>It says here that your hobby is "playing video games".
>Would you care to go into that?
It says here that your hobby is "playing video games"
If a company asks you such questions it's either a shit company or a shit job, possibly both.
If you put "video games" on your resume you're probably a dumbass to begin with
Who's idiotic enough to add something like that to their resume?
i would understand if a /fit/izen added weight lifting or a sport but vidya?
that's a one way ticket out.
yes i play the finest hentai games
is something wrong with that?
>i would understand if a /fit/izen added weight lifting or a sport but vidya?
Sports should only be added at a specific jobs, like PE teacher.
But fucking weight lifting? It should never be put in a resume jesus christ people
It's something I enjoy, what about it?
Meh. It shows dedication to something. Don't throw your fucking s/b/d on there or anything but I think its fine to mention.
I participate in the local fighting game scene and have made a lot of friends and even industry contacts in doing so. I've commentated matches at minor events that were being streamed to an average of 300-500 viewers.
>want to get out the games industry
>looking for new job
>10 interviews and no offers
How do I upgrade my social skills?
>it says here you like to lift heavy stones as a hobby
>this is a law firm, why did you think we would care about this?
>job interview
>what do you do on your free time
>x, y, video games, z, etc
>video games?
>oh fuck why did i say that
>do you play dota or lol?
>w-wh-i-i play d-dota
>hmm... nice. do you know what esports are?
>great. we're working on a project that involves esports, good to know that you're familiar with that stuff
>but I was told law is for faggots
>I've been training for 6 years to lift heavy stones.
>I've worked through injury and sickness to accomplish my goals.
There you go user
Out of curiosity, what job position was this?
actually some companies do ask you about hobbies, as a way to see if you are a personable person and if you are able to elaborate.
Similarly i once had a job who asked me to go into intense detail as to what i actually had done on a daily basis in my previous jobs. They did it to try test my ability to communicate.
I always put music, sports reading, as they are the only hobbies one can do without looking degenerate
You need to sell yourself properly. Read between the lines of your own answers and figure out what you're really communicating to the interviewers
>I participate in the local fighting game scene
"I know this subject well and I'm competent at it"
>industry contacts
"People in positions of power are aware of me and can vouch for me"
>commentated matches at minor events that were being streamed
"I have been on camera without making a fool of myself or what I represented"
the only hobby I put on my cv was volleyball because I won the local league and because it shows I work well in a team
don't put shit in your cv unless it actually helps you
how can i play volleyball without getting a massive boner from all the girls with amazing asses
i swear volleyball and gymnastics is THE shit to get into if you like booty and wanna be surrounded by it. even guy-booty if that's your thing.
>Lifting heavy stones requires discipline, willpower, and the time management to lift heavier stones while getting jobs done
>Those qualities some things that I hope I can show you in my work in this law firm
>I manage a WoW guild with weekly get together
>I moderate an imageboard on a popular website
Why's that a bad thing?
i cant focus on playing if i'm too busy trying to be a hoe
Or you don't actually want the job but still applied for NEETbux
I reckon if you manage a big, competent build and you phrase it right it's a plus
>I manage a group of people in weekly online challenges, we are quite competent and my responsibilities have grown since we tried to achieve more
>I am competent with website maintenance
it's quite good, I can recommend it
>sports reading
So you read about sports? Or is the sport to read as quickly as you can. I'd interview you just to know more..
Focus on the ball instead of the booty
Then slap your balls onto the booty afterwards
no user, vidya looks degenerate.
A job wants you to have a normie life.
I missed a comma, don't be even more retarded than you already are user
>"I have been on camera without making a fool of myself or what I represented"
Don't say this. Jesus christ.
That's the inferred information user, not something you say out loud.
fullstack webdev
they're supposed to answer me today or tomorrow i cant take it anymore
I just wait for recruiters to contact me and then I go interview the company that wants me to work for them.
On Linkedin among many technologies I know, I also have several Pokemon listed, whenever recruiter contacts me, I first ask them to tell me which of the things on my profile are real technologies and which are Pokemon - to get people that just send offers to anyone out of the way. Most of them fail this simple task.
>feels good being highly trained specialist
Not the user, but I too thought it was "sports reading", as in keeping up with sports statistics and such, you know, for betting and fun. Actually sounds like meaningful hobby if you ask me.
I seriously hope none of you guys are actually serious, holy shit
Fuck off Kamoshida
Of course. If you'll turn your attention to the whiteboard, I've prepared a slideshow carefully explaining why Shun Kodori is the best route.
I didnt put any hobbie in my CV since I didnt have space left, even though I didnt have much experience to list anyway. I dont understand why would anyone ever list their hobbies in a CV, though I understand that its an acceptable question during the interviews.
I am fitfag so I listed gym, running and basketball after I was specifically asked. You must be out of touch with reality if you dont know that 90% of normies are constantly trying to lose weight and/or gain muscle and they all love talking about it. Not that they are making any constant effort, but they will always have something to say such as "Oh I tried this diet and..." or "I try to run in summer" and the the favorite "I used to go to the gym all the time when I was your age".
Do you think if I put "Science Fiction" I could pass as nerdy but still socially acceptable?
I can't even remember the last time i made a CV or was asked for one.
Yeah, Boss, I participate in amateur tournaments. It might be a small achievement, but believe it or not I feel I've gained valuable skills. As a part of a team, I have developed objective-focused communication skills. Y'know, when I first started, it kind of surprised me how little things I say can bother some people, but through these tournaments, I learned how to pick up on someone's communication style and adjust my speaking to maximize the effectiveness of communication. For example, for many people, simply pointing out mistakes can break down the communication, however acknowledging that mistake followed by some positive reinforcement, say, if they die, I can say, "That's ok, we'll get him next time, watch that corner and you'll be sure to get him," it goes a long ways. Video games might not be too serious, but I believe that everything in life presents opportunities to grow, and these video game tournaments have certainly helped me become an effective communicator.
what kind of hobby is science fiction?
also why would it be interesting enough to be a relevant information
>I'm into science fiction, I like reading and star trek
>I'm into science fiction, I like to write short stories
Put reading science fiction novels and you'll be alight.
Reading these threads feels like 99% never wrote a CV.
Yes, everybody can imagine something they like under that term.
Leave it vague. Specify only if they ask.
Boss, I... You'll understand one day when you have your own kids.
How is that hobby meaningful?
>missed out on a job due to this
>got one a few months later due to this
huh, really makes you think
>It says here that your hobby is "playing video games".
Then you must have picked a wrong paper from the pile because I'm not retarded enough to put that into my resume.
>do you believe in god?
>somebody in your family is a faggot?
i got asked those 2 on this happy company
I think that's really none of their fucking business
Employers ask you about your hobby to get a better perspective on how you are as an individual. now stopp being autistic
*Take my Switch out of my pocket*
Sure thing.
Exactly, he's trying to gauge if you fit in or not.
If you say video games it's your own damn fault
Of course wich is why i lie and say i read books.
Enjoy making gambling sites targeting 13 yo boys from third world countries.
>i've never had a job, the post
I have a job
I got hired because I didn't put "videogames" in my cv
theyre a pretty awesome company,
their projects are very cool and i hope i get accepted
Fun fact: if you did get hired without putting video games in your cv, you'd most likely still get hired if you had put it in.