It was lackluster. Sort of like what final fantasy 13 or 15 was to their respective series. I collected all 900 seeds and ran 120 shrines. The world itself was bland as hell, vanilla world of Warcraft had a better designed and more unique world than botw. The game felt like an extended tech demo for a much better game coming down the line. It was hampered with little to no variety, tedium, and excessive repetition. Things like enemy scaling didn't help either and this isn't even figuring in the controversial weapon system. Those 10 out of 10 reviews were full of shit
I think I'm good enough to judge botw
Jace Hughes
Justin Murphy
Benjamin Robinson
So you have shit taste. Good to know
Julian Richardson
wtf are those game boy cases
Benjamin Lopez
Repurposed do and 3ds cases. The 3ds ones are big enough to properly hold original game boy games. The ds ones hold gba games.
Easton Jones
If you got all 900 korok seeds you probably used a guide, which means you probably did it wrong.
Noah Phillips
Wow what a weak excuse. Do you realize that the original Zelda came with a map itself? Using maps is a series staple.
Kayden Long
No original Link's Awakening. user thinks we care about his ignorant opinion.
Where is a Link to the past?
Kayden Williams
but why can't other people judge the game for themselves dumbo?
Brayden Cook
Link to the past is under the ce of OOT in the black snes box and i have the gba version too