One of these again

> Country of origin
> Favorite videogame
> Game you're currently playing

I'll go first:
> Nippon
> Metal Gear Solid
> Street Fighter V

Ninja Gaiden (NES)
nothing, just finished getting platinum on Shinovi Versus and not sure what to start next

>Tekken 7

I'm guessing you have very fond memories of NG on NES. In my opinion, Black is so good it overshadows everything NG offered before it. Ninja Gaiden is a good example of a stellar 2d>3d transition.

>TF2/Dying Light

>USA, New York City
>Tales of the Abyss
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

>Persona 3

Just like Mario 64, OoT and Metroid Prime

suikoden 2
dragon quest builder (so dissappointed in the enemy AI and the lack of challenge)

Fallout new vegas
Risk of Rain

Trackmania United
Tomb Raider 2

Will you at least dox and kill and or rape me?

Suikoden 2
Gothic and FFXII TZA

Yeah, Nintendo made good 3d look easy.

Ohio, USA
Black and White
Final Fantasy 12

> Country of origin
> Favorite videogame
Tie between Megaman X and DMC3 se
> Game you're currently playing
Metro Last Light

Do you personally know anyone that plays exclusively job sims?

>Persona 5

Shit taste.



Alan Wake

>Red Alert 2
>Tekken 7

Metal Gear Solid 3
Etrian Odyssey Untold

>Dishonored 2
Can very much recommend. It's really nice.

How come Alan Wake is your favorite? It's not bad, but I don't think it's that great either.

>Fire emblem echoes

My panties are wet from Berkut's VA

>Zelda MM
>none, give me an easy to pick up ps2 game

Just got it at right moment of my life. Never replayed it tho, I know its not that good.

Ace Combat 4/5/0

Hulk ultimate destruction is fun. So is mercenaries, and Freedom Fighters

Zelda OoT

land of Freedom

new vegas

dark souls 3, but i want to find something else to play like a graphic adventure game or test based adventure game.

>Legend of Legaia/Digimon World (Ps1)
>Overfag because i had 40 yurobucks to throw away

Bamco should hurry up with their dlc bs so that i can pick up Tekken 7 at a good price.

>Dark Souls, way too much of it

>Metal gear solid 2
>The witcher 3

>Max Payne
>Alpha Protocol

Alpha Protocol is a lot more fun than I thought it would be. Feels like a James bond film with a pretty good dialogue wheel system. Combat is pretty bad though. SIE best girl

>Kerbal Space Program
>Fallout: New Vegas
Both games with a shit ton of mods

Dark Souls
Mad Max

Persona 3 or The sims 2
Senran Kagura Estival Versus

I'm not a weeb

>Tekken 2
>Tekken 7

>Mirror's Edge

>Left 4 Dead 2

>Sega Rally Championship
>FFXIV and Warthunder
Just blew all my gil on various unnecessary shit in the market, leveling alchemist to 50. Guess that's what average double digit IQ gets you.

>destiny (fuck you fight me)
>Elder Scrolls Online/TF2

o kurwa :DDD

>Klonoa: Door to Phantomile
>System Shock 2 (and other immersive sims)/ Resident Evil 7

>A Link to the Past and Bloodborne
>Resident Evil 7

Just three more trophies for the plat one

You play on Ragnarok by any chance?

Sure are a lot of foreigners out today

irrelevant middle eastern country
zero hour
horizon 3/tf2 and the usual suspects

>He wasn't here during Sup Forums + Sup Forums

Every dedicated shitposter is south american or polish. The autists are all european. The retarded console war fags are all american

>zero hour

Do you play as GLA?

>Land of the Free
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

>Ninja Gaiden Black
>Finishing up my second playthrough of Ori in anticipation of Ori 2

Super Metroid
Deus Ex : HR (finally going through it as a mate got me MD as a gift and now I feel obligated)

unironically yes
they have the best units
can't beat kwai though

>EYE Divine Cybermancy

>The World Ends With You
>Advance Wars 1

Didn't really play online cuz shit internet but I loved nuke general. I did download shit ton of maps from sites like cncden.

Shame they shut down.

Nah, sadly.
Omega and Louisoix.

Metroid: Zero Mission
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

>Persona 4
>Replaying Danganronpa

Weeb trash don't hate m8

Tales of Symphonia

>New Vegas
>FEAR extraction point

cnc online is still a thing
or do you mean the map websites?

>Etrian Odyssey 3

The hat detective is the mastermind

The map websites yeah, cncden had a shit ton of player made maps that I would play in skirmish mode.

They were around since 2004.

>Pokemon Crystal
>Tekken 7

Seiken Densetsu 3
I don't know, nothing catches my interest anymore. I keep trying new games but can barely get to 20 minutes on it before getting bored.

It says if you reply to this post they won't die, but it also says nothing can save you from this. That's a contradiction. Where is the truth?