It's just hide and seek with guns

It's just hide and seek with guns.

It's just a reskin of every battle royale game/gamemode ever made.

When do they normally roll the monthly updates? First person only will signifiantly improve the game.

It's really shoddily made. A lot of poor aesthetic choices. It feels like Garry's Mod with a texture patch.

Sorry the game isn't on your console of choice and just so happens to be fun

please don't be like this, I actually like this game but when you start shooting down all criticism with "s-sour grapes" it makes the game look worse

I... what? I was literally just playing it... on the PC that I am using to type this comment.

The user interface needs a lot of work, a lot of grammatical errors that are an easy fix and have somehow not yet been fixed despite the game's age, there's no text/all chat which really inhibits a feeling of community. Also if there's going to be sheds/outhouses across the countryside with miscellaneous weapons on the ground and nothing else, the sheds may as well not even be there at all.

It's just flavor of le month :D

why the fuck are kids still playing this fotm twitchbait shit?

>hurr this game is just camping

Not really, they offer cover and concealment and they are a point which attract players, which means going towards them carries risk.

>hide in foliage
>foliage disappears from a far enough distance so people with 8x scopes see you lying in the open like a retard

I don't think that's normal. When I scope in, everything renders where I'm pointing

Well yeah, once you scope it comes back, but they can see you on a blank hillside so they know where to point.

It's pointless clutter that draws players away from the main flashpoints on the map, drawing out games.

But if they can see you without the need of a scope, couldn't you make the argument that maybe you're not very hidden?

most people dont seem to realise that they land in a couple of buildings away from everyone and everything so they wont die straight away, but then end up running through fields hardly finding anyone just to get fucked up by a sniper on a hill somewhere. Obviously thats going to fucking happen if you run around out in the open. Also the camping complaint, you can hear people coming and moving around, obviously people are gunna chill and wait for you to come in so they can blast you away?

Some of the complaints are straight up retarded.

Yeah it can draw out the games but only marginally, because only a few players will gravitate toward them. They offer low risk, but extremely low reward. The chances of finding anything good there is low, so not many people go for them.

Besides, the game will be as long as it takes for the circle to close. What players do in that time is up to them. There's nothing really wrong with having them.

>It's hide and seek with guns.

How does this make it not fun tho

Only on solo is it like that, and even that can be fun sometimes. It's not hide and seek, more like hunting.

I really think the game needs some kind of on-screen indicator that tells you where shots are coming from though. I can't think of a reason why it shouldn't have such a feature.

>game can literally be AT MOST half an hour.
>people complaining its slow.

Maybe don't be a fucking pussy.

If you don't waste your time cowering in a corner you might have fun for once.

Next update comes this weak user, with fps view.

You have to notice in which direction the blood splats leave your body, I'm not defending this decision but thats how you judge the direction of the shot

Realism, probably. I agree it kind of sucks but it means if you get shot at you need to quickly focus and pay attention to the sound of the shots.

I only play co-op with randoms to kill my teammates and try win the game solo from there for the real hardmode game experience

>implying hide and seek isn't fun
>implying guns aren't fun

Game is fun with a team, being in the last remaining people and covering your mates while they heal feels great.

Use headphones and look at where the shots are landing, it's not that difficult.

What? You can already go into first person. Just press V. I think that's the default key.

I know user, but next update will add first person only servers. I'm never playing TPS again. It's gonna be fun.

And Escape from Tarkov will come out soon too, god tier year.

they're adding first person only matchmaking

Because you don't know if you're the hider or the seeker.

Why is there an unarm button? Had to remap that shit because I pressed it accidentally during a firefight while going into a crouch.

So you can punch out windows quietly. Only reason I can think of.

Amazing how my eyes can either be overly attentive or completely stupid. Sometimes I'll think a bush is a person, and other times I'll run right past someone laying in wheat.

I think you run faster holstered

Let me save u the trouble.

>retards that complain about the price despite it being early access and new contents being added in constantly
>retards that complain about the game being campfest to win even though it's still able to win being aggressive if you just gitgud. i even had a 9 kills win before being damn aggressive
>retards that complain about 3rd person camera when the same advantages is available for everyone, it's not an actual advantages.
>retards that just wanna shitpost despite haven't played the game at all
>retards that watch some twitch streamer play like a retard and decides that the game is retarded
>retards that claimed sniper is OP and hurrrrr durrr while in a real life situation, sniping is definitely more advantageous
>retards that complain about the game running like shit because it's not optimized but it's never realistic to do optimization during early access
>retards that claim it's yet another open world survival crafting etc shit despite the game NOT being that genre. Hell, there's not even crafting in the game
>retards that only wanted to shit on the game because it's cool to hate on everything popular
>retards that claim it's streametbait shit despite it having 100~300k players, which is alot more than Sup Forums's beloved cult's favorite - TF2

>Sometimes I'll think a bush is a person
This has to be intentional. It's uncanny.

>and have somehow not yet been fixed despite the game's age,

4 months?

I've noticed there is a certain dark green bush that looks a lot like a crouching player at mid range rendering.

You run faster unarmed and you can also do an extra-high crouch jump unarmed.

>It's just hide and seek with guns.
I know, it's pretty fucking great.

>don't find a scope
>exit the game

Imagine what this game could be if it was made by a competent dev and not pre release garbage? tfw no battle royale mode in splatoon 2

>Escape from Tarkov
>Coming out this year
>Coming out


its just hitting things with swords

This is the most fox and grapes post of our time

>Imagine if the game was casual as fuck with screen jelly, forced auto aim on pc and other shit in your face
I'd rather not

not me man I love crouching behind trees and looking through houses that are completely empty except for items on the floor right in the middle of rooms

How much do you get paid to shill this game so hard here user?

how about you show some counter argument before calling others shill,
you shill.
for all we know, you could be the shill for other battle royale game.

bout tree fiddy

not them but i think pubg is trash, and if i wanted to play a br game i still have h1z1

BR games have been a thing for like .. 6+ years now, and only newfag pc cucks are bandwagoning it for some reason

streamers have been streaming br games well before pubg ever was a thing

also. as core gameplay pubg is very limited, flawed, and lacks content. simple as that, adding arbitrary zombie modes, arbitrary spectator modes will amount to nothing and shows how much the dev thought this game would fail.

if they were competent game designers, they would be adding weapons routinely, adding content routinely, at a very regulated schedule to ensure game's lifespan, which is very short, and already dwindling

i noticed a couple days ago, that pubg was no longer on top sellers, and i checked right now, still nowhere near top sellers. so.. what happened? where is the life span of the game?

Its great.

>top 2 four times now
>choke every time

Not true.

jesus christ this board filled with people who actually think dayz and clones is fun
i warned you about letting twitch cancer in here

>being early access is a valid excuse

No, it isnt, I want to play the game but if I'm going to be facing different retarded problems that could be fixed easily, I'd rather not play it at all.

there's an option that lets you play the co-op modes solo, if you want

its just jumping

>i noticed a couple days ago, that pubg was no longer on top sellers, and i checked right now, still nowhere near top sellers. so.. what happened? where is the life span of the game?

I checked right now and you're full of shit.
Steam Spy has it at 4.85 million copies.

That's .21 million copies sold per month

wow what a failure of a game

>i noticed a couple days ago, that pubg was no longer on top sellers, and i checked right now, still nowhere near top sellers. so.. what happened?

it's because you bought it, so it's no longer on the list.

your newfagotry is showing when the mod was released there were constant thread on Sup Forums

>if they were competent game designers, they would be adding weapons routinely, adding content routinely, at a very regulated schedule to ensure game's lifespan, which is very short, and already dwindling

But they do?
Or do you choose to ignore the weekly updates fixing bugs and optimizing the game along with the monthly updates adding new guns, vehicles and features to the game?

Ok fuckers: This or Morriwind to play ESO?

that actually sounds fun

you sound like someone who is scared of a challenge in vidya, how does it feel to be a pussy in both the virtual and real worlds?

Only shitty computers won't render foliage

They can see you without the scope when the foliage is not rendered you fucking donkey

>shitty computers get a tactical advantage
>this is ok

You can specifically turn the foliage quality down in the settings to make it easier to see

they actually made foliage render at the same distance for everybody a few patches ago

but I agree that it shouldn't be a thing, it looks silly when you have a 15x scope

Because that guy posts that same copy pasta every thread. Also this exact same thread is made every couple of hours, it has the same OP image with the same text to bait a heated discussion.

There's even a /vg/ general of this game that is completely dead because none cares about this game.
If you don't believe this is a shill just look in the catalog in like an hour after this thread dies, this same exact same type of thread will be up then again.

consolefags btfo


Sounds like a way to build intensity to me, thus making it """fun""".

I know this feel. Came 2nd with 8 kills yesterday, couldve been an easy win but I choked it

How can we stop this Sup Forumsros?

It doesn't come till the first week of August, they delayed the monthly.

Fuck off casual. PUBG is a much better br game than the others. No health regen, no screen jelly, no crafting, no microtransactions, it's beautiful. They could ruin it eventually but right now it's near perfect and it only seems to be getting better based on the content we know is coming.

Also, DayZ IS fun.
(The mod and Standlone, but the Standalone will be better when it's in a more completed state when it hits Beta)

So what your telling us is your a retard who didn't play either of the Arma BR games?

I've only gotten through one game without it crashing or taking me to a BSOD

Also, none of them (the good ones, I.E. not H1Z1)
didn't have crafting OR microtransactions?
Or the other things.
You're retarded, friendo.

It's only fun with friends

it's just dayz without zombies

I forgot, no mod installation. Which is also a plus. There is no reason to play that over PUBG right now.

Both made by the guy who made PUBG.
Almost every game in the Battle Royale genre was made or heavily influenced by PlayerUnknown, so I don't understand why you think it's bad that PUBG has things in common with those other games.

He was saying PUBG doesn't have those things.

>he doesn't wait until the end to free kill all the afkers

We wait for the devs to stop updating it and make fun of everyone who bought it.

You can thank DrDisrespect for it's popularity. It's so fucking boring.

The majority of people loot up and hide in the inner circles until there's only a few people left. Any drooling dipshit can win a game in PUBG.

I'm aware. Cool dude. Makes good gamemodes. (and games) I don't think it's bad that PUBG has those things, I just prefer the ARMA ones. (I like ARMA and PUBG is more arcadey, personally.)

(second question)

When did they stop updating Ark?

>>retards that complain about 3rd person camera when the same advantages is available for everyone, it's not an actual advantages.
That's not the complaint you retard. The problem with third person camera is how it turns matches into people staring at each other behind cover and being unable to make a move because of it. I can't count the amount of times a game has come down to me and a handful of other teams and winning or losing 100% based on where the circle lands and who has to move first. First person only is going to fix this and make the game a hell of a lot more enjoyable.

>no micro-transactions
They will have them at or shortly after launch, already confirmed

What AFKers? The blue zone is a thing.
You're retarded. The games that are actually the starting of that whole thing are still going strong.
(DayZ, Rust, Ark etc)
Though I do agree lots of EA games got abanoned, those never did. (and never will, because Bohemia isn't a shit company, Garry likes money and I don't know anything about the Ark guys)

>(I like ARMA and PUBG is more arcadey, personally.)

Yeah I don't think anyone is arguing that PUBG is more realistic than Arma.
PUBG is so successful, I think, because it is more realistic than the average shooter in terms of having different ammo types and pretty good bullet ballistics, but not so realistic that it turns off the casual player.

It strikes a fine line between realism and arcade fun

That's not until December at least and it'll probably just be for clothing.

The Ark people like money even more, they update almost daily sometimes.

>What AFKers? The blue zone is a thing.
There are people that wait until the end of the plane and jump down with the AFK people at the end and punch them to death.

This is true. I just prefer ARMA. (and DayZ, but that's a whole different thing lol. Personlly I'm gonna enjoy it's BR mode when Brendan makes a new one for that, because he might. If not, someone else will.)

Clothing and weapons skins for sure