New The End Is Nigh thread. Discuss the game (good things, bad things, where you are in the game and so on)

New The End Is Nigh thread. Discuss the game (good things, bad things, where you are in the game and so on).

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It crashes when selecting a saveslot.
Literally unplayable

About 420 tumors found, getting hard finding the last few.

I'm at about 260. Really looking forward to the "300-future".

no one got a fix?

I don't have it yet.

20 hours in, around 9000 deaths so far.
100% the past, currently getting through Gloom.
I wanted to 100% the game, but after seeing some of the cartridges and achievements, I don't think I'll ever have a change

Maybe check the read and write permissions on the game/save directory.

why are you even in this thread then?

How many people are going to clear this shit?

>9th screen in tombs and torture

What is this game?

Finished the sky route of the split, going through Golgotha now. The area has the coolest visual style so far with the red and black theme.

Gameplay is good and you get a new twist on the gameplay every couple of screens, but Edmund is kind of phoning it in. He's been doing the small, weak creature traversing an apocalyptic wasteland filled wirh abominations thing since the Newgrounds days.

Is it the one where you have to go up and then down through some super fast shit?
Got stuck there as well and gave up, at least the rest is somewhat easy.

>you can skip almost half of spiketales
Hopefully they don't patch this out

A really awesome platformer. Check it out.


I heard it is slower than SMB. How do the two games compare?

I have been waiting for a second meat boy game

A bit slower but a lot more precise.

Looks neat

It isn't momentum based, so it's got more emphasis on precision and what you might call puzzle elements. Also, you can't hold onto any wall, only ledges (which gives a lot of the level quite different design choices compared to meat boy, I think that's a good thing).

Yeah, I really love the visuals of Golgotha.

Alright thanks. I'm not sure if I like the art style but the game isn't that expensive so I'll give it a try

Is this the new steakmud game?

In what ways is this better than SMB?

Yes but the steak isn't raw this time

Did it yesterday. It wasn't really that bad to be honest, took maybe around 3-4 hours.
Doing the Super Mega Cart deathless was a lot more annoying


can you elaborate?

It doesn't eat your inputs whenever it doesn't run at an exact 60FPS for one.

It has a VVVVVV approach to the levels.

it's not the games fault you have a toaster.

Meat Boy's controls are complete garbage and the game in general is way too floaty. If you want to see how momentum based precision platformers are supposed to be give Dustforce or even N+(+) a shot.
The End is Nigh is a lot better in that regard, aside from the ledge clinging mechanics being kinda fucky the controls work very well.

It does it if your PC is "too good" as well since it doesn't cap your FPS properly. SMB's engine is fucking terrible and absolutely riddled with bugs

What the fuck
>launch game
>loading screen, see a nuclear explosion
>suddenly screen starts flickering with what looks like thick black scanlines all over the screen (game screen is still visible)
>steam shows fps at 1241 or something holy shit
>try to clip it but buffer is just white (pic related this is what was left on clipboard)
>computer freezes entirely for twenty seconds
>graphics card crashes and recovers
Fuck video games

>launch again
>everything just werks
Time to have some fun I guessq

>Meat Boy's controls are complete garbage
>When the first thing everyone says about why they like meatboy is the how the controls feel

Meatboy is an awful game.

It was never good, the only reason it's popular is because it came out during the early days of Indie, and it got hyped the fuck up by Indie game the Movie.

It's a full price new grounds game with garbage controls and terrible optimization and bugs.

They are extremely imprecise and floaty. Ask anyone that actually plays precision platformers, they will agree. I like SMB a lot, but that's really not one of its strengths.

git gud

The controls and engine being shit has little to do with getting good, SMB isn't even remotely difficult.

Why is Sup Forums so shit

You playing KB or gamepad? I did 4 of the cartridges deathless, but I can't imagine doing all of that shit in a row.

Indie gaming top kek

Keyboard. Precision platformers and pad just don't mix in my opinion. I'm sure you can get decent with enough practice, especially at extremely lenient ones like SMB and TEIN, but I'd rather stick with what gives me more accuracy and I'm used to anyway.

Damn, I just really can't play with KB, my fingers are too shaky for it.

Was prepared to refund it judging from the first world because it was no fun at all. But later on it turned to be preddy good. The music is nice.

A lot of people seem to dislike the artstyle. I think it's great.

It's the generic flash style he uses in every game. I don't know why the steakman is so heavily obsessed with it.

because it's easy to draw and animate?

That probably. But it's getting stale.

With artstyle I also mean the high contrast black/white, red/black, brown/grey style. I like this.

I fucking love this game way too much, I've beaten it like 10 times already. I'm so close to 100%ing it, I just can't be bothered doing the Super Mega Cart! and the Acceptance cart.

As a side note I have like 2 extra keys in my inventory but have collected everything according to the map, anyone know what they might go to?

I read about the two additional keys somewhere else. Don't know if they're supposed to unlock something additional.

PS I also love this game.

With how the key system is designed there need to be extra keys. If there weren't you could extremely easily reach a state where you couldn't open every door anymore.

Really? How does the system work?

Use your head for a bit.
Where do you find all your keys after the very first ones? Yeah.

I wish grabbing edges/wall spikes was more forgiving. It feels like I bounce off them half the time.

Another shitty game from steakmund mcmuffin, only popular because of binding of Isaac that he probably hates

>game just shows up out of nowhere
>it's edmund's best game yet
Why didn't he hype it up like the other two games hes making?

He got tired of being a fucking jew

What happened to the legend of bumbo?

Apparently it only took them half a year to make this game

Fuck. Of course, got it.

Stopped playing for a while because I got mad I couldn't beat mortaman without dying and while getting all collectibles. That is how you get both exclamation points, right?

Exclamation points is just beating it without dying (unbreakable achievement), you don't have to get the rings

Well that was a huge waste of time. How come DENIAL got an exclamation point on both sides of its name then?

Why did this game just pop out of nowhere? I never even heard of it until it just materialized on Steam one day. Whatever happened to Mewgenics? And is this game actually good? I'm usually a fan of McSteakman's games.

The exclamation point on the left is just to show that you have no lives on that cart, just like how the % icon is used on the glitch carts to show you have infinite lives
Edmund got tired of announcing games only to cancel them. So apparently he is only going to announce them 1-2 months before release from now on.

>the tower of ascension

holy fucking shit I thought doing only one cartridge deathless was bad enough

has anyone here actually beat it??

I'm planning on waiting for the switch version as I really like these games in a portable device, you can just do a few levels each time you play.
How's the music? Better or worse than SMB?

Is it just kinda Super Meat Boy 2? I liked that game, but I'm only about good/patient enough for about half of it. I usually drop "extreme platformers" or whatever they're called about halfway through.

All the music are covers of classical music by Ridiculon, personally I fucking love them. It's debatable if it's better than Meat Boy's OST, but they're better than Isaac Rebirth's OST at the very least in my opinion.

Horheristo, as always. That faggot is actually a fucking madman.

I know it makes zero sense for the setting but I miss unlockable characters, that was a compelling reason to go for bandages in Super Meat Boy whereas tumors just unlock harder levels here.

>tumors just unlock harder levels

imagine super meat boy
but instead of being able to pick a stage to unlock secrets you can only pick the world and then go through each stage numerically until you get to the stage you want
and the goal of the entire thing is just to make it to the opposite edge of the screen
and there's no wall jumping

I'm not very far into the game so I guess it wasn't fair to assume that.

You need minimum 450 tumors to be able to beat the game, but every tumor after that gets you 1 extra life in the final segment. So realistically you will need almost all of them to make it not completely absurd.

They are lives


>world ending
>lol tumors
>pee and poop

Why is Edmund such a fucking child?

I got to 3-6 and died due to a dumb mistake and gave up for now. That and the super mega cart are going to be the last things I try to complete.
Also Geezer (the guy that literally completed like 3000 IWBTG fangames) got all the achievements already
I'd say it's a bit of a mix between Meat Boy and VVVVVV. The game plays a lot differently due to the fact that instead of a walljump you can only hang on ledges instead.
If you liked SMB I think you will probably like this game too, imho I prefer this game over SMB.
It's probably easier to beat this game normally than meat boy but that might just be my hardcore platforming experience coming into it.

probz cuz being raised by single religious mother does you that

Music is awesome. Classical Covers. (Doesn't have to be original to be good).


Yep, his games are good but his humor is pretty childish. The amount of "fuck"s for the first trailer of this game was just cringeworthy.

Piss and shit are the funnier and more light-hearted parts about death.

is the steak well-done?

How much Chris Evans is in the game?

You mean rich Evans. Not much actually. Intro and when you best the past

It kind of is & kind of isn't like Meat Boy. Meat Boy was a stage-by-stage game that involved heavy use of walljumping & running while The End Is Nigh has neither of those but instead has ledge grabbing & being able to charge downward to break things/make your descent go faster and you can charge to the side if you're holding onto a ledge to break things. On the stage thing you go through 20 or less screens on each world, you can't pick which screen to go to individually only the world on your map. There is also a bigger focus on secrets with hidden areas, upper areas & lower areas which usually give you a Mega Tumor (Tumors are the Bandage equivalent of this game basically but I recommend collecting them since they have a better use and Mega Tumors give you 5+ Tumors when collected) or you can find a cartridge in each world to play on Ash's (the main character you play as) TV back in the first screen of the game. I would say difficulty is about on-par with Meat Boy if not easier (although that may just be due to the fact I find the controls way more precise than Meat Boy's was).

Three or four very short cutscenes worth. Basically the intro and all the different endings.

The hardest content in The End is Night is a lot more difficult than Super Meat Boy's.
I didn't have too much trouble getting all achievements for SMB but I doubt I will ever be able to do the Super Mega Cart without dying in this, just collecting the 1000 coins was already hard enough

>I didn't have too much trouble getting all achievements for SMB
Does that include the no death ones or not

All achievements means all achievements, yeah.

i finished every lvl in smb (in ~80h) except the christmas levels.

so far i would say tein is harder than smb. in smb pretty much every level was possible to do with rhythm alone. i have the impression that's not possible in tein

Just asking because the xbox version didn't have those achievements and would technically still count as all achievements.