Sup Forums, I feel SO happy that Kingdom Hearts is getting a Toy Story world...

Sup Forums, I feel SO happy that Kingdom Hearts is getting a Toy Story world, but I'm also filled with a mix of disappointment, because I can't ignore the one giant problem. We all didn't need to see a TS world to get us to buy the game. This has got to be, the biggest wasted opportunity in gaming since...EVER.

This could of been, the gaming twist of ALL gaming twists, forget fucking Bioshock 1 twist, forget MGS twists, forget Metroid being a girl twist

Can you imagine playing KH3 for the first time, the true fans out there, and stumbling upon a fucking TOY STORY world, live, in the moment, not knowing it is coming? Imagine as you're forced into this world, and your mind is racing as you cannot fathom what the FUCK is going on, fighting the heartless in Andy's room and your mind suddenly clicks, still in that moment of pure bliss

"Holy fuck. Pixar doors have opened. What can come next, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Monsters inc... BUGS LIFE?"

but now, this will never happen. The hype of TS will slow down as we wait a year, and your mind as time to realise we're probably getting more Pixar worlds, and Nomura just came out and said pretty much every world will be revealed until release, and most likely others in DLC. Sounds alot like fucking XV.

I just wanted to experience that magic for the first time, you know?

Let it be known as the Pixar twist that would of destroyed gaming, if it wasn't shown, fuck.

No game will have have that level of hype behind it to blow our minds that hard again.

Only thing I can think of is a trailer for HL3.

What's it about Kingdom Hearts and its naruto-tier plotlines that attracts so much autism?

>This entire post
If they hadnt been trying to get Toy Story in for years starting with KH2FM and the Buzz/Woody summons, it would have been exciting but not even close to what you're going on about.

The plot is actually p good.
It's DisneyxFF so you get a bit of autism from both sides

It's Disney + Final Fantasy with a ridiculous, convoluted plot that revolves around muh darkness. It's pure autism.

I dont' really WANT any other Pixar World besides Toy Story.

I'll just take my non-pixar disney worlds like Frozen which has a 200% chance of being one c'mon now let's get real

>Monsters inc
>Bugs Life
>Inside Out [okay maybe fuck this one, this probably will happen for fuck sake]
>Cars [oh god]

so much potential user, TS is amazing but to not use other Pixar worlds is a fucking outrage

Why are people acting like Pixar movies are good now?

We need to stick to classic disney, the animated films. Not CG shit.

Wall-E, UP, Inside out, Rattitoulle and Cars would not make good Kingdom Hearts worlds.

Monsters Inc and Bugs life maybe. Incredibles sure but we already have Big Hero 6.