What does Sup Forums look like?

What does Sup Forums look like?

An average-looking slightly awkward white male college or high school student.

A slightly overweight white guy in his late 20s with good hair.


most people on Sup Forums aren’t white these days, nigga. those days are long gone

a beautiful character from overwatch

I'm average
Not skinny, not fat, not skinny-fat, not ripped, not toned
Just so average I'm nothing special, not ugly enough to ridicule but not handsome enough to adore
But that's fine

If you say so, Jamal.
>good hair
How did you know?



>This is someone's son

Nothing wrong with that as long as he's cute


>dad walks in
>"Son, I just wanted to let you know that despite your faults, I still lo-"
>son with a wig in a weird color is wearing embarrassing anime clothes and taking pictures of his micropenis on Sup Forums while masturbating sorry i meant "feminine penis"
>dad starts crying because his son is an absolute blasphemy against his entire family and lineage and there's no hope for his only son to continue the family because he's and absolute faggot

He wears this shirt too much. For a trap he has awful fashion sense

Lack of face implies otherwise.

You forgot the part where he violently pulls down his son's pants and shows his son what a real dicking is like

Like Ricky without a mustache.

that's how Sup Forums is, right?

>Implying blacks have the intelligence to use any device more complicated than a smart phone

Eh I'd still fuck something if it had an ugly face and decent body. The face can be fixed with a paper bag or just closing your eyes and imagining a nice 2D girl.


He knows about this picture and thinks its hilarious. Also he has a girlfriend.

Aposematism was a new term coined by Edward Bagnall Poulton for Alfred Russel Wallace's concept of warning coloration.



>Also he has a girlfriend.
and she's probably around 200 pounds at the least