What makes Etrian Odyssey games so fucking comfy?

What makes Etrian Odyssey games so fucking comfy?

Other urls found in this thread:


>slow paced mapmaking rather than blitzing it (for most players)
>pretty, relaxing environments for most strata (plus stuff like Claret Hollows or HoD)
>personal party
>music composed by one of the best composers in vidya that perfectly fits the areas
>sense of exploration and accomplishment
>good length
>day/night cycle
>top notch normal monster and FOE designs
>himukai's art style for characters
>just enough story to give the player motivation yet still allow room for personal input by the players and experience their own adventure
I probably forgot some stuff but it's just a really nice combination of stuff that makes me always enjoy the games.


The fucking music. Man, nothing sets the mood for a quiet nature escape like IV. The art and relatively minimal setting add into it but not nearly as much. The only exception is III, which has fairly gritty environments but makes up for it with comfy sailing.

Even EXP bars.

Man, Yuzo Koshiro is a fucking master of making music to fit areas.


>tfw digital copy that saves and loads within a single second so I barely hear any of this

It was the same on the physical copy too. At least the one second is comfy



I haven't play these games yet but the music

What are you waiting for

The 3ds emulator.

nothing I guess, I'll start right now

Painting under doors

Start with IV. Can't go wrong.

I was thinking of Untold 2 but okay

Ah. I love the OST/SA disc covers.
Really good battle music too, including in the remakes

*block your path*

I always do this shit

When I started I used the closed door icon and went back and corrected 3 maps when I figured I should use the open door


IV then Untold 1&2

Then we all wait for V

Music after EO3 sucks. Yuzo should have just stuck to pc-88 sound


Instrumental is fine, what are you talking about? The Untolds even have extra FM music if you're into chippy stuff instead.

Yeah, it has original versions of the old music, but the FM version of new music is garbage. EOV's FM music is pretty bad and they charged 8k sushi dollars for that shit


>faith isn't his pillar

That just translates really shittily given the original song.
There are plenty of better examples, and the FM new music in EO2U is fucking great.

EO4 has amazing music m8, what the fuck are you talking about?

They were casualized and subsequently ruined. A permeating sensation of safety is all that remains.

Speaking of which, I'm THIS fucking close to buying D5, but having not played since D2 I fear the same fate has befallen that series. Tell me, is D5 a challenge?

No, it's pretty standard.
Also EO is fine, U2 has a good expert mode for classic. Dunno about EOV though, heard it was somewhat easy.

Already played Untold 2, it starts out fun but by the time you hit that spider boss your team is pretty much unstoppable.

Pray to god that you never become like me. I can't even enjoy games that don't kick my ass anymore.

This guy gets it

Do these games come with stories like other types of rpgs or are they pure dungeon crawling or what?

In story mode yeah (you mean Arachne right?), but classic is fine.
I mean I actually enjoyed story mode quite a bit in U2 but classic is where you go if you want the best difficulty for EO on 3DS.
Untold ones have an optional story mode, the others are mostly the latter with some flavour and worldbuilding.

Tlachtga Best Girl

Of course I was playing classic/expert, I even forgot there was a story mode because people said it was easier.

I guess you're an optimizer then? You should have at least some challenge in stratum 2, 3, 4, and 6.
Ah well, try out SaGa I guess then. I mainly play EO for the mapping actually, so I suppose I can't be considered an expert on gauging the difficulty.

I've only played and finished the first game, the original DS version, and now I see there's a remake of both the first and second game.

Which game do I move onto now?

Well if you played the first one only, play them in release order. If you were a new player I'd say 4 but you've beaten 1 already.

Is it True female hexers wear nothing under the cape?

Only this one

Play both the original and remake of EO2?

The remake is better in almost every way (especially because the original has a retarded system for raising the level cap) so you can skip it if you want, but you'll be missing out on the original experience. Savor 3, it is an amazing game.

Does the Sup Forums EO fanbase consider the potatoes to be heresy?
Actually just wanted to ask if it was true that Mediko is default potato race in EOV.

Cheers, I'll move onto 3, and then to the remakes.

You can use her as whatever but she's obviously drawn to be a herbalist like Teach is drawn to be a Fencer, so if you make her a herbalist she'll have potato race stats

Have fun user. Feel free to ask Sup Forums we're usually helpful if you need it.
Ah, ok. Thanks

shoudl i play non story mode or what ever its called on untold 1+2 then 3 and 4 or should i play the originals instead?

Playing EOiv for the first time, killing FOEs and bosses is satisfying as fuck and getting casual filtered here and there makes it even better

Depends what you want from the game.
Do you want to experience the traditional gameplay that most fans have been accustomed to, with a party of your own creation?
Or would you prefer a normal JRPG story with preset characters that follows a similar gameplay path but lacks the touch of classic mode?
Either way, the Untolds are generally better if you want classic, as they have better maps, U2 removes the idiotic level cap restriction method in the original 2, and U1 removes the Immunize glitch.

Etrian Odyssey 4 is a good introduction to the series, it keeps the essence of the games while still being very easy until the postgame.
>Yfw getting poisoned in other RPGs after getting used to Etrian Odyssey poison damage

>oh fuck I'm poisoned
>2% of character's health
Only other game I worried about Poison was fighting this motherfucker.

I think other RPGs set poison damage to something like 10% of your max health.

Etrian Odyssey poison even has screen shake.

EO is the only Atlus series I've played, and I like it a lot. Would their other RPGs be just as appealing?

Play Strange Journey if you want more Atlus dungeon crawling.

I like most of the MegaTen (SMT) titles I've played and would generally recommend them. You'd have to ask around in a Sup Forums SMT thread (e.g. what's your favorite demon) for what's best for newcomers though, I'm no expert. Or ask in one of the numerous Persona threads, they have some SMT fans in there somewhere. Strange Journey would be good if you like EO though, albeit with lazy as fuck mapping. Persona Q is EO with a skin placed over it.
The pic I had in that post of the Green Dragon is actually from a FuRyu game, not an Atlus game. They just localized it. It's called the Legend of Legacy and it's a very niche title, one of my absolute favorites but not a game I bother recommending anymore because I'm pretty alone in liking it aside from the odd user in a 3DS thread.

So, these games are basically dungeon crawlers with a "first person view" and a turn based combat with random maps and so with some story on top?

I'm looking for some good JRPG for my 3DS with an engaging story, or at least something fun, and I can't decide between this and Bravely Default and Persona Q and Ever Oasis and any Fire Emblem game and…

Yeah pretty much, except the dungeons aren't randomised. They're set up sort of like a pen and paper RPG where you map the dungeon as you go and there's events and such, all the story is in 2nd person like a DM narrating to you.
The combat is batshit insane but fair and will totally spoil you forever.

The maps aren't random and the story is almost nonexistant.
Get Bravely Default instead unless you already had the evil fairy twist spoilered.

Probably BD then
Untold 2 has a good story, but most of the games are less focused on story overall than most JRPGs are, and are made so you can make your own party of personal characters.
3DS FE's generally have terrible story (although I liked Echoes, but don't listen to me because it was apparently terrible according to all the replies I've received on it) and PQ's is mediocre aside from the twist.
Ever Oasis has a decent but not super engaging plot.

thanks for the spoilers asshole

Freedom of party customization
Moments of extreme danger [FOEs] by contrast make rest of game feel much less stressful
Mapping is very cathartic; a non-combat risk free activity to do while exploring
The safety of just being able to grind/farm if upcoming section is too hard


>no painting under door and walling and painting shortcuts
No, user. You are the heretics.


It's the sexualised underage girls.

Justify that however you want, but that is the only reason.

Because it can't be the music, environments, having to map out by hand or the brightly coloured monster designs. Gotta be the lolis.

Gotta be the handful of lolis out of 30 plus characters, and sexualized? There's like that one dancer and why would you even give a shit about that?

Well yeah, otherwise you'd be playing a game that does every one of those things better.

But you're not, you're playing the one with little girls in it.

Gotta love how you don't even know what game you're talking about but you had the incessant feeling to shitpost anyway.
Don't worry, I do the same when I'm bored with games I don't even know and care about, parroting random crap I've read and making people mad is fun.

Well smartass, if you're obsessed with little girls so much, why not enlighten us on what you think is superior in modern dungeon crawling games with maps that you purport to be around?

Thanks, anons! It was very helpful. I might check it out later then.

What the fuck is up with all the EO threads recently.
EO2 is still the best one.

That made me sad :(

/tg/ brought her home and gave her some hot chocolate in the thread iirc.

Good /tg/ remains best board


>not using the SHORTCUT icon for shortcuts

Waiting until the n2ds comes out.


Lots of threads but they all go unnoticed and die quickly. There's really nothing to talk about and there's no point in making so many threads, at least it's not like the general that's a glorified image dump and bumping general, EOV is still months away

fuck no, they were legit going to 500

your aspergers probably

EOV has highschool outfits? Jesus fucking Christ...

It's just DLC you mongoloid.

I feel like I'm the only one who likes that protector.