that doesn't outright die will kill him instantly.
I really need to start pulling some Hectors, because this team needs Distant Counter badly.
Well, I'm sure you already know this, but when you do manage to get your hands on DC fodder, make sure you feed it to Anna first.
Yeah I know. Right now I have her on Life and Death/Vantage, but if I ever get Distant Counter I'm giving her that so she can deal with Thundercocks better.
Yes, you've been increasing your chances with failed summons then wasting your SSR on an off color or possible off banner unit.
Are any of these new units worth rolling for just to give their skills to another unit? I feel like, if you already have a Reinhardt and a Nino, you won't need Delthea and Sonya, anyway.
would you guys gift me 23 orbs?
Shield Pulse is a very interesting skill, but it remains to be seen how it'll play out metawise.
sent ;)
Only if you give me 45
23 orbs? What in the world do you need 15 orbs for? I don't have 8 orbs to spare! I'd be happy to give you a 3 orbs, here's 100 feathers.
Delthea's tome is actually pretty damn helpful, especially for Infantry and their lack of meme team buffs. Drive skills are also pretty damn sweet for non -Blade teams as well. Slaying weapons are straight upgrades to Killers, and Shield Pulse is an attempt to rein in Moonbow abuse, though it's not great at it.
Really, there's actually quite a bit of neat fodder here, but you should keep in mind that the CYL banner is coming up, and spending orbs now could be bad since we're probably going to hit a dry spell of orbs after this windfall we've been having is over.
sent ;)
Which Anna is best Anna and why is it Awakening Anna?
Mother, what do you mean by "We can all have fun together if you just buy 140 orbs"?
My paypal incase a kind user shows up :')
Begging is against the rules, user.
Every Anna is best Anna
Should I 5* her?
Sorry user, its just that Im broke right now and I dont have anyone from these banners
All of the starter units are worth 5*ing, because that way you'll always have a decent arena bonus unit.
You should 5* all of your donuts, user, though she's pretty much the best one of the three in the current meta.
sherana first before anna
Nah, Anna's better right now thanks to that Res and Spd.
Mostly collecting login bonuses right now. Not interested in Tobin so i didn't want to grind another Tempest
post something worth while and maybe I'll consider it
Im a bit of a drawfag too incase you want something in trade user
Stop! Anna would never cheat on her husband for money! Probably! Maybe. Hopefully.
post your art then
We both know she totally would, if the price was right.
Too lewd for blue board user, but this is one of my most recent works
>no gloves
but that's where you are wrong user ;)
Not bad, sadly I dont have any money to spare user, good luck thou
No worries user :'c
9999999 Golds well spent
>main team
>oc animu cheery girl
>oc animu noble prince
>le whacky randumb girl xD
All the FE characters in the game and THIS is your main team?
sad bumping
>spending 9999999 gold
>when a certain farmgirl would probably do the same and more for less money, to better support her family
fuck off shota lover
Im almost at the Phantom Speed reward. Also they fixed Tempest. The first one was much worse, if you kill an enemy in this temptest they stay dead. In the last one if you wasted all youre units killing Veronica you cant win because the enemy team revived on your next team.
I dropped it when that update dropped that let you customize units to a disgusting degree, homogenizing a lot of the units from a mechanical viewpoint.
Do any of you have any good ideas for fanart of Anna?
anal bead orbs
Post your 40k Tier Tempest Squads.
Prostitution actually, more like compensated chikan