Is this game good?

Is this game good?

>Megaman X after X2


X4 was alright

No not really

Ok, I'll give that one a pass just for you, user.

more than alright, it's the best one in the series.

Also Command Mission is a pretty decent game.

I rather enjoyed it. A bit grindy if I recall but I liked it too much to see that as a negative.


Marino and Cinnamon as the waifus
No one every plays Massimo
Endless debates about Spider to this day

CHARGED SHOT...........!

It's okay.


The whole Spider situation was retarded

X3 is the best in the series you dense fuck

No, it's not, you shit-eating faggot.

hey fuck off I liked Massimo
Cinnamon a shit though

it's pretty repetitive and nothing spectacular, but the cheesy voice acting, the soundtrack and the superbosses are worth playing it. it's got some pretty fun bosses too, and it's not overwhelmingly long, expect somewhere between 20 and 30 hours

nigga what

Yes, it is, you fucking moron

I fucking loved it when I was younger
The whole RPG element in it is god tier
Can't remember how the story goes but Massimo is best boy

X3 had
>some ridiculous bosses
>gold armor
>mech storage
>each level had secrets out the wazoo
>Bit and Byte were great midbosses with shitloads of damage but basic patterns
>you can choose to just let Zero rot
1-3 are a single entity in my mind, but 3 is a hell of a sequel

I kind of liked it. It had a few negative points (Heal situation could fuck you up sometimes, grinding is a bit of a hassle, Spider), but I enjoyed it overall. I appreciate how they made the battle system a bit of an interactive experience.
Also, the music was pretty great.
If you like it, check out Breath of Fire III and IV.

This game managed to fit in the standard Mega Man boss rush despite being a JPRG.

But they didn't have enough for the standard 8 so they threw in some random guy at the end.

The only thing that X do better than X3 is the Level select screen that i don't like in X3

I love this game. Any one else here kill the post game bosses? Fucking Ninetails



Feeble Massimo


best part of the game

>that scene where dr psyche beats up marino

Made me hard as a kid

Its a FFX turn-based combat with shitty boring level design, uninteresting characters and a complete worthless story which feels like an anime filler chapter.