Are video games a hobby? Or a means of escapism from depression?

Are video games a hobby? Or a means of escapism from depression?

Both, normies play them one or two hours every once in a while and then get back to something else while the rest of us immerse ourselves in them

The latter is the definition of the former

They can be both.

depression is a meme used by kids and edgy teenagers to get attention, i simply saw around 50 classmates a few years ago use it for attention just fuck off with this depression thing it doesn't exist you're being pathetic.

when you are depressed you feel so shitty or numb that even playing videogames feels like an impossible task

The former. Some people (A good portion of this board, for example) subsequently warp it into the latter.

i play video games to forget that i'm alive

you're not depressed.

Its a shitty hobby you waste time on.

Thats why i found a new hobby:
I paint the nails of my girlfriend and mine too.
Its fun, it takes skill and patience and you get wonderful results in the end.

Also my gf likes it