So why aren't people buying games with very positive reviews...

So why aren't people buying games with very positive reviews? Do you really have to spend millions and billions on marketing to convince normies that they want to play your game?

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>Do you really have to spend millions and billions on marketing to convince normies that they want to play your game?
Individuals are smart, populations are retarded. And as soon as you enter social space you go full sheepmode that why most good stuff through history has been discovered by anti-socials and slowly shared from anti-social to anti-social one at a time until enough people liked it that sheeple couldn't continue ignoring it.

>yet another walking simulator

No thanks

By that time Farm51 will go out of business. There must be another way.

please tell me this is not actually your game OP because if so you posted this thread about a month ago with the same topic.

I see autists from Sup Forums never leave their posts.

Buying your game so I can review it negatively and refund.
Have a nice day faggot.

I'll take that as a yes then but it was a simple question op so there was no need to be rude about it.

>this is what aspy undesirables actually believe

Can anyone have any meaningful discussion on Sup Forums on any topic anymore? Fucking Nintendo shills.

Watched GB's quick look. The game looks boring.

Let's see why I won't buy this game

Chinese moot ate most of my post
>30 bucks for an indie game I've never heard of and probably wouldn't play for more than 10 hours
>psychological horror
Don't even need to think about looking at reviews to stay far away from this shit


Also, the game being boring has nothing to do with sales. Millions of people bought No Man's Sky.

*Millions of people refunded No Man's Sky.

>Don't even need to think about looking at reviews to stay far away from this shit
That's why you will always play shit. Reading user reviews is the key to finding good games.

Making the protagonist of a game female automatically gives it positive reviews.

Well that's AAA for you
>find some genre or gameplay mechanic casuals will like because they're too stupid to know otherwise (currently, that's usually open world collectathons)
>market the fuck out of the game, promising INFINITE POSSIBILITIES MAKE YOUR OWN STORY
>don't give a fuck whether you deliver on any of it

What genuinelly good thing became popular instantly without multi-million dollar marketing shills?
Even photography, movies, vinyl and the internet had to be shilled by autists to other autists. People at large don't care or are effectively afraid of experimentation.

How much are Farmm51 paying you for this shit mate? Or are you doing it for free like a good little cuckie?

Anything less than 85% positive on Steam is almost certainly trash, unless it is difficult and people are rating down for the difficultly.

Naw man, I use reviews to gauge whether games that pique my interest are worth buying. Get Even fails at that first hurdle
Would you read the reviews of a multiplayer craftin zombie survival sandbox game?
>ever reading positive reviews at all

Shouldn't have arbitrarily delayed it FAGGOT. Now my schedule is full so I'll be waiting for a sale.

Yes. Witcher 3 has to spend 3/4th of its whole budget to become successful.

Nothing. I invested in them and that's why I care. I care about most polish game dev companies and I believe Farm wasn't treated fairly by the market.

Game is actually pretty good so far.

>he does it for free

So there is no hope for gaming.
How do even people get to know about new games if they use Adblock and don't read cancer "game journalist" websites? How much does a paid shill get paid on Sup Forums?

10 cents for a 100-1000 posts desu, poo in loo, pinoyshitters and other thirdworlders.

Sup Forums
recommended games
games related to the ones I like
new releases

>implying i would buy indie trash ever

my friends don't play video games
other channels are based on money

You bought Shovel Knight and was proud of your purchase.

voices in your head don't count as friends bro,

If your game is unique enough, you don't need marketing as people will get interested as they see others talking about it.
If you make yet another game in a common genre like your game is, you need marketing so people give it a shot among hundreds of similar games.

better then buying this trash shill

Check out these games coming out soon

from the name and the picture
it looks like another shit the last of us or beyond whatever was called
no thank you , no worth watching a vid neither

The game is fucking shit

>If your game is unique enough, you don't need marketing as people will get interested as they see others talking about it.

That's a lie. At some point you leave highschool and people stop talking to you about games unless they aren't adults but mere children in adult bodies.

didn't know they'd set up a steam page yet

I bought it, then refunded :^) get fucked polish shills

How can you tell?

You fucking talked about niche indie games in high school? Did you just turn 18?

I work for a logging company, bunch of chainsaw toting guys in their late 30s and they still talk about video games

>Because that type of games only appeal to a small audience
>Because players want more than 6 hours of game time for their money

because no marketing. I bought get even off some dude on craigslist for $15 who probably stole it but that doesn't matter to me. It's a great game but very... plain. The story is unique enough but everything about the gunplay to the exploration and detective elements are ripped right the fuck out of condemned 1. It's interesting.

And yes, normies are the market games are developed for. If you want to make a game you have to be aware of what your market is. Unless you have an extreme niche to market to, you'll fail without marketing to the nth degree.

Appetite for Destriction

Bought it and it was boring, refunded

not him but I was talking about cave story and braid and flash games with friends in high school. I put that cave story PSP port on everyone's PSPs in school and I was the coolest dude in the pimple-faced nerd crowd.

But yeah, it's not that unlikely. 2007 was like the absolute peak of indie game's popularity.



Wow, the devs of that game finally got their act together and produced a banner that isn't repulsive, only took them like 5 or so tries

>coming out soon

>Do you really have to spend millions and billions on marketing to convince normies that they want to play your game?
Are you retarded or what? That's the reason why marketing exists. If you don't even bother giving away review copies, let alone advertise your game, what else do you expect? I didn't even know the game existed before Gggmanlives review, and it only got 30k views, which is more than most of the other popular ones, COMBINED. You can't be expecting your sales skyrocket just based on one instrument.

I don't know what that is. Guns and Roses?

>3 millions views
>3000 copies sold

Something stinks in here.

You again?
Get over it.
Most indies never hit it big.
Your corner gun gimmick isn't good enough to be the next minecraft or undertale

i buy games im interested in. i have multiple games i play and enjoy that have bad reviews. make a game i am interested in and i will buy it. reviews are only worth my time to figure out if it includes mechanics i like or dislike.

also put your game on sale always because otherwise its pretty much impossible for it to ever show up. ive missed so many games because steam is absolute shit when it comes to finding hidden gems

>he still does get it
couple of months out and hes still crying about this shit, fucking lol. I bet Farm51 doesn't even know who you are much less even care about your lame ass efforts at shilling.

Yes. I typoed because I suck. But it was the first album. They were nobody before it dropped, and the label was not anticipating for it to sell as much as it did. GnR literally became a global phenomenon overnight.

It is also one of the greatest rock albums of all time. I'm not even particular to GnR, but every song on that album is quality music.

I can't stand FPS games that look like indie trash, would be different if there was anything interesting about it, but no, looks like any other indie shooter

It's a me, Mario!
I'll come back whenever I feel like calling gamers degenerate fucks.

Can please fuck off? Thanks.

>GnR literally became a global phenomenon overnight
Never heard if them until 10 years later shen it was spammed by some radio station.

Well, yeah. People are finding out that YouTuber views≠sales. Turns out 99% of viewers would rather just watch the video than they are to be interested in the game in the video.

Normalfags arent buying it because you didnt spend 50million on marketing alone.

"Core" gamers, or whatever the fags in suits call them, wont buy it because the fact its single player means they can wait for it to go on sale or end up in a bundle. They can wait because said sales and bundles gave them large backlogs to deal with.

The market for games is fucked on all sides.

Then you had to have been living under a rock. Who you heard of does not refute the documentation of GnR exploding the week of Apettite's release. The tour was already planned to help sell the album, but after only a week of release, it sat on #1 for about a month. Honestly, the fact you didn't hear about it proves my point. It wasn't heavily shilled.

Critics and shills even generally shot it down, blaming the "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" taboo was what sold the album, not the music. It has since become one of the world's highest selling albums ever.

>Black - an ice-cold mercenary and hired gun - awakes in a mysterious old asylum with no memory of his past.

I pirated your shit game and deleted it after 30 minutes. Fuck off.

I don't live in Murrica and Axel is insane, in a bad way

if you refund it the review will be removed

That's what you get for not using Denuvo on your products. Never more.

Nothing stinks - ecelebs don't help sell games

Of course Axel is insane. No one said he wasn't. That still isn't the point. It also has nothing to do with you being American. It has a global reach, and has had it since shortly after it dropped without the use of shills or multi-million dollar marketing, and the music on the album is good.

>sterile as fuck amateur cubick environment
>narrative driven "gameplay"
>bad voice acting
>2deep4me story

People won't buy it cause it's neither interesting or fun. Denuvo would mean that people won't even try, they can refund anyway.

>It has a global reach
Apparently not

The only time this ever seems to be an issue is with horror games, nobody wants to play these things, they just want to see people's reactions to the game.
Stuff like Playerunknown's Battleground and Rocket League are good examples games that were not only popular on twitch but people actually wanted to go out and buy them, watching someone play them wasn't as interesting as doing it yourself.
Turns out gameplay is a nice feature to have.

Nobody fucking wants to play a walking simulator unless it's actually mildly interesting, which means it has to be either incredibly surreal and memorable like LSD Dream Emulator or scary and entertaining like Layers of Fear.

literally anything else and it just falls apart at the seams and nobody wants to touch it.

Your refusal to acknowledge something the rest of the world knows about does not mean it doesn't exist or that it does not have global reach.

Whether your the same user or not, he asked for something good that became immediately popular without the use of a large marketing budget. I provided an answer. Your individual tastes and disconnection from society do not change history, user.

I get it now. You guys don't like deep games because you are all plebs. All you want are booze, boobs and large guns.

>£25 for 7 hours of walking simulator
>Could just watch it on YouTube and get a similar experience

Who the fuck makes these games trying to make money

It's FUCKING trash just stop

No Man's Sky also had at least a hundred million in marketing poured into it by Sony.

I think Angry Joe Vargas should review this game.

There's loads of legitimately fucking terrible, bottom of the barrel for their genre games that get positive user reviews.

All reviews are fucking worthless because the gaming public at large is retarded.

cornergun is an awesome concept. That they give it to you then punish you for killing literally ANYONE is retarded.

You guys should have added a scary monster

Also whenever I hear "narrative driven gameplay", all I hear is "we were too cheap to make character models that talk to you, so we'll give you memories or a radio or audio logs"

>aspy undesirables

>80%+ of mathematicians

If not for "aspy undesirables" we wouldn't even have reached the industrial revolution and would still know nothing about the world around us right now.

>Layers of Fear
It was shit and you only like it because AngryJoe liked it

Why arent you running your bot?

This holy shit, I was so disappointed. They almost fooled me by giving you guns at the beginning but it devolves into a boring walking simulator real fast. Uninstalled after half an hour.

>Your refusal to acknowledge something the rest of the world knows about does not mean it doesn't exist

That's exactly what it means. There is no world outside of my brain.

Yes, but not any type of boobs, anime boobs. Change the character design into anime tiddies and your game will be an instant success around here.

If you really invested in them you should be getting paid so, which one is it? Are you lying or are they committing fraud?

It was at the very least entertaining, more like a haunted house roller coaster than a boring ass walking simulator. Something was always happening and the atmosphere was actually good.

Compare with something like Everybody's Gone to The Rapture, which is a candidate for worst game of the entire decade and the number one example of why walking simulators are a shit genre for pretentious assholes who don't want to put effort into anything.

VtMB, SIN, Timesplitters, and Witcher are popular here as well, there are western tiddies that work. Just not many.

The game got positive reviews from your velived game journalists and critics. How does one convince people like you that something is objectively good?

The description doesn't even say what kind of game it is.

I want actual games with gameplay not "deep" walking simulator with maps a 5 year old can make.