>Tekken 7 looks gorgeous, with realistic art style
>Arika's new game looks great with stylized art style
>Guilty Gear Xrd looks great with cell shaded art style
>Street Fighter V looks like some claymation project with awful models
What went wrong?
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It would be pretty funny if Arika's game would kill SFV. Totally agree with OP, though not sure about Guilty Gear.
Looking at the characters, I think it's the shaders and the lighting. The game is too bright, with bloom, and the shaders on the characters give them a plastic look. SFIV looked better because it had better lighting, and the characters looked less plastic.
Some re-designs and models are bad too. Akuma is some neckbeard lion for some reason?
Ryu has a great bearded shirtless costume that should have been his default.
Crapcom are hacks.
>mfw its actually the best looking game this gen
especially the animations. those are some of the best in the genre.
At least it's not the bland textureless we were around before GG babies first try 3D that is KOF
the incredible power of waifus
>American Coffee
what is this?
I like the art style, lighting, and models in KoF 14 more.
>Arika's new game looks great with stylized art style
It looks same as SV5. What are you smoking
>Tekken 7 looks gorgeous, with realistic art style
>Animations are still straight out of Tekken 2 from 20 years ago, adds lots of particle effects to hide it
>Arika's new game looks great with stylized art style
>See Tekken, include super high launchers so the camera zooms out and you can't see the shit for a while
>Guilty Gear Xrd looks great with cell shaded art style
>Forced 4 frame per second animations to make it look deliberately shitty like a 20 year old game
>Street Fighter V looks like some claymation project with awful models
>Feels and looks great in motion, actually feels like a huge upgrade
Nobody gives a fuck if a game looks good in a still image except faggots who don't actually play them. SFV looks best when you're actually playing it.
KoF14 characters legitimately look much better when they get ported into the SFV lighting and shading
I've seen Patreon 3D porn games with better lighting and shading than KOF. And I like KOF as a fighter, 2015 EVO was Hype as shit. The new KOF looks like shit. SNK wanted it to look like GG, but more realistic and it just doesn't work.
Nah Tekken animation definitely used to look more awkward. Now it looks great in motion.
Even if SFV is well animated it still doesn't change the fact that it looks like claymation. Which is fucked up. What made them think that going for that aesthetic would be a good idea?
>What made them think that going for that aesthetic would be a good idea?
Because it looks great. There's more character in Zangief than in the whole Tekken cast put together.
Everybody is extremely expressive. I love it.
The only fighting game that looks worse this gen is KI and that's a game made on a fucking shoestring budget running on a last gen engine that was cobbled together in 3 months. How fucking incompetent are Crapcom?
Hello, shill.
nice cherrypicked image r/kappa. bet it will get you many upvotes
Ken was ugly in SF4, and he's worse now. His hair and costume are terrible.
>loving shit game just to spite leddit
Nice meme.
everybody loves the maingame of the FGC.
>cell shaded
Arika's game looks very similar to V in style, like when you see that close up of Darun it has kind of a claymation/plastic look to it, but obviously rendered way, way better. I wonder how they did it so well on such a tight budget and Capcom is pouring money into SFV and can't do the same kind of effect as well.
It looks fine and you have shit taste.
What the fuck is r/kappa? Seriously. Someone tell me. I've only heard of it in like the last two weeks, everyone keeps bringing it up whenever someone talks shit about SFV or MvCI. Is it some forum?
Because Capcom hasn't made a good game in at least 10 years.
Probably the last game to get any effort into it was Dead Rising or Zack & Wiki.
They keep trying to reboot Resident Evil, with the last one being a complete walking corridor movie game.
They keep ruining the visuals of their fighting games by going 3D. Yes, even Marvel 3 was trash.
Every other IP is dead. Milked Megaman series to death so we are left with subpar compilations. Hell, even Nintendo managed to model and animate Megaman better than Capcom with Smash.
SF4 and Marvel 3 were great. Marvel has a nice style. Nu-Marvel and Nu-SF are weird and ugly looking.
Folgers, motherfucker. No bourgeoisie French cafe shit.
Those are some of the worst skin textures I've ever seen in my life. Not to mention that harsh lighting makes them all look jaundiced.
SF4 and Marvel 3 are both ugly with poor color choice, stiff animations, ugly as fuck character models, and no energy behind the atmosphere.
Street Fighter is just emulating their exaggerated style they used for SF2 and 3
it doesn't always look good, but a lot of the time it fits
Maybe they should have tried emulated Alpha's style since SFV is full of references to it
MvCi is going to tank so hard Capcom is already making plans to re-release MvC2 in HD for consoles/steam
screencap this post
SF2 didn't really have an exaggerated style tho
in all fairness, SF4 was a pretty early 7th gen game
GG is literally the only good looking 3d fighter that's out now. SF/Tekken look like shit next to it.
>SF2 didn't really have an exaggerated style tho
it most certainly did
the whole team is exaggerated stereotypes
>those heights
More like manlet fighter v
>the whole team is exaggerated stereotypes
The art style has all realistic proportions. They were going for realism, as much as they could with CPS1.
It could be worse. It could be MVCI.
>cucks trying to commentate on clearly best game of genre
>little cucks trying to make passive aggressive criticisms because theyve been indoctrinated by sociopaths who know nothing but passive aggressiveness
That's considered tall in Japan
I was talking more they weren't all sasquatches with size 20 feet
I mean just fucking look at Abigail if you want to talk exaggerated
I'm not seeing it
sf5 might be a shit game, but the visuals are really good
woah, dude, you don't need to treat every discussion on the internet like a real debate
but art style wise they still could want to emulate Street Fighter II HD's art style
>what went wrong
I never played it, I don't know if it's shit or not, but from a distance (normal fighting camera angle) the characters look fine, it's just when they zoom in really close that it falls apart and they look really low quality.
$0.10 have been deposited into your account.
Some characters faces don't look great, but overall the game looks pretty nice. You didn't pick a good point to shitpost about it.
>Street Fighter V looks like some claymation project with awful models
They were modelled by west designers. Awful 3d sculpter artists exactly. Sculpter models are never gonna be good optimized for animation or game. Still those awful artists get those commissioned for that area and they are becoming more because how easy to use those sculpt programs are.
HD remix was a terrible game with a terrible mutilated artstyle
hard to say because technical limitations
only way to really be sure what they wanted is by looking at the official art
Guile, yes. Akuma, not really.
that wasn't the argument
>background looks sharper than the character you're supposed to be focusing on
That's another thing. SF2 HD or whatever on switch with the terrible as fuck HD art that KILLS the look of the sprites. Further proof that Capcom really has no direction.
Capcbros really are clueless
Just let them die with their dying company.
Could you go more in depth about these sculpt programs and artists?
Is it just programs that are babby easy mode to use and people get money off it?
well guess what, fighting games are supposed to look good during gameplay, no one gives a shit about static closeups
and sf5 actually handles it reallly well
Some subreddit of cancerous faggots that are pretty much the epitome of pic related. They hate Capcom and Smash although those aren't the worst opinions to have nowadays, it's just that they are bandwagoners instead of knowing why to hate things.
everyone among fighting community hates nu-capcom and smash, you don't have to be some reddit imbecil for it