Mega Maker

Mega Maker thread! Post levels, rate levels, insult people, you know the drill.

I'll start: 28139
It's my first, so be gentle.

ok user

Go to Enter ID under misc, don't search.

yeah I figured it out, I'm playing it now.

Id : 9792
Use buster only for challenge mode

Have a bump
Giving this one a try, its good so far.

Very nice! I like your use of the gimmick platforms, and the weapon selection complements the level design well.

Only real issue I noticed was that you can hit the spear enemy that you're using as a pseudo-midboss from the ground with charge shots, which kind of trivializes the fight. That's the only real criticism I have, nice work!

Not mine, but I played this one yesterday.
It's kaizo bullshit and makes severe use of Tspin and Ckick, but it's not impossible and it was very satisfying when I beat it. Props for actually placing weapon refills next to check points so you can retry the challenges all you want, a small detail that I've seen many maps overlook.


26003 is pretty entertaining, I stumbled on it randomly. You get to learn how to perform zip glitches.

I like hard levels, but I think this one is too Kaizo for me. I got up to the health-draining laser room, and I just lost all motivation to go on.

Bump for interest

Heads up!

This one's super easy

are we being raided

That's pretty much the last hard room user, after that, there's a shorter and much easier beam segment and then the boss fight with Spark Man (which is very bullshit too, but fairly tame compared to the rest of the level). If you ever try again, keep in mind that your energy doesn't drain when you're sliding or get hit, I had to get hit twice by the Hammer Joe to get enough time to make it, once at the start and a second time by the wrecking ball shortly after coming off of the slide to his left.

What are you on about?

Isnt this what Megaman Universe was supposed to be?

Rate my level design Sup Forums

Yeah, but with 8-bit graphics instead of that ugly 3D style they had planned.


The alternate paths are nice, and a few rooms have interesting layouts, but you're right, it is a bit easy. Having Cutman himself take massive damage from the megabuster makes the boss fight basically a joke, even with the telly generator. Also, one of the rooms on the lower route has some glitchy water. Not a bad effort overall though!

My level id is 27922. I need some feedback about how to be better. I know is nothing special, I only want you to have fun.

>It's my first

Haven't finished it yet (and might not, because it's lagging real bad), but if you want me to use top spin and charge kick in combination, put them next to each other so I can quickswitch.

hey your level is neato.

you know what would be great, IF we are allowed to edit our own assets into the game, like enemies, sprites, maybe had more control over the tilesets instead of using the same basic ones, or even edit our own background tiles.......

is that too much to ask?

level is laggy as hell on my PC.

>is that too much to ask

Reposting my first level from yesterday while I play everything ITT and make my second one

ID: 25690

At this point you'd be better off grabbing game maker, a public version of the mega engine and just directly make your own stages with it.

Why the fuck does this run so slow

works fine on my computer :^)