Damn cakefags ruined everything
Games you are ashamed to admit you're a fan of
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What the fuck is your problem? Portal is a well made game. There is no shame in being a fan of that.
Hell, there is not even a community problem, since anyone who just rides the cake meme don't even play the game.
yeah but all the redditfags made it into a pleb teir "lol im such a geek" game.
>since anyone who just rides the cake meme don't even play the game.
This, it's just Dorkly reading faggots pretending to play games.
Most of the retarded "gamer" stereotypes don't even apply to people who actually play games, but rather those who pretend to.
>I let Sup Forums mold my opinion way too much
People like you are honestly more obnoxious than an obvious redditor. It's been years since people moved on from being cancerous about Portal
Portal is my favorite video game! No, I did not finish it, but that doesn't matter!
Smash bros
I love smash with friends and also enjoy playing alone, i just feel that smash esports ruined the game in the eyes of non-fans. I don't give two shits about the esports.
Im not ashamed of it, but Lords of Shadow 2.
>those stealth sections
was like 10mins worth of gameplay the entire game yet everyone focused in on this
This guy basically explains it when talking about the original game
>ashamed of portal
grow a vagina toughen up
The community is the terrible mix of furries, bronies, le ironic dank memers, frendlies and animefags. Such diversity in faggots.
Sly cooper games, they were my mid childhood though.
Portal was never good you stupid fucking trendy faggot. Get the fuck out of my hobby.
there's a lot of konami and capcom hate and with the ageing remaining-single male populace still buying games they get a lot of flack
dark souls
Why the fuck is Sup Forums always so stuck in the past? Let me guess, the furries are still the greatest threat on the internet?
Portal came out a fucking decade ago, people stopped giving a shit about cake memes before Portal 2 came out, so it's been at least 6 years since it was remotely relevant.
For reference
Cancer cake memery aside Portal 1 and 2 are excellent games. Polished, original, unique, charming, and challenging gameplay. 2 gave us actually interesting and fun split screen co-op, and the community workshop allowed for fan-made levels, giving it infinite replayability, with a dedicated community that still makes levels to this day and stays relatively active.
With the exception of a few minor flaws and shitty jokes, both of these games are 10/10's.
>play through portal 2's co-op campaign for the first time since the game came out with a friend last week
>look at the workshop content
>more single player levels than the entirety of skyrim mods in the workshop
What the fuck
go play overwatch kiddo
Project diva, im 27 and i play it on my Vita socially whenever possible. People got used to it
Commander Keen, and other DOS games no one gives a shit about, mostly because I'm autistic enough to care about them.
Touhou. Im gay, so i literally dont give a shit about the girls, I just like bullethells and pretty patterns. Unfortunately playing it brands me as an anime waifufag.
I beat portal first playthrough in 3 hours
What took so long?
Want a fucking medal or something?
Pre-Awakening Fire Emblem
I have a close friend who is gay and likes all the anime weeb games with fan service you can think of. He really likes miku too. Nobody thinks different of him because he's confident about it and soon enough it comes out that he doesn't find them attractive at all.
why are you acting like most gays dont like women?
thats 100% the opposite