damn this roster is HOIYPE
Damn this roster is HOIYPE
>Shit at fighting games
>Monster Hunter is all but confirmed, I mean there's a fucking Dah'ren Mohran for fuck sake, as well as MH stage
>Kinda want MvCI just for him
>Don't want to waste the money
>Think DBFZ looks so much fucking better
It's probably for the best. Needs one more Megaman character though.
I still have hopes for the roster being a bit bigger
i already got Zero, Hiryu and GOD DAMN megaman x so i honestly dont mind
my only concern is the PC community dying after one month, just like every other fg
The problem is that most of it is going to be DLC.
I know fighting games typically have tons of DLC, this advertising it before the game is even released feels so scummy.
Yeah because those fuckers know MVC sells
There's not much we can do about it, if we dont purchase it, 10000 other normies will.
I'm quitting melee for MVC:I so in the end i honestly hope the pc community does not die
Will the pre-order bonuses be available later?
>Jedah is literally the only good looking one on Capcom side
>everyone else has plastic toy face
>probably gonna bucther Spiderman and Venom
post new videos
Shit, Jedah is in? Have I been living under a rock or is this new news?
Grapple function!
only if you get the MvC:Infinity+1 re-release eight months later
>Appeal to casuals and not the people that are actually going to play the game
>Fans don't feel like moving onto the new one because of the marginally smaller roster size and lack of favorites
Typical Capcom logic
the full roster leaked months ago, yesterday was the "official" reveal
This game infuriates me so much. I wish it was a full blown 2/10 disaster instead of the flaccid 6/10 we're going to get.
>tfw still think the roster and graphics look like absolute shit but the footage they showed at Evo looked pretty good
I'll just pick up the re-release that has all the DLC characters, honestly.
they better make Frank and Nemesis beautiful as fuck, include dr3 combo weps, and Give that Monster Hunter CUHRAZY attacks or its over
>Not Leon
>Fucking Spencer of all people
>No Felicia
>No Amy
>No Joe
>>Fucking Spencer of all people
combofiend mains spencer
>Joked for years that NuMarvel would use a MvC sequel as a way to promote the movies
>Tfw it's litterly what they're doing
>>Monster Hunter is all but confirmed, I mean there's a fucking Dah'ren Mohran for fuck sake, as well as MH stage
wat where?
Why does the roster seem so...uninteresting?
Why do both Chun Li and Morganna look like they have down syndrome now?
holy shit
I can maybe sort of understand chris because RE6. but fucking nemesis? just add jack from RE7 what the fuck. or even the tyrant if you want to do a throwback. nemesis. my ass.
I hope they have an OBJECTION function since it has nothing to do with certain characters. Maybe they can just give star lord all of PW's fuctions! Thank you capcom!
>Darkstalker comes back
>It's attached to this shitty game
Literally anything would have been better. KI x Darkstalkers, Arcsys made Darkstalkers. A fucking modern port of Resurrection. ANYTHING.
Despite everything wrong with the roster, I really appreciate that they brought back Arthur, Spencer, and Nemesis.
there's no curveball entries
>if we dont purchase it, 10000 other normies will.
Nah. Normies are more hyped for DBZ. Among my group of friends that don't play fighting game, no one talks about MvC:I but goddamn are they hyped about dragonball. And they are as normie as you can get.
I think it's just the design. Honestly the roster isn't that bad, it has great reps from both Capcom and Marvel. Adding Jedah as an extra rep for VS was a good move, as was the MH rep. The reps for Marvel are solid as well.
There are really just 2 major issues
1.) The roster is lacking in size (6 or so more would go a long way)
2.) Where are the fucking X-Men
Both of these problems could be taken care of with the inclusion of that trinity (Storm, Mags, and Wolverine), but they didn't. It's a shame.
Zero is dlc
Disney only wants MCU characters.
Nemesis was already in MvC3.
I just want jin back. I want my blodia and golden burning Jin.
>that morrigan face
What the fuck happened?
marvel already used MVC3 as a way to promote their movies and shows.
like 90% of the marvel side in MVC3 got shows and movies made for them over the last seven years.
now its the same shit minus xmen because jews.
>Nemesis was already in MvC3.
I know. my point is why rehash him? why rehash spencer? why rehash firebrand? random fucking choices.
but then why NOT rehash joe? or ammy? or tron bonne? or phoenix wright?
>no Wesker
but why
>Dad is a huge Marvel fan
>Show it to him
>He's very disinterested
>Says that he thinks the inclusion of Capcom characters is dumb
The fuck what about Wolverine? Need dat berzerker barrage
black panther
Is not in the roster
I'm actually okay with Nemesis coming back. The game does need all the characters in your post, but Nemesis was a cool, fun power character. I love huge power characters like that that do a ton of damage when they get in and Nemesis has always been cool as fuck.
>Jedah the only good looking one
>with a fucked up redesign
I still agree with you though, he still looks pretty alright, just could be better.
Your dad is a retard.
>Those Thor movie advertisements
>Being announced as DLC before the game is even out
Man, way to jew it up.
hes DLC, his function is still taken.
I'd like it if they tossed things up a bit and replaced him with Mr. X. But I mostly say this because there are so few new characters in this game.
It is dumb.
But its also great. We will never see a weird crossover franchise like that again.
Zero has not been shown playable yet. Zero has been used in a cutscene for story mode that also showed Sigma as DLC.
Zero and Sigma are 2 Capcom DLCs with Venom and Black Panther being 2 Marvel DLC.
I don't believe we know who the other 2 are. I would imagine a Capcom and a Marvel rep.
He went to college for art, so yeah
>No one likes magneto because he's the master of magnetism from our childhood, they only like him because before they picked him they just KNEW he could dash in 8 directions!
Combofriend can suck a dick
>Zero has not been shown playable yet.
he's literally in the evo build
>They made a reskin wolverine no one asked for DLC
Fuck this shit game
>Capcom will never fight a completely new company ever again
Despite not recognizing half the roster and being Wii-exclusive I really liked Tatsunoko.
>KI x Darkstalkers
As perfect as the roster synergy would be that has less of a chance of ever happening than SF vs MK
>Still no Rival Schools rep.
Well done Capcom, you fucking mongoloids.
Yeah, with the DLC star next to him, same with Sigma.
If leaks are true Black Panther will be added as DLC
Hey if were lucky, Wesker and Vergils function wont be DLC and be given to someone like Jedah and Monster hunter
>College for art
So your mom is either a working girl or wears the pants. Gotcha.
>Yeah, with the DLC star next to him, same with Sigma.
motherfucker look at the OP image
do you see a star? do you see sigma?
even TvC didnt feel as weird because it was japanese games vs animu which coexist already.
MvC and SFvsXmen were much sillier.
Its like..Kingdom Hearts I guess? Just not as homo.
Sorry, you didn't buy enough copies of TvC.
My parents are divorced and works an office job she hates. She used to work in construction and was a manager for McDonalds.
mother goddamn fucker i was at evo, were you?
i fucking played this game
i literally asked
why does zero have a star next to him?
"he's dlc with sigma"
sigma was playable on the floor
the stage version was a different build
the floor version didn't have jedah
What I want to know is how the fuck Nemesis got back in over Wesker?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't he one of the standout new characters and a clear fan favorite in MvC3? It makes zero sense not to bring him back if you're going to give Resident Evil two slots anyway, unless they're saving him for DLC nickle and diming.
Especially when you consider that RE5 Chris made it back in.
nice reddit spacing
>reveal Nemesister
>completely gut his moves
>no super armor
>Rocket does jackshit damage
Wesker function is in the game bro.
>cant refute what i say so you just resort to reddit boogeyman
nice to know Sup Forums is still 9 years old
maybe they plan to release a RE3 HD at some point.
TvC was a terrible game.
>RE2 remake on the horizon
>still using chris and not leon
Maybe they decided to make the girls ugly to appease nasty bitter girls that can't stand pretty?
I agree.
Every single character has room for lots of improvement considering they all look butchered by intern modelers.
>6 all-new DLC characters
>Monster Hunter only new Capcom rep besides unknown character left
>Ant Man and Winter Soldier are only new Marvel reps left
>Tron is on my team in 2 and 3
>removed for no reason
Maybe if they brought Wesker back for some of that WESSSKERRRR CHRRISSSSSS dynamic I'd understand, but they couldn't even get that right.
Which blows my mind when you consider that they were rehashing assets left and right anyway.
the art direction for female characters is so fucking botched. I understand they wanted to move away from anime-esque female faces, but those look terrible.
They could have also done Jill and Nemesis.
they would have ruined it by using the RE5 or Revelations costume instead of STARS or her outfit from 3
It honestly never struck me until Infinite how odd of a combo it was. Some of the most recognizable comic book superheroes of all time against a bunch of characters normies mostly had no idea about. I'm glad it happened but when you think about it, MvC is a really weird franchise, kinda like Kingdom Hearts but less autistic.
Why bother bring Jedah back if he isn't the self-mutilating demon messiah he is famous for being?
Why not bring out Talbain or Rikou if they wanted a kid friendly DS character?
It makes more sense because Capcom WAS fighting games in the 90s.
or even demitri who still has not been in any capcom crossover