Finally a game for manlets who are cucked by chad

finally a game for manlets who are cucked by chad

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>all those underageban saying "lel he said weeb xD"
The fact that they dont know the word dweeb hurts my bully soul

he clearly says dweeb. I can't believe how shit tier these people hearing is if they think he said weeb.

but I guess to be fair, who the hell says dweeb in the year 2017?

>Get cucked by Chad, the game


Nintendo of america the most out of touch company of all time

>she's not going to seduce the little dweeb while brother chad plays an away game

>everytime I see a woman I can't help but think of getting cucked by Chad

You've got some issues, buddy.

More like failing to cuck someone else.
Not quite the same.

who's really out of touch? It's a game and console for loser kids. Sup Forums is out of touch.

Do you think Tyler will marry his mom in miitopia after getting cucked by his brother?


it's not cucked if you never had her to begin with

The entire cuck meme is stupid because you're upset over pretty girls falling for Chad types when really both of them probably have brains the size of a peanut, therefore made for each other, yet here you are making a big deal over the fact you lost a dumb bimbo to a dumb ox.

women aren't dumb you fucking misogynist

>mobile posters


why didn't he call his little brother a stupid faggot?

Lol, go back to playing Miitopia while I fuck our sister


That's one fucked up family


>they did it again





I'm going to fuck our mom too once I romance her a little

I don't get it, it's a good commercial marketed for the right audience

should the include machine guns and military men screaming "enemy at three o'clock" around the house?

there is not fix , is just that shit

why do you have so many moms?

the video is what Nintendo thinks about it's customers

I thought they fired their marketing company and got a new one?
Why is this garbage as bad as the marketing for wiiu games

I wish sony games were half as creative as their fans' shitposting.

If Nintendo made adverts resembling this scene, would you like them less...or more?!

The only way kids would respond to anything in that commercial is if the chad was holding the 3DS.
Kids don't like it when ads are aimed at them because they want to be the cool grown up, not the scrawny little nerd who creeps on his brother's girlfriend.

>"I know"
>"... me too"
Mom, what are you doing?

>beating your screen to death like that
but I love my 3ds

I thought that girl he was gushing over was his sister

God damn. What happened to Nintendo commercials?

I felt physical cringe
I hadn't felt this in some time

Seriously though, these ads scream "moms, buy this game to your kids" instead of "kids, ask your moms to buy you this game"

oh so that's where the Wii U marketing department went

>The absolute state of Nintentards
*breathes in*

It's funny that you think that because I'm a massive Nintendofag.

Chad just play on pc or xbox

Of course you are.


>Why is this garbage as bad as the marketing for wiiu games
Different target audience. They want to attract the "hardcore" and mainstream gamers with their Switch ads, and the mums and casuals with their 3ds/2ds ads.
Those are the only ones who are still going to buy those 3ds games, and more importantly, their New 2DS.


B-but it's true! P-pikmin 2 is my favorite game of all time.

This. Go for an intelligent woman instead, at least so when she cheats on you you'll know you're a step above peanut brain.

>liking the worst pikmin game
off yourself

Is 3DS being marketted as the child platform while Switch is for adults?

I think I'll pirate these games. Those commercials are sloppily made and not enticing at all.

Thanks Nintendo of America!

Neo Nintendo :-)

1980s commercials is not as bad as this

>thinking the best pikmin is the worst
I want sonybro's to leave

>thinking 3 > 2
Wew, what a fucking Grub Dog.

1 > 3 > 2

>3ds for kids
>switch for adults

Wow. That's actually really good. NoA is obviously putting all their advertising money and effort into the Switch and it's games, while 3DS gets shitty half-assed commercials.

People still use the jock cliche?

The music was the most cringe part for me.

The cool older brother with the hot gf is clearly a PS4 chad.

>PS4 Chad
You could have just said dudebro.

But the kid is the one with no game :^)

Not so much children vs adults, just casuals vs mainstream.
3DS is a dying platform, only ones still buying that thing are going to be mothers for their children.


Most of the comments are from black FYI.

>implying the mainstream isn't casual

>Make it rain

Do suburban white people in America really talk like this now? I thought only black people said that type of shit?


>everyone thinks he says weeb
>very clearly says dweeb


h-holy shit this is hot

It worked well for Tomodachi Life

eww she isn't white

If Miitopia is anything like Tomodachi Life, then it's weeb as fuck.

my cum will fix that

>pirating games because the commercials suck
This is the most half-baked excuse for pirating I've ever seen

The trailers are just meant to show off the game in a funny, memorable way so you can look it up later if you're interested.

I didn't know game commercials were suppose to make you feel cool now.

Gaming community will never not be triggered by anything targeted to kids by Nintendo

Meanwhile, Sony's TV ads about their mature games

>these commercials aren't enticing at all
>yet still enticed you to play the game

>safe spot

Seems like a tumblr kinda game.

>sonybros are all fat slobs who leave half eaten sandwiches unwrapped in the fridge and live with their moms

Look, it's a poltard

If something as simple as a 30 second commercial isn't good, then why should I expect the actual product to be good?

I was enticed before the commercials. The commercials are insultingly bad and I do not trust them with my money, but my curiosity lingers...

I'm too lazy to watch the video

is Miitopia a sequel to Tomodachi Life or not

>giving in to the capitlist jew this much


Shiggy ruined Paper Mario. Shiggy needs to commit sudoku for dishonoring his famiry.

If you're actually defending these commercials, then SHIGGY DIGGY DOO

no I'm just saying a bad commercial does not equal a bad game


I'll admit I was fishing. I'll probably buy the physical versions and leave them sealed to collect

>f something as simple as a 30 second commercial isn't good, then why should I expect the actual product to be good?
Nigger not a single soul believes you, you weren't gonna buy them in the first place, don't even try these shitty excuses

I really was. I was going to.

it seems like 3ds commercials are stuck in the wii u era of nintendo advertising
switch commercials have been great so far

No you weren't

>nintendogs getting cucked even in their own commercials

fukken lol

is this that /ss/ thing you all talk about?

what do you expect from 14 year olds

Isnt that all Nintendo games though?

maybe when you hit puberty

>Switch marketing has been great so far
>pretty much all of the 3DS marketing since has still been dogshit like the New 2DS XL name
It's probably because they have different teams for each but jesus christ Nintendo. I understand they're trying to market towards kids for the 3DS but that didn't work out so great when the Wii U did the exact same thing.

What the fuck is that girl's reaction? Like literally what is she trying to convey?

Sure they wrote themselves into a corner with that naming convention but does it really matter?
They own the hand held market (sadly) they can do what they want there.

Which is weird because I remember the commercials for the New 3DS having all the young hip people creaming themselves over the c-stick in Majora's Mask.

came here to post this