Want to play a fun video game

>want to play a fun video game
>they're all shit
Bannerlord when?

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who /lostallhope/ here?

Steam Early Access on 20th December 2018. Follow Twitter.

Yup. The E3 videos proved that they're just making Warband with better graphics instead of anything new.

>Early Access

you forgot improved sieges.

This alone makes it worth it.

plus customization, improved tactics and generally smoother combat

Early access is a given considering the original M&B was one of the first early access titles ever. Just not through steam because it wasn't available yet.

take a look at machiavilain store.steampowered.com/app/555510/MachiaVillain/
looks fun and promising so far

>better sieges
>item creation
>more interaction with towns (like setting up bandits in there)
>better quest system
>better town customization
>more npc interaction

i could go on, but they arent just making warband, they are improving everything that exists

what else do you want from a sequel?

They seriously did not look very different.

The original Mount&Blade was just released as a shit game with a lot of potential, and got patched a lot.
Then the multiplayer got sold as a separate game, Warband.

There was no "early access", it was a case of forever in beta, a very modern idea back then, that has since taken root.

1. Item crafting.
2. Intractable siege engines.
3. Minigames in inns.

Those are the new features. Everything else that has a vague "better X" is not a new feature.

And maybe voice activated commands like the PS4 version of Warband

It's effectively what we would now consider early access as it was released as an unfinished game in alpha state.

It was very much so early access. I remember being a kid and playing that shit back when it was just Zendar and Dark Knight spawnpoints.

You had a free demo, but you could only level to I think 5, then you had to pay to play the rest of the beta, and content was added as time went by. That's early access.

Whether the feature is new or not the game is being improved. To say it's just warband with better graphics would be ignorant.

Do you remember horse archers with 100% accuracy shooting you in the eye while running away from you 666 sanics per hour?

I've been waiting years.

I have lost all hope.

>not emulating old games
Joke's on you. Im having a great time

>Bannerlord when?

Same day as Cyberpunk 2077 and Star Citizen

Can someone tell what could they possibly still doing with the game for the last 3 years? They pretty much copied the original game with a few enhancements here and there, nothing that should warrant such long delay.

Maybe they're, I dunno, making it better?

You must be 18 to post here

How did they improve sieges? The most notable difference seems to be the ability to place siege towers where you want.

Multiple entry points

But all those things were in Warband, at least in the multiplayer.

The dev team is smaller than a match box. The fact that they managed to make a game like Warband is a miracle in and out of itself.

>How did they improve sieges?

1. Siege equipment you can interact with.
2. Defensive equipment you can interact with.
3. Bigger castles and more dudes on the battlefield.
4. Some (scripted, not simulated) destruction on the walls and doors.

Basically stuff that multiplayer mods already had, except done with good UI and not hacked from an outdated engine.

ballistas and onagres arent an improvement for you ?

you gay son ?

The Bannerlord dev team is bigger than that of Mass Effect or Elder Scrolls games, or the Witcher games.
This is a picture from 2013, they are 102 developers now.

Once you've clearly taken the walls the enemy will retreat to the keep.

I wonder how many of them are in prison now.

Oh wow, okay. I take that back then.
I thought it was still that guy and his wife coding it.

So just like the multiplayer.

This was already in Warband singleplayer, the sieges had 3 phases - take the outer walls, take the courtyard, take the keep.

this is the first game they have fully developed themselves. the first mountain blade was beta tested thoroughly for years until it was finally released

It's going to be a piece of shit if it gets released, isn't it? That many devs means a lot of funding, which means a lot of sponsors, which means a lot of detached suits who know fuck all about vidya coming with "suggestions"

It it makes you feel better, probably half are interns, since the government Academy of Sciences that funds the project is an academic institutions so students go there to get work experience.

There was some greek MMO developer who did a similar thing, I forgot their name.
I do remember they released a buggy MMO that I played, and then fixed all the bugs and released it again, of course charging money again.

That one ginger in the middle

Poor little swadian boy in the middle of a khergit raiding party.


>that dude in chaimail

No, in the single player you had to beat a FUCKING TON of enemies in the walls, they just kept spawning till they were all dead.
Now once you've taken the walls and have numbers inside, the gates open, all that jazz, the enemy VISABLY BACKS AWAY into the keep.

>turks are not whi-

make it not a buggy mess from the start.
There are still some annoying bugs in Warband(which is already a updated version) that never got fixed.

Fuck Erdogan

I specifically remember singleplayer sieges being like this...

1. You fight enemies until they are out.
2. Combat resets, text screen.
3. You fight the enemies who were only knocked out in the past fight, not killed, in the courtyard.
4. Combat resets, text screen.
5. You fight the enemies who were only knocked out in the past two fights, not killed, in the keep. Usually just a few elite dudes and the leaders.

Or is this some mod?

>There are still some annoying bugs in Warband(which is already a updated version) that never got fixed.

Such as? Just being curious here. I can't recall walking into many bugs or glitches.

the only excuse I can find for them is they're a small team.

but yeah, considering the amount of time and hype, bannerlord, despite being an obvious upgrade from warband, will be a letdown.

No that's how it works. user is saying in Bannerlord, instead of fighting waves and waves of spawning enemies after you've physically taken the walls all those enemies will retreat into the keep which has to be taken. Not just a combat reset in a new stage.

that's how it worked on defense sometimes. on offense you had to kill everyone without any kind of rest

No, this is how it works on the OFFENSE. When you are sieging.


Well in Warband after you've physically taken the walls, you have probably already killed the enemy.
Hard to take the walls (not contest, but proper take them) if there are people there. Not even a matter of skill, you just can't fucking move through the masses of defenders.


>Banking on shit combat: the game.

Combat normally goes

>Kill 95% of garison
>If in town go to street fighting against a small number
>Go to keep, fight against a small number.

in Bannerlord its
>Take the walls
>Go to fighting in the town or keep
It makes the actual first part of a siege take a lot less time.
Not sure how it effects the keep stage, I assume it'll have more enemies but will be like in warband, and then when you win the defeated army will run or be taken prisoner.

Taking the walls is easier in Bannerlord.
A few times when I was playing Warband I had my whole army inside the walls just camped out in front of the enemy spawn point. Had to wait around for a good 10 minutes before it moved to Keep stage.

I wish, wish, wish, that lords could die and new ones generated, like the orcs in that Lord of the Rings game I never finished.


>Had to wait around for a good 10 minutes before it moved to Keep stage.

Why would you attack a city where the Swadian army is feasting?

Because it's not actually shit combat. Along with this you have a empire building sequence, along with RPG elements. Which are also pretty good.

Even if the combat was shit, the rest would make up for it to be an ok game.

they had to die at some point

>Game 2 is different from Game 1
>Game 2 is the same as Game 1 but with newer tech and some gameplay improvements

>Bannerlord when?
No idea, It doesn't look like a good period for people who work in Turkey

>batman arkham asylum combat spread and infected many other games
>dark souls combat is spreading and infecting other games right now
>mount&blade combat didn't spread and nobody else is using it


The first point would be valid if everything Bannerlord has couldn't be modded into Warband. If you don't want something new, play the old one. I've played M&B to death and Bannerlord isn't reviving shit.

I wish there were a gothic-like game with that kind of combat.

Or at least a mod to give gothic a similar combat system.

It has spread though? It's the same shitty FPS-derived floaty-ass combat in everything from TES, to Chivalry, to Dark Messiah, Mordhau, etc and they all have the same traits (can attack freely while moving, no hitstop, no hitstun, incredibly limited attacks, etc).

>what is directional attacks
>what is directional blocking
>what is weapon range actually mattering and weapons having dead zones
>what is faints and chamber block, etc

If you think Skyrim has Warband combat, you are a moron.

must be a Janissary

Just slightly fleshed out TES, the rhythm and fundamentals are the same.
Also, the feints in Warband are actually pretty fucked-up. High-level fights are just brainless feint spam. When you play a good game, you can't feint a million times a second.

>If you think Skyrim has Warband combat, you are a moron.
>Yes, I am a moron.


That's what we want!

You are a fucking idiot.

They have the same shitty spacing/neutral/etc. I know that hurts your feefees, but it's the truth when you play an abhorration of a genre.

>all these buttblasted mount & fag.

Mehmet my son

>americans consider this white


if italians are white, then turks are white

>They pretty much copied the original game with a few enhancements here and there

They didn't, and you're a fool to think that's how game development works.

They were about to release until Erdogan held his fake coup. He discovered Armagan was a secret military supporter and so Erdogan came into the studio and erased everything!!!!

>if italians are white

>us whites built civilization! we created so much culture, philosophy, and all of western thought!!!
>by the way greeks and italians aren't white

whites were invented thousands of years after rome


>[greek & roman] culture, philosophy, and all of western thought

What happened to all that?


>>It's going to be a piece of shit if it gets released, isn't it?


>Item crafting

Not like, gather x, y, and z materials to combine into your weapon, but being able to customize them at a blacksmith with different pommels, grips, blade lengths and sizes that all affect it's swing speed and damage and reach.

struggling to think of features that I would want other than those announced/already in mods



Enhanced RTS features so that you can micro your units more effectively from the map, control groups, boxing and such
Razing holdings permanently, building holdings from scratch, upgrading holdings as they grow
Diplomacy that isn't barebones as fuck
Lords not being immortal, lords being able to have kids that are raised into new lords, lords being brought up from the nobility


>Enhanced RTS features so that you can micro your units more effectively from the map, control groups, boxing and such
>Razing holdings permanently, building holdings from scratch, upgrading holdings as they grow
>Lords not being immortal
Already in mods

>kids that are raised into new lords
would take too long, unless you want 5000 hour saves, or 12 days a year