Childhood is liking dark souls

childhood is liking dark souls

adulthood is when you realise that dark souls is a shitty game.

>"muh mysterious lore"

Miyazaki was lazy to make any proper lore and just put a bunch of words and statues together

>muh good combat

the combat is clunky and doesn't feel good at all

>muh atmosphere

the atmosphere is shit in dark souls. the only place with a good atmosphere is the darkroot area.

>muh difficulty

just because a game is difficult it doesn't make it good

>muh boss fights

the boss fights are just hard to make the game feel hard, not to actually present a challenge
inb4 darksoulsfags get butthurt

Other urls found in this thread:

inb4 all the redditfag darksoulsfanboys get butthurt



It's funny. You make it look like you have arguments and are breaking down the game step by step, but in reality it's just "Nuh-huh, it's shit".

>dark souls

Every video game ever made is bad.

Childhood is letting other peoples opinions change your opinions.

Adulthood is not giving a fuck about what other people think and forming an opinion on your own.

Adulthood is when you realise you can dislike something popular without the need to run to an Internet forum and have a sook about it.

Soulsdrone mad as fuck lol

>>muh boss fights
been playing monster hunter for nearly a decade. finally gave dark souls a try. fucking easy as fuck. seeing enemy healthbar just feels like cheating.

Why do you talk like that? Why do you obnoxiously space out your sentences? Talk like a normal human being, you fucking imbecile.

Adulthood is when you stop shitposting about things you don't like.

desu this is pretty accurate.

You forgot
>muh fanbase

Literally ruined the experience. A bunch of faggot tryharder PvPers and youtube memers ruined online forever.

>tfw I got stuck in a "owned compilation" despite me beating the guy 6-1
Fuck youtube.

>just because a game is difficult
If you're new to vidya games lul

I like the souls games
Even 2 although it's objectively shit

>the boss fights are just hard to make the game feel hard, not to actually present a challenge
>inb4 darksoulsfags get butthurt

lol lets play spot the fucking retard

We're typing dipshit

nice reddit spacing

soulscucks ITT triggered

play some better games isntead of muh dark shits

soulcucks have to comment on every other video that is even slightly related to dark souls

"oh a video about a rapier, let's post le funny rapier memes r1 lelele dark souls guys"

and then you have people like this faggot

who just acts like a dick to people for no reason, because of le funny dark souls invasion memes XD
dark souls is reddit personified

back to r*ddit, darkshits fag
stop projecting, buddy

you salty darksouls fag? dark souls fags don't have any counter arguments.

Where are the arguments? If you want people to take you seriously, make an argument other than "muh" or "it's just shit."

Is this a troll post? I find it hard believing someone can be this dumb. Everything you've posted is a subjective opinion or outright wrong

>the only place with a good atmosphere is the darkroot area.

Ash Lake, New Londo and Anor Londo shit all over it.

>ash lake

just a beach, some water and trees into the air. the music is cool i'll admit, but it's not atmospheric.

>new londo

just a bunch of underwater ruins

>anor londo

just a really sunny city, plain and boring.
darkroot garden and basin are the only atmospheric areas in the game

can you darksoulsfags present some arguments next time? cheers

What's more autistic, playing with the same four characters until NG9000+ and having all armors maxed out, or making a new character for each run or two?

So this is the new dank meme eh?

Do you guys ever get tired of this?

He seem happy in that photo

OP is such an enormous faggot.
Kill yourself, retard.

>pressing enter button three times
what the fuck

not an argument, soulcucks

I don't care about Dark Souls. Who is the girl getting plowed?

>and then you have people like this faggot
>who just acts like a dick to people for no reason

M-masaka! It's his strongest projection yet!

Aoi Shirosaki my man.


You don't actually care and you're doing this to kill time, why would anyone assume you would partake in a good faith discussion


nice Sup Forums meme
go back

One of the worst nu/pol/shit memes.
That's symbol was already taken by the Freemasons.



kek @ the assblasted soulsdrones

why don't you make a thread about a game you enjoy instead, then?

Good thread.

This desu


loving it when some fag makes posts just to vent, also
just admit you're a shitter

childhood is shitposting like op
adulthood is when you realise that you're shitposting and no one gives a flying shit

Nice blog.


I guess that means mattpat was right

>Lore isn't good or bad, I just love how it's vague and not force-fed to you
>Had fun with the controls, options for fast-paced offensive or slow-paced defensive
>Only place atmosphere went to shit for me was the whole copy paste shit late game.
>Refreshing to have a game follow older difficulty rather the present.
>Boss fights were dynamic and intense. They actually move around and breathe life into a fight.

I know "I had fun" probably isn't an argument, but then again what is the argument and on here none of it matters so, I had fun.

I genuinely had so much fun with this game and it gave so much that modern gaming has stripped away. At the end it's how much you enjoy something that really matters, life is subjective.

>the combat is clunky and doesn't feel good at all

I've been saying that since Dark Souls.

If you strip souls from combat you are there with literally nothing, at least witched 3 which has identical combat to souls games has story, dialogues, big world to discover.

Hahahahha souls babies BTFO

A for effort.


just a forest, some water, and a cliff

See, I can do it too, faggot.

because OP is a salty that he can't get a gf

See what? You typed the words. In no way have you made anything that can be compared to Darkroot in your post. Did you think that was an actual argument?

childhood: playing videogames

adulthood: sorting yourself out and cleaning your room

Why did you even bother making this thread if your criticisms are all a sentence long? You didn't even explain most of your criticisms, it's literally just "I think it sucks"
Please put more effort into your threads user, I want you to become a more informed poster

Did you even play the game you fucking mongoloid? Those things are in darkroot forest/basin. I outlined the basic attributes of the level I don't like, therefore implying it's not "atmospheric" because there's nothing more to it than what I listed.


Miyazaki wasn't the best in english and left some bits from the story on purpose, to recapture the experience he had with english books.
The combat is clunky, but satisfying. It also got better as the series went on.
You can't deny that. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne at least oozes atmosphere. There's just no denying that.
They aren't difficult. It's just timing and memorization.
The boss fights are also not hard. Some are good, some are great, some are garbage.

I agree that the fanbase is pure trash at this point, but the games are all good.

childhood is liking anime

adulthood is realized you wasted your youth and there's nothing you can ever do to get it back, and now you're stuck living with the fact that you never had a highschool sweetheart who you took to prom or have never felt the warmth of a girl in your arms

the correct opinion

transcendence is realizing what the best Souls game truly is


eh, its overrated for sure, but its still like a 5 or 6/10, its not terrible yet, just unfinished

Nice way of not addressing my destruction of what wasn't even an argument from you.......

I was already an adult when Dark Souls came so I can only verify the second part.