Does anyone feel like Nintendo is blowing there loads for this year

In 2018 switch won't be getting

Monster hunter world


God of war

Kingdom hearts 3

Dbz fighters

Red dead redemption

I feel like buying a switch in 2018 is asking for buyers. Remorse. What games could they release to salvage the load busting 2017

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SHould I get a PS4?

Nintendo here. Thanks for the concern, but our release schedule for 2018 is packed. Please wait until the next Nintendo Direct.

Thank you!

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People buy a Nintendo to play Nintendo games.


sick multiplats and games that aren't out

but yes

>I feel like buying a switch in 2018 is asking for buyers. Remorse
That's what you get for buying ANY console in it's launch year
Just wait for 2018 until the console starts getting a bigger library of games

What kind of idiot would buy a console before it gets games?

>screencapping your own post
Consider suicide.

FighterZ will be on Switch if demand is high enough.

You know, the games they released in 2017 don't stop existing just because the year changes.

Most platforms would kill for the Switch's Year 1 library

My friend bought a switch for zelda, now he cant afford cash or ff 12 despite wanting to play them and im just lookin at him like, u know we just had the wii u, why didn't you wait bro? and all hes doing is playing old games he already got 4 his ps4 now like an idiot

Vegeta VA pitched for it to be on Switch

FighterZ will be on Switch if enough people buy Xenoshit 2

In other words, FighterZ will not be on Switch.

That's not what it was

>Kingdom hearts 3
>Dbz fighters
They will come later because they do not want Nintendo to sell consoles with these games

>Monster hunter world
you get teh casual shit, once it flop we get the real Mon Hun

boy, I cant wait to play Batman mod with extra QTE

>God of war
Literally milked to dead

>Kingdom hearts 3
this will not be out by 2018, dont kid yourself

>Dbz fighters
depends on Xenoverse

>Red dead redemption
BotW is better

>Western spinoff of an otherwise good IP
>Literal cinematic experience that is a QTE simulator
>It's KH
>We might be getting this at some point, it's whatever though
>You can have this one, rehash

Nintendo is going to have a great 2018, we don't need this kind of 3rd party support

Pokemon is dated for 2018 at this time.

Also, we still don't know about Retro's secret project they have been working on and hiring people for.

Metroid, Pokemon, and Fire Emblem are all happening in 2018. 2017 was the year for Nintendo's primary franchises, but they obviously have the secondaries in the hole for next year.

F-Zero pls

Oh fuck, you're probably right. This will be like when EA released shovelware on Wii U and decided Wii U was a failure merely because no one was dumb enough to buy a inferior version of football game #89.

Oh come on user you don't have to do this.

There's no need to bash the other guys, better talk about what's for the switch next year.

Not him, but we can't even do that with how tight lipped they are.

I AM right, because that's actually what they said.

>Does anyone feel like Nintendo is blowing there loads for this year
it might look like that when they're the only company that announced things that are actually coming out this year

>We're going to actually have to buy the obvious garbo sequel en masse to get the good shit.

>blowing there loads
So wait a minute, let me get this straight. OP is (with awful grammar) bitching Nintendo has put out too much shit already, but also bitching that there isn't enough?

Nah, mate, you're just used to companies announcing multi-million-dollar projects years (or even decades, in Square-Enix's case) before they actually come out the gate. Nintendo doesn't do that, at least not quite as often.

>Nintendie in this much denial
enjoy your half assed non localized port

Obviously, Nintendo has something really good up their sleeves for 2018.

Prepare for Super Mario Odyssey 2, which will make the first one look like shovelware.

Honestly it's going to be hard for them to top BotW and Odyssey. It's their two biggest series and they are blowing them right off the bat. Switch owners might have more games to look forward to, but nothing like those two are/will be

>Monster hunter world
Didn't like the originals. Plus casual garbage.
Could be cool.
>God of war
Don't like it.
>Kingdom hearts 3
Played the first but to be honest I don't really care
>Dbz fighters
Good point...
>Red dead redemption
PC port when?

Cant be cool. Even more so since the older Spiderman games had actual gameplay.

They've likely got Pikmin 4 well into development, and they could turn out an Animal Crossing title in less than a year to sell like hotcakes. Because that's what mainline AC fucking does.

Play station and x box will always have 3rd party. Nintendo really really puts emphasis on there first party to there fault because of shitty power.

So past super Mario oddsey and Zelda it's gonna be hard to come even close

I think the first year lineup is pretty good, but nothing will ever beat the PS2 when it comes to first year lineups.

yes user, the main casualized line, just like Resident evil went to shit and Revelations became the real Survival Horror games.

enjoy your western approved shit show :D

>Battleborn strategically placed in there
Nice try, Randy

the switch is good as fuck tbqh and even if it ends up being the nintendo/indie box, i'm perfectly down. shit, i'll even buy ports on this thing. if the rumored dark souls ports end up being a thing, i'll buy them day one because the portability is super nice. the local multiplayer focus is dope too.

i'm probably biased because i work security and using this thing means i can play actual console games without lugging my ps4 and tv around, but so far the switch has been dope. i mean, just a minute ago i was playing zelda on my tv and then took it with me to take a dump. that's gotta count for something.

i'd be surprised if they don't have a mario party or wario ware game coming, too. it seems like a perfect fit for this thing.

>next direct
>bunch of eshop games for the 3DS
>keep shilling the new new 2DS XL
>virtual console finally, but its the same old shit

get both

got to blow their load early

consoles are all about momentum

see ps2 and ps4. nobody was able to stop sony

Mario Party would be great for Switch. Simple controls suited to the Joy-Con, easy multiplayer promo.

Too bad the series' gameplay has become a shell of its former self.

>the switch is good as fuck tbqh and even if it

Stage 3: Bargaining

SMTV and Fire Emblem were confirmed for 2018 you baiting mongoloid.

i was really surprised by how not-shit the arms joy-con controls were, actually. was playing roughly as well as i do any other way. hopefully mario party switch will be a return to form.

>using this thing means i can play actual console games
>play actual console games

Like fucking what? Nintendo has dick all for actual console games. Just Nintendo first party shit

>How do we make monster hunter more appealing to a casual western audience and tie it into our shitty shitty sony pictures movie coming out?
>Show me the actual free-roam web slinging
>QTE of War, now with more Naughtydog-ism
>Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out any year now ;^)
>Guilty Gear with DBZ skins
>Slow, less fun GTA
I feel like I'm perpetually on the threathhold of buying a PS4 but every time it has a game I think I'd enjoy a friend buys it and it turns out it is terrible.
I'd buy one for the FF7 Episode one bullshit but I'm afraid they'll strip away any real exploration and turn Tifa into a pettanko.

All they need to do is make a redux of Mario Party 1-3. Include all the boards and minigames, but facelift it. It'd be perfect, which is exactly why it won't happen.

that's precisely why they're blowing their load. They're hoping it will occupy you until they can reload.

At least do a shitpost that makes sense, c'mon.

>multiplats you can get on PC, ports that will come later, and shitty cinematic games

I litteraly listed games that a console sellers and you just named me 2 niche franchises. I could do that too man

I'm talking games that sell systems

The PlayStation 5th year is absolute golden and they haven't had PSX yet.

Switch needs big games every year if they don't have the main games from 3rd party

>metroid prime 4

Kind of confused about why God of War is on that list. Kratos is a Sony character.

It would be like saying the Playstation 4 blew their load by not including Zelda for its launch.

None of those games are console sellers, are you joking? God of War and Spiderman will not "sell consoles" no matter how much "mass appeal" they supposedly have and the other half of your list are fucking multiplats.