>Here’s a look at Akiharabara Yodobashi this weekend. More than 3,000 people lined up in hopes of securing their own Switch system. The problem? Just 250 units were available.
Switch lottery lines
Is this more artificial shortage shit or is it really that popular?
>One person on Twitter said his number was around 2,600 when he was there at 8:27 AM. He speculates that the general number would be more than 5,000 and it might reach 10,000.
It's crazy how much they fucked up supplies.
Over here in Europe they seem to be everywhere.
>More than 3,000 people lined up in hopes of securing their own Switch system.
Not surprising considering Splatoon 2 launches on Friday.
Japs just love standing in line.
Seriously, if you go there you'll realize that waiting for things is their national pastime.
It uses some parts that Apple also uses for their shit, and Apple has priority.
>artificial shortage shit
the hottest meme among Denials
they can not take stock from suppliers already user
It's dumb brand preference for NAND flash.
They want Samsung, but Apple uses most of the Samsung stock.
They should switch to Toshiba or Hynix.
Toshiba has 250,000 units in stock, Hynix has even more (Hynix is sketchy though, but for a game console, it should be fine.)
Japs fucking love their lottery system, even getting a concert tickets requires going through a fucking lottery
The craziness wasn’t just one store by the way. Here’s a look at Yodobashi in Osaka:
>but for a game console, it should be fine
They don't allow exporting saves off of the system NAND. There's no cloud backup, no copying to an SD card, nada. This shit needs to work or people will bitch really hard about their pokemans being irrecoverably deleted due to shitty flash memory
I think the Brits have them beat on that only difference is British people don't love standing in line
its the way to "make fair", at least means people wont kill each other when its a 1st come 1st serve basis like Black Friday
>There's no cloud backup, no copying to an SD card, nada.
you can thank you based hacker and poor fag for shit cause this the 2nd easiest exploding after web browser,
and if the shit is about pokemon, enjoy you 3$ a year for pokemon bank
>NES classic
Sounds like you're the one in denial
Ultra popular
not wanting to over stock teh market and have huge looses like Disney Infinity
>>NES classic
was intended since day 1 to be a season thing alone, Yuo dont see people crying to Starbuck about the Unicorn Frappucino, dont ya?
yes kid, artificial shortage is just a meme by denials to undermine the popularity of something
so getting japanese games on switch is now a given? I mean you can´t actually tell me that jap devs won´t support this console.
depends, japan alone Sony still has the edge and likely some contracts in place
when it comes to animu games too Sony also have the advantage of having its dick in the industry thru Aniplex
>Ultra popular
Not for that fucking long. Sony never did that shit with the PS2
>not wanting to over stock teh market and have huge looses like Disney Infinity
Bullshit. I worked at Toys R US and saw that they were more than happy to overstock the market with normie tier amiibos that nobody wanted.
>was intended since day 1 to be a season thing alone, Yuo dont see people crying to Starbuck about the Unicorn Frappucino, dont ya?
You really believe everything you're told, don't you? There is absolutely no fucking reason for it to be meant as a one time thing, and even if it were, any semi-competent company would've upped production to meet demand. Instead they discontinue it as way to create a fever for the SNES classic because now everyone's scared they'll pull the same shit again
Nintendo is either doing it on purpose or are run by the stupidest people on the planet. Based n their profits, I'm going with the former.
I don't know. Princes don't seem to align with how difficult it's supposedly to get your hands on a Switch in Japan.
Currently you can get a Switch for 50,800 JPY (450 USD) at Amazon Japan.
That appears cheap considering the images.
So wait, Nintendo is doing this presumably because of the 3DS having scene?
Look up nand shortages retard.
What does that have to do with any of the points I already made there? Nintendo has an established pattern of this scummy behavior. Why should I believe anything they say now?
>Not for that fucking long
Wii sales only declined on the last stretch fagget
>Nintendo can't fix supply before Splatoon 2 drops
Ded console.
You'd have to be a retard to be fine with paying 50% more just because you are an impatient child
>there are retards waiting days in lines instead of shopping around the world using TEH INTERWEBS in this day and age
Don't reply with retarded bullshit like 'it's sold out everywhere else too'.
No it isn't.
Just checked 2 gaming webshops that also happen to have a brick and mortar stores in my city, both have grey and neon versions available, one of the stores listing 10+ neons and 5+ greys.
Yeah but they have contracts for now, I don´t think japanese devs wants to not support something that is easy to port over and have much much much more installbase.
>Having an scene
is good if only modding were part of it but we both know the mean aim is piracy no home brew, and cause Nintendo hardware is the hot shit among hackers wanting E-celeb points or patreon (see CEMU) while system that are objectively easier to crack open (PXone poor man PC edition has 0 interest)
so yes, cause there is "an scene"
>Nintendo has an established pattern of this scummy behavior
they have a patter of selling ultra popular shit
you have a patter of autism claiming they some how cut their own sales for no reason cause they dont shuffle up their prices you imbecile
This is an Asian thing,
The logic is if there's a line, it must be good.
I have experience with that situation man. Actually go to the store and you'll find it sold out.
>Why should I believe anything every phone manufacturer on the planet other than Apple is saying
Osaka is the best Japanese city. It's just so damn comfy. Also immaccuately clean at all times.
>Dragon Quest at the end of the month
>Splatoon this week
>Switch in general
People are gonna get stabbed for video games in Japan before the end of the month.
I'm talking about Nintendo's inability to meet demand. There was no excuse for them not to realize how big the Wii was getting and upping production to match them demand
>you have a patter of autism claiming they some how cut their own sales for no reason cause they don't shuffle up their prices you imbecile
It hurts their sales in the short term, but helps their sales in the long term. When people see the frenzies for shit like the Wii and Switch it compels people to buy them on impulse because it's the next big thing and they have no clue when they'll have another chance to get one. It also encourages scalpers to buy their shit in bulk
>There was no excuse for them not to realize how big the Wii was getting
>coming after the N64
look at this fucking clown
>doesn't know about golden week chink turists
Considering how the Wii U was overstocked for monthsd, they probably produced a reasonable amount and demand was just above and beyond what they expected.
>fat neckbeard thinks he knows better than one of the most successful companies in the entire world
Wow, to think I got a switch by lazily buying one off Amazon when a friend told me some went up on a prime only deal.
>the mean aim is piracy no home brew
Well, back during the DS' days a modded DS was a great device to have around.
But then came the smartphones and they did everything a modded handheld console did better. Moonshell was fucking awesome, but the DS' CPU was too weak.
So naturally the main aim for hacking on the 3DS would be piracy and not homebrew. It still feels great to run your self-written code on a device that wasn't intended to run your code.
I went to 3 different stores roughly a week ago (2 of the B&M stores I mentioned and one electronics store not focusing on video games and consoles), they all had Switches on the shelves I could take with me that moment (which I'm going to do probably when Xenoblade 2 hits).
From my earlier experience the webshops also don't lie about the stock even if they sometimes mess up the release dates.
Probably helps this is EU, not Japan or US but as I said, lot of shops ships anywhere and even shops that only ship locally can be used with reshipping services.
Can the NA system be switched to Japanese?
We've got a fuckton up here in A Fucking Leaf.
I'll gladly sell to a Japanese guy I know if he could sell that shit over in Moonland.
>Nintendo doesn't realize that games sell consoles and were stunned to see that launching with a game like Breath of the Wild helps sell a system rather than shit like NSMB
What are you talking about? I'm explaining to you the sales tactics that make them successful. I don't think they're stupid for doing what works. It just sucks to deal with it as a consumer The stupid ones are those like you who can't see through marketing gimmicks.
I bet they wish they had a Switch, so they would have something to pass the time...
>600 Canadian Dollar equals 472.80 US Dollar
Yeah no wonder you have a fuck ton
>I'm explaining to you the sales tactics that make them successful.
The Switch is region-free, but I guess you will run into trouble with the power plugs.
>Successful companies never use marketing tricks to help push their products. Especially not my beloved Nintendo
user, NSMB sells more than Zelda.
>he thinks I'm a Nintendo fan
>not selling stock is a marketing trick
>not selling stock for 4 months is a marketing trick
It sells more copies, not consoles. Zelda is a system seller. NSMB is not
Then I don't see what reasons you would have to deny Nintendo's track record of deliberately choking supply to increase demand.
>Selling out every shipment you make isn't what companies want to do
They're going to sell gangbusters during the holidays
>deliberately choking supply to increase demand
We already know the reason is because of Apple, retard
This argument is so retarded. You are basically just saying "Just overpay if you want it so bad"
A switch isn't worth 450 usd and fuck scalpers
Apple had nothing to do with the NES classic
"Look at how successful we are, we sold every one of the 200 pieces of product we made! Good thing we didn't produce 20.000, we might have run out of customers after the first 19.000 sold!"
NES classic was intented to be a time run thing you stupid inbreed
if you are mad about it go bitch to Starbucks or Coke or any other company ever that makes a limited run of anything you sack of shit
>hurr durr, the NES classic is artificial shortage
>They literally stopped making them
>poverty version of DQ
>be first in line, wait for hours
>dont get the console
>some lazy cunt turns up 3127th
>gets one and is gone in 30 minutes
who thought this shit was a god idea?
You know what though?
Wouldn't it be a lot more fair if some pre-orders operated this way?
It not being who pre-ordered with 5 minutes of receiving an email that pre-orders opened, but whoever applied for a pre-order?
Would've saved a fuckload of grief with the SNES Classic.
That's the definition of artificial shortage
>We know the NES is still in high demand but we're ending production just in time for us to release another pulg and play system. You better line up at your local Toy R US at 4 am on launch day if you want one before we cut you off like we did with the NES
You don't know what installbase means user.
To make it "fair" by not rewarding the NEETs who camp outside the store for a week.
Don't be a faggot. Switch DQ hasn't even gotten details or a release date. He was just saying videogame releases in general for Japan but you have to go and start with some consolewar faggotry shitposting.
Nice short sightedness. Then what will they do the third time if the second time they don't do shortages? Because if they do shortages, they won't get the profit they could have done by doing the same thing they did before, and if they don't do shortages, then nobody will believe them the third time.
Companies don't think only about tomorrow.
And if i may ask good sir, do you live in fucking Japan?
>who thought this shit was a god idea?
so people wont trample each other like mukins do on black friday
Americans company dont care who buys it as long as someone does, that why they dont have stock control to hinder scalpers
You're arguing for taking a risk but Nintendo never takes financial risks and only acts to ensure that they're guaranteed a profit of some kind. It's why for years they would never sell hardware at a loss unlike playstation and xbox.
>That's the definition of artificial shortage
its not you stupid cunt
AS is only used when the artificial demand it creates allows em to increase the price of the goods, see Diamonds
Shortcutting your own sales without increasing the price per unit is just loosing money you inbreed baboon
Creating artificial scarcity only works if you plan to jack up the price of the console. If Nintendo wanted to manufacture demand, they would've significantly raised the retail price of the Switch, but they didn't. Second, reports and even images came out stating that Nintendo had to resort to an expensive and risky air freight method of shipping, just to get more Switches out in time for Mario Kart. Now if Nintendo was artificially creating demand, why would they use such a costly method of shipping to get more to stores in time for their next big release? If they were holding back units, wouldn't it make more sense to just release them conventionally? Surely all Nintendo had to do to meet this demand they're supposedly faking would be to just release those Switches they're keeping hostage right? Another reason this theory makes no sense is because of other reports of industry wide NAND shortages, and other parts commonly used in things like smartphones. Because the Switch is made with off-the-shelf mobile parts, Nintendo has to fight with other companies, including most prominently Apple, to get those parts in order to meet the incredibly high demand.
>AS is only used when the artificial demand it creates allows em to increase the price of the goods, see Diamonds
They sold every single NES Classic they made. That was the goal, and now they're ensuring the SNES classic will sell out too by showing their willingness to end production without rhyme or reason.
The thing is not region locked. Why not pay for extra shipping to get one from Europe or some shit? Why stand in line week after week for a slim CHANCE of getting one? Is this just something they like to do rather than actually wanting one?
I can't even imagine when Pokemon gets released.
Because that's scalper prices.
cause most online retailers that do sell overseas are out of stock or are just resellers from scalpers
many of the "I see stock in my X or Y store" some user claims likely only deliver locally no world wide
>walk into best buy on launch day
>get Switch and Breath of the Wild
All of you fuckers laughed at me for living in a flyover state, but now I'm laughing at all of you faggots who can't find a fucking switch
Payin 100-200 more for something rather than literally wasting time in line every week seems a good trade off.
they're stocked in my third world shithole. should I buy one and scalp or is this craziness gookland exclusive
You appear like the type of guy who'd pay to get his data decrypted after getting hit by an encryption trojan.
Thanks for making it a worthwhile investment to do that kind of shit.
Without you, scalping wouldn't be a thing.
It's USB-C power cord.
All you'd have to say on the page is "It will not come with a working power cord, you need to buy your own."
Never bought a second hand item, ever. But I sure as hell wouldn't be one of the 3k+ people lining up week after week either. Buying from a scalper and standing in line week after week are both stupid options but one is CLEARLY the shittier one.
Not happening. Sony pays 3rd parties to not put games on Nintendo also most 3rd parties hate Nintendo and would rather support a dead system like Vita instead of a Nintendo console. Look at the Ys games.
dumb gooks I got mine at walmart on launch day and I didn't even pre-order it. It's even the nice red and blue one too!
>mfw no inclination to own a brick you can take on the shuttle
>many of the "I see stock in my X or Y store" some user claims likely only deliver locally no world wide
That's what reshipping services are for. Companies like Skybox have US and EU covered so if you find some shit you want, you pay some extra shipping and handling but overall much less than what a scalper would ask.
My only worry would be warranty.
>walking through Dotonbori after playing Yakuza
>fucking retards knew Splatoon 2 was coming
>buy a Switch a week before it comes out
They deserve it. I wonder why they don't import though
They've been doing this for the past few months. They didn't start just now.
because there's fuckign none anywhere.
No, a random shop in fuckign turkey is not a good example of worldwide stock
Is it really doing that well with the Japs? Damn
>It uses some parts that Apple also uses for their shit, and Apple has priority.
I thought they used nvidia shield shit?
but i can buy a switch right now if i want to.
why is it so hard to get one in japan