3x3 thread

3x3 thread
Feel free to critique my Zelda fanboyism as much as you want

born in 2002/10


The Minish Cap is actually GOAT

Serious question OP, how old are you?

how can a person's taste be this awful and unrefined.. kys

I love these threads, they're great for recommendations and stuff rather than for shit-talking.

That's a LOT of Zelda, dude. Quality stuff, though. It has been forever since I played Golden Sun, does that thing hold up? I never even finished it because I got stuck on some puzzle somewhere I think.

14 year old gamer girl

- zelda wind waker, super smash Bros, banjo

Don't really like zelda that much


Windwaker, Twilight Princess, Link to the Past, Mario Sunshine

Gravity Rush