Favorite moments and memories from this once in a lifetime experience
I'll start
Favorite moments and memories from this once in a lifetime experience
I'll start
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It was the best video game announcement in the history of this industry
Absolutely. I'm gutted that we'll never play the final product.
>tfw I'm so scared I have to go to the PS4 dashboard
B-b-but kojimer is a haaaaack.
Who here still got it downloaded on their PS4 but too scared to finish it? It's the only game I've actually screamed at
that game was so spooky!
people said they couldn't distinguish this from real life? look at the yellow framed painting on the right, jesus.
Resident Evil 7 > PT
You walked in a hallway
over and over and over and over again
and sometimes something spooks you
its fucking stupid
fucking the downgrading of video games.
Yeah, moving on to a new project even though his current one was nowhere close to being finished and was bleeding money because his reckless spending on things like sunglasses deals and celebrity voiceovers was one of the main reasons MGSV was put out in its current state.
The sound design was so good.
joosten is cute! CUTE I SAY!
Nah. Those types of deals are not what causes the type of "unfinishedness" that MGSV had. MGSV was hit by budget cuts and it is obvious. They stitched the final game together with what they had produced to 100% completion at that point in development. They had possibly 20%+ of the game in a half finished state that would be impossible to implement due to how unfinished it was. So we ended up with huge gaps in the game as a result.
>ps4 will be 4 years old this year
>PT will be 3 years next month
>STILL no jailbroke ps4 mod that lets you download and play PT
blows my mind.
I believe someone found out how to get P.T. till this day using a special proxy.
Even in OP's video, if you use headphones, the fucking breathing is unnerving as fuck
but dont you have to have downloaded it when it was still on psn first? doesnt help someone that never got a chance to download it.
It honestly was, I wasn't working the day it released so I actually got to download it and play it before people had even figured out it was Silent Hills.
Me and gf played it. Had a good time. We literally had to both apply deodorant because scawwy