I'm level 23 and I haven't touched decoctions, witcher gear or enchantments. Is this normal?

I'm level 23 and I haven't touched decoctions, witcher gear or enchantments. Is this normal?

no, it's easy

>you haven't used the only parts that make Witcher unique
>you still got that far
Proof that "The Witcher 3" is a shit game!

I mean it really it easy. I'm playing on the second highest difficulty and there's no sense of preparation like how it should be. Just put a sign and oil on and you're good to go.

Witcher gear doesn't have advantages until you get the bonuses(lv40). Decoctions are not useless, give em a try. Enchantments are too expensive and post game anyway.

All in all, you're doing just fine.

this. the game is a consolized disgrace.

yeah I play on broken bones and it is pretty easy but I can't help but love this game and it's world

The way I see it, I'd rather not spend more time out of battles preparing only to make them even more underwhelming and short.


>not using Witcher gear
All of the other armour is ugly

Yes, the game is easy enough to never bother with that stuff

This is a modern overshilled AAA game, what do you expect? Gameplay depth? Difficulty? Get real.

This shit is a glorified visual novel.

you're right, sadly

Pretty much, I enjoyed the game, but not for its shitty gameplay.

>muh gameplay

grow up(height) virgin


While useless early on, decoctions and alchemy become OP as shit once you get to around the mid-game because you'll have picked up some of the better decoctions that synergise with each other and points to spare for that talent in the alchemy tree that raises your toxicity levels based on how many alchemy formulae you've found. By the end of the game you can run three or four and get a bunch of damage/health buffs on top of that for being such a drug-addled degenerate.

What level is "mid-game"?

Why are you playing it on second hardest difficulty then lol?

Deaths march is a pretty large increase from the one before it.
I had the same problem, felt overpowered for most of the game. Deaths march will make the search for food much more of a priority but will make the enemies harder to beat. Shame because bosses/monsters are still too easy but fighting groups becomes pretty dangerous at times

you don't have to use the tools the game gives you.
Both times I have played it I have been a sign char using only the healing potion or attack dam potion.
no biggy really.
Ik that an alchemy build char can be OP by using decoctions but tbqh as soon as you get the second function of quen you are in god mode anyway

I'm level 18 and still haven't used that stuff yet. I shyed away from decoctions because alot of them require the DNA of a monster that I only encountered and defeated once... and I kinda don't wanna waste it. The gear seems like a waste since my armor is already pretty good. And enchantments I kinda use when fighting beasts like werewolves and whatnot.

I barely touch bombs either. It seems like a hassle and it seems like 'easy mode' to use them.

Just pick the armour that you like the look of the most.
Not referring to yourself but i never get people that use all the best gear/armour and then moan about being overpowered. That stuff is clearly there for people who are shit at playing games and probs wouldn't complete it without those items.

Also, i didn't use bombs once but then as soon as i got to the final few quests i was using them non stop.
The wild hunt bosses at least have large HPs even if they have very few move combos

I use armor that boosts my Aard sign. It's not really the best armor, but it has a high Aard percentage. Plus it has 3 slot to add 3 Aard enhancements for an even bigger boost.

I think the defense on the armor is pretty shitty, I avoid getting hit.

because you don't get the achievement anymore

Adequate answer desu

As long as there is a penalty to getting hit then there's at least a challenge there.
For anyone feeling too godlike in this game i would just say to stay away from quen and make sure you aren't changing your gear every 5 mins just because you find something with slightly better stats