Who should my new main be?

Who should my new main be?

a good game.

illidan 2bh

Lost Vikings

Uninstall Wizard

Go back to LoL, faggot. Tencent needs more of your money.

If you just HAVE to be a useless 'main' scrub, then at least main a support. I suggest Morales or Stukov.

kys piece of shit

become a new tracer main

or king varian


Until Mat gets nerfed, go Mat.



nice pasta

Gul'dan. He does ridiculous amounts of damage.

He not only already got nerfed but isn't that good regardless. If the meta shifts he'll fall right the fuck out of it like a piece of shit in a wet paper bag.

are you 13yo or just a fucking idiot?

Fuck off with this shiity game.

You mean kiss?

I just main the one with the biggest tits and practice with her.

You could too.

Only if you have personal healslut who follows you 24/7.
Morales really, really weak to dive.

>not maining the barely legal one with the mech


I really want to like this game but so far it seems to have an even worse community than lol or dota.

I've played 10 ranked matches now (placement matches). Before that I played QM for 15 hours to buy and level up heroes.

Before every ranked match I told my team that I'm new to ranked, banned who they wanted to be banned and picked the hero they wanted me to play (practised one hero for every role). I listened to the their advice and paid attention to team chat.

Unfortunately 7/10 matches were toxic as fuck. people would insult each other even in the first minute of the match. if they didnt get their favorite hero they would do jack shit or start to feed. many also went afk when we lost the first team fight.

so far it was a horrible experience. I've been placed gold 2 now but I can't get myself to play ranked anymore.


I got placed gold 3 and experienced one negative game during my placement matches, and almost no negative matches in well over 40 hours of QM. Your experiences are your own, and are not comprehensive.

So glad to read this. Hopefully I'll have better matches in the future

Thats weird, its been the total opposite for me. I havent had a lot of experience in ranked/unrannked but QM teams are usually pretty okay IMO. Definitely not as shitty as LoL.

>if you don't like a shit game you like another shit game
good job shill

QM matches are fun. I experienced a lot of toxic players in my placement matches for ranked

Wonder why my comment was deleted.


Guess that explains it. I'm not the biggest competitive guy, so my interest in ranked is pretty low, I like the shitty oddball teams you can end up with via QM.

Not op but i havent been on till malth and stukov released.
How do they play,and are they good?

both op

Medivh = Good taste
Anything else = kys

Medivh with raven familiar


I'm a fan of Artanis although he seems so struggle on the spider map.

Sylvanas is my wife and my main, I dedicate my life to Forsaken and their cause.

Dude, raven familiar sucks major cock, fully stacked master's touch can skyrocket your dmg.
It's the inly viable lvl 7 talent btw.

>TFW shit with my Blizzard waifu

Love playing Nova in SC2's co-op but I'm awful with her in HotS.

>Implying anybody here can fully stack master's touch


All faith is lost then.

Stukof has below 50% in master, so no, not Op defiantly.

Was a joke. Even more so because they "buffed" it last patch

their quickmatchmatching has been super borked ever since 2.0 came out and over 50% of the games i've played have been retarded and toxic as shit.

and Hero League placements are directly tied to your matchmaking mmr if you're new to HL, so you'll end up playing in placements with those same level of people.

It gets less toxic the higher you climb, if you have the patience (and skill) for it. all you can really do in this and any other moba for that matter is not be a toxic shitter yourself, and eventually you'll climb above them.

there is something you can do that will probably improve your performance if you're stuck in plat or lower, and I personally climbed all the way to master after doing so: turn off allied chat. just turn that shit right off. nothing good ever gets typed there and all it does is allow toxic shitters to tilt you.

You can't main one character in a Moba. You need to have diverse roster of characters you're adept with so you have synergy with varying team compositions. It's not like a fighting game where you pick the same character every time, different roles will be needed based on the situation.

Unless you main support. Some of the best GM players log over 80% of their games as one of only 3 or 4 good supports and situationally ban out whichever other 1 or 2 can compete on a given map/composition.

Isn't D.Va like 20 something?

But that would make you a bitch.

use 2 computers and control everything yourself


Funny fact, she was 16 but there was enough porn made of her they upped her age


Isn't she 19


Shes 19 and always has been

>Map with a PVE boss
>Amateur opponent

Why would you jump from Quick Play to Ranked when Unranked exists? Try that shit out first.

Vallas fat ass


Not necessarily best but I enjoy them

Thanks for the tips, I will turn off team chat in my next matches
I did try that out. People were not toxic there.

Li Ming, Valeera (she's shit now though, PLEASE buff or rework), Valla
Slyvanas, Hammer