Do you play healers in MMO user? and why?

Do you play healers in MMO user? and why?

No i do not

Because all modern mmos are shit and there are none that i can actually play a proper healer in

I like doing dungeons so instant dungeon queues. Same reason I play tank. Very rarely do I play DPS classes.

I did back before RIFT turned to shit

I used to, but it was too stressful when playing with bad randoms and I don't want to go back to raiding again where it's still stressful.

I prefer Tanking. Props to anybody who can put up with the snoozefest that is healing though.

the 2nd half of this.

when MMOs were still MMOs I played healer because most people (grils) who played them on purpose were shit

string bikini panties make me so fucking hard you don't even understand

I play as a healer occasionally when my team needs me to, or when I'm getting tired of dps all the time

No, I'm neither a cuckold nor a girl.

no because I don't play shitty games

I do! I like boys!

I am currently dabbling in ESO as a templar and when it comes to random dungeons I have a healer build going. I usually get into a groups fast because no one wants to play as a healer. Its great just spamming healing spells from a distance while the others do all the dirty work for me. The fun part is that I made my character a fat, short, balding, middle aged man.

>tfw not intelligent enough to tank

are there any games at all that still have dedicated healers?

Only played one healer and it wasn't as main but just by commands.

Yes because I am a tool and I enjoy helping people by doing things I know they don't want to do.

Some kid told me to get him a spork for his pudding back in highschool, and you better believe I MARCHED to the cafeteria all the way on the other side of campus without a word and got him his spork, because that kid needed a spork.

I like to try, but I'm not social enough to be a healslut so I always end up needing some way to deal damage on my own. Ideally I'd be a normal mage that also has a healing spell for utility.

I think it's fun, and I enjoy being able to turn a bad situation around.

Because healers have by far the biggest impact on your party. I would like to tank but for some reason every MMO has the same brain-dead tank swap boss mechanics that even the shittiest of tanks can manage.

I play healers because there's a satisfaction to making yourself or someone else into an unkillable murder machine. It's also nice to be able to let other people play to their full potential.

Healslut faggots who want to be verbally abused and have their asshole plowed can fuck off.

I played in Ragnarok as a high priest.

Ended up getting married and having a child.

No other game managed to capture healing class that well, and that whole healslut meme is absolutely disgusting shit.

I'm glad other people enjoy this role because I honestly don't know how to have fun with it. It's either boring or confusing depending of the game.

Last time I tried to heal was on FFXIV. There are so many buttons to pay attention to, and when you think you finally got used to the basic part of your kit you get surprise damage spikes and people having random suicidal crisis, and the collection of delays between pressing a button and actually healing a target (button press, connection latency, cast time, animation, healing effect) makes the whole process really uncomfortable. Plus there is this awkward "downtime" where there is nothing going on so you can attack the enemies or die from boredom, but I'm always scared that a super damage out of nowhere or someone's mistake will put everyone in danger and I'm too busy locked on my attack animation process to save people, adding more steps to the "whole collection of delays".
It's really not fun at all.

Because I like the heal slut meme.
I play my games as a healer with a butt plug.
My friends don't know. I actually have different butt plugs for each game.

t.single mother

You listed everything that makes me enjoy doing that.
That's mostly because I like to manage the group, so I know what everyone is doing and where they should be.

I had the same problem. I was used to Ragnarok Online where Heal came out instantly so you could do it in a pinch. Cure's cast time adding a couple seconds of delay to every heal really screwed with me when I tried it.

>playing MMO's

No, because I am not a submissive slut who dreams of being the entire guild's meat toilet. Not at all.

I don't
I have a priest on a second account for healing and buffing myself, though

I can see the appeal of it, but I can't get used to the actual process at all. I'm glad other people enjoy it, so I will just go back to tanking/DPSing.
Like , I played as a healer in Ragnarok Online, and I prefer the "press button, heal happens" approach of RO's healer role.

I would if there was any decent mmo with healers.
Why. Its the most important job next to tanking. Cant let some loser nobodys do it

Played Priest in Ragnarok Online, but in FF14 I mained tank but had at least one of every role leveled and geared

Will you be my bf?

Of course!

Resto shaman in WoW.
I like following good leaders and support them with my skills.

Can we get married now?

Of course!

>healslut getting "rewarded" by her tank (consensual at first or "later") after completing a dungeon is actually my sexual fantasy
>no eroge have such scene, even if it is a VN or a text-only game (Kamidori have a few variations of this, but not the "real deal")
>can't into ERP at all
>feel extremely jelly when I see two ERPfags flirting with each other in party chat during the whole run and being the only ones not leaving the dungeon after the last boss is defeated

reminder that healers existed before tanks existed
you think its a duality but its not

I did play scholar in FFXIV because it was the most fun class for me. I also played a female character and wore basically underwear. I never talked to anyone and I immediately blocked everyone who asked me if I was a girl. The faggot healer you all admire so much only exist on Sup Forums. They either don't play the game or they suck so bad that nobody plays with them.

Can I impregnate you now?


My neck hurts will you massage it?

how are we gonna name our baby girl?

What a good little sub you are

Yes, because taking care of others makes my tummy feel warm!

Post feet

no because good mmos don't exist

What's a good MMO anyway?

Of course, darling.
Do you have any suggestions?
I'd get banned, love.

I want to give you headpats and my dick

>The faggot healer you all admire so much only exist on Sup Forums
I hope you have a good theory to explain all these Balmungfags on DF/PF playing as cat/lizard healers in slutty glamour adding variations of "meow" at the end of everything they say. I honestly think that "faggot" is a pretty accurate description.
Also, hardmode: Explain all these roe healers using south seas talisman too.

no actually. I usually either play the main tank or ranged dps. when im playing with my husband he usually sticks to healing and ill occasionally trade off with him when he wants to dps

The last good mmo to be released was FF11, by my estimation.

What makes the new one bad?

>headpats and my dick
>not WITH
How are you planning to you get married to someone if you don't even get the basic concept of marriage life right?

tits or gtfo

bitches forgetting the rules so easily

Wow gay

I play healer in FF14 because it's the least mind numbingly boring role. As a DPS or a tank you are just repeating the same rotations all the time, at least with healer I feel like I can play the game a bit more reactively and have to change things up a bit depending on the people I'm playing with.

does it have multi-hour boss fights?

Ive always been a support player in any class based game, so yes I do sometimes play as a healer

Post hips

Iunno, I'm asking about the fucking games that are worth it.

I love headpats!

A well gear High Priest in the right built is one of the hardest if not the hardest class to kill in the whole game. You basically needed a Asura Strike Champ to take one down.

As a side effect they had all the bitches. Donno why it gets meme'd into being a healslut its like no one played RO.

It was a rhetorical question.

14 is 11 but casualized, thats what makes it bad.

Understand i am not of a narrow mind, i, for example, while liking certain aspects of 11 never felt it was a good game for me. Im very experienced in mmos though, i could appreciate it, and realized it was in fact a good game. So do not misunderstand my position or think that i am simply having nostalgia, indeed by the time ff11 came out i was already a seasoned mmo vet. I could write posts critisizing 11 if youd like, but it stands that it was still probably the last proper mmo released.

Ill repeat, there are no modern mmos worth playing, not a one. This includes existant still running older mmos since they have all been modified and corrupted by modern trends, or simply are too abandoned to start.

Give up, learn to enjoy some other kind of game. Pretend you are a healslut, its the best you can do.


Playing Wizard in BDO, does that count?

I don't do that kind of thing anymore, sorry.

I fapped so much to the official ragnarok art.
Sucks that most were so low res and wont hold up today.

I started playing FFXIV last week and I already met two people being very surprised of seeing a male healer character that wasn't a cat fuckboy. Keep strong and fight the meme, my non-healslut brothers.

/v never played a good game in it's whole life. What did you expect?

I play Healer, Tank and DPS in FFXIV


Why should I restrict myself to a specific class?

I played a healer in FFXIV for a short while so I could become a paladin, and holy shit do I never want to do that again, healing is fucking hard.

Yes, exclusively. No special reason.

I only play dps

i have a suspicion cattly is in this thread

I tried healing dungeons a bit while leveling, seems boring what with clicking on frames with healbot.

Which is a shame because mistweaver monks seem fun to play

Sissy white boy general

Who is this semen demon

Is this how the models look like now?

where do I find kawaii anime grills to marry

Used to, when MMOs were a thing. Usually rolled them in a way that I could solo or group, usually went kinda hybrid. I liked buffing myself and being able to solo stuff with a gimped character. Also buffing and healing other random players I ran into.

That feel will never come back.

Animu conventions.

This. I want to enjoy healing in woe but just clicking on frames in the middle of your screen while not paying much sttention to your surroundings is extremely boring.

and I love you, wife!

Those fingers what the fuck

My actual main role was tank, and I forked to healer when I played Eden Eternal and just fell in love with it.

Healing is not that much more engaging than healing though.
Tank just needs some leadership and good knowledge of the content you are doing.

Yeah user. I stay behind tanks and heal, and when someone need support I help.

I love you too, dear!

I'm gonna need source for that one mate

faster queues in instanced content.
most healer gear can be used for ranged DPS classes.
healsluts should kill themselves.

inb4 reeee:start fags

I did when i was 17, i was literally a healslut for 2 30 y/o woman from my guild which i played with a lot, i also gathered materials for them since they were both alchemists and as return they gave me some free potions.
I play all roles now.

This right here is my shit.

Can't remember the name, but just look for "Ragnarok Online" stuff on sad panda or your favorite booru. It's a pretty old and large image set (probably the oldest RO-related thing on your favorite site), it's very easy to find.

>healsluts should kill themselves
unless you plan on choking me with your hard, juicy cock I think I'll keep on living, user-kun