How did Aku Aku choose a mentally retarded furry over the biggest and baddest chief of the people who worship him?
Papu Papu
That's gotta be the biggest insult when the mask your culture made doesn't think your people are good enough to save themselves and picks a forest creature in rolled up jeans
because Cortex was in cahoots with the Natives.
>worst boss in series
He was?
I was going to say it's because Papu dies to being easily clobbered on the head, but Crash dies to fucking anything.
So I have no idea.
in fact, crash dies in less time than papu does
>Play as Papu
>Have 5-7 hits depending on if you have aku Aku
>Immune to damage from the front and back because of your fat ass and big belly
>Crash Bandicoot
>Mentally retarded
He thwarts the diabolic tricks of the Dr Cortex.
He canonically mentally slow and has a reduced brain.
The question is, would Crash have been as smart as coco if he wasn't put into the vortex?
The remnants of high intellect can still be found in Crash
I'm honestly surprised nobody has made a video on how all of cortex creations are 1 for 1 diagnosis on the DSM-VI
The cortex vortex literally just gives you a lower IQ and a mental illness
>He canonically mentally slow and has a reduced brain
He isn't. Don't let the later games cloud your judgement. And on that note, I hope the remasters didn't fuck that up and make him an idiot, when he was just a silent protagonist who was zany and goofy, but not an idiot. There IS a difference, and I hate that people generalize zaniness and goofiness with idiocy.
I'd say he was always a simple minded goofball, but he knew when shit went down and it was time to get serious
In Crash 1-3 you notice most of his victories in boss battles are accidental and he just punishes bad moves on the boss' part, which would require him to be somewhat intelligent.
On the other hand he has short term memory, zero judgement and is very naive. He will take direct orders from Cortex if no one stops him, like you see in Crash 2.
So Naughty Dog definitely wanted his intelligence to be situational and inconsistent, but not such that he's legit retarded.
Well, Crash defeated him easily, and wanted to stop Cortex, so AkuAku allied himself with the right person.
Crash is a little crazy but he's not retarded or even stupid, not in the originals anyway.
PapuPapu is a fat lazy faggot that sleeps all day and doesn't give a shit about stopping Cortex.
I'm not saying he's a genius, but he knew what to do, when to do it.
Considering this fat bastard got beaten up by a retarded furry I think Aku Aku made the right decision.
I'm pretty sure if his deity revealed himself to do a mission he would
Only because Papu not eat enough big breakfast.
Papu's a fucking sellout who betrayed his culture. Aku Aku could probably see into people's hearts or some shit and determined Crash was the only hero
>sellout who betrayed his culture
>implying aku aku didn't pick crash just because he thought it would be funny
he sold the ruins in the non canon ending.
>that meat
>those manly sounds he makes
>that ass jiggle
I want to be this stud's BITCH right now.