An event for gamer girls is programmed in Spain.
What is stunning about it, it's only for women. Entrance for men is forbbiden because they (women) want to be safe in that place.
What do you think about it, Sup Forums?
An event for gamer girls is programmed in Spain.
What is stunning about it, it's only for women. Entrance for men is forbbiden because they (women) want to be safe in that place.
What do you think about it, Sup Forums?
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ignore them because i don't want to play candy crush anyway
Who cares?
>Sponsored by King
I find that the most offensive part actually
Stunning and brave. There was even a guy that said "I don't like it!" and they're still having it! Wow. Truly courageous.
Is Spain even white?
Sexual harassment is a pretty big problem in a number of Spanish-speaking countries, from my understanding. I can fully understand the desire for something like this.
We can make fun of tumblrinas all we like, but that doesn't change the fact that some women actually have reasons to fear for their safety beyond "mansplaining".
I hope someone does R34 of her.
Women have every right to have a women only even, but only if men can do the same.
We can't, and this is why I have a problem with it.
are trannies and girl(boy) allowed? im asking for a friend
Don't give a fuck. Might be illegal though, depends what Spanish laws are like.
Sad because I won't get the chance to go there and meet a qt and play video games together. They segregate themselves because they are sexist.
Makes sense.
literally the bravest thing any human has ever done or will ever do
>are trannies and girl(boy) allowed?
This is literally unexplained.
>no men allowed
What do they mean by "men"? Will be there be a chromosome check at the door?
They wanted equality, now they want segregation.
Should've just saved us the trouble and kept segregation in in the first place. Dumb hoes had to bitch and moan for decades to be equal to men, and now they want to go back.
Just dress up as a girl and complain that they are CIS scum if they don´t let you in. Spam twitter and tell everyone how they hate people and ignore their "real" gender
I'm okay with women having women only events as long as we're allowed to have white-men only events as well.
Porn when?
who cares, it's a "gaming ladies" event, they want only women there, they can do that if they want, not everything is about petty gender politics
Forocoches pls go and stay go
what twill they play?
it was long ago cancelled, what are you even saying
>make an event for gamer gurls only
>no men allowed
so why would any gamer gurl want to go there? checkm6
back to twitter
Jethro, that's what Klan meetings are for.
Didn't some fucks and Dalasreview make a massive wave of shitposting against it?
I don't think about it. Because I don't care.
Then go make one. You'll get twitter backlash but a swat team isn't going to kick the venue door down or anything.
You have no idea what this word means. One shitty convention for publicity by a company that makes simple mobile games isn't segregation. Do you think Ladies' night at dance clubs is segregation too?
I could have sworn this event was cancelled due to backlash
> Only allowed women
> Some trans in twitter ask if "she" can go
> They say that "she" can
> The Spanish trolls plan an incursion arriving with dresses and demanding that they let them enter
> The event was canceled
I think you should believe them when they tell you spics are dangerous and we should reconsider letting them into our country.
So how come women always want to be treated special? First they want to be part of the gaming community and then they want tier own events? I just want to play video games, why do they have to shove gender and politics into it?
Any woman want to explain this shit?
I frowned because I know that the possibility of this happening is high.
So a bunch of girls want to have a get together, so what? Let them have their fun
Maybe they'll understand how fun LAN parties are and stop making a fuss
You guys bitch endlessly about how some girls play games for attention from guys (what) so it's a good thing if they're getting together to play games just for the fun and female-camaraderie of it
you know what op, let them. If this continues and women feel comfortable around Michelin men like us we might have girlfriends for once.
According to some it's against the spanish constitution lol. Also, some of the posts around here would make the "raza" crowd weep.
Go to
the victim
I bet they'd throw a bitchfit if a men-only event was made. So much for "EQUALITY",
>What is stunning about it, it's only for women. Entrance for men is forbbiden because they (women) want to be safe in that place.
>What do you think about it, Sup Forums?
I think in everybody's attempt to be less sexist, everyone just ended up being more sexist as a result.
We have had those kind of events in
for a long time.
>I bet they'd throw a bitchfit if a men-only event was made. So much for "EQUALITY",
>Implying cares about a bunch of fat losers or fratboys doing things in a group with no women
Why do you want to be a victim so badly?
>not going to it and kicking up a fuss because you identify as female and shouldn't be left out just because some females have a penis
Now it's women and migrant only.
Because women rarely participate in gaming events so a less threatening environment could encourage people to participate who otherwise wouldn't.
It's fairly harmless but there is no chance of it every going down smoothly because everyone throws on their gender politics cap and starts playing the victim the second someone says "you can't".
>less threatening
but women are the meanest with other women
I thought it was cancelled.
Don't fall for their facade. They're professional victims.
Who "they"? Women or feminists?
Let them have their own place to play video games if they want. I don't like when girls come to strip clubs and they are not the stripper or bartender.
>Implying cares about a bunch of fat losers or fratboys doing things in a group with no women
Make a guess.
>"Que no estaríamos hablando de cosas equiparables. Si un grupo opresor organiza un evento en el que niega la entrada a un grupo al que oprime, estamos hablando de opresión."
Go back.
Man don't you just love being an oppressor? You know like you wake up in the morning and as you start up your vidya you just know that without even doing anything you are oppressing thousands of women all over the world if they want to play vidya too.
Btw that link it's on the very event's FAQ.
FB /GamingLadies/posts/322447371494011
Most of them will be men in skirts or feminists larping.
>We can't, and this is why I have a problem with it.
Yes you fucking can retard you live in the west, do whatever the fuck you want.
honestly, who cares?
the event will pass and not a single video game will have been played.
Well, a ton of people and a famous youtuber, in reverse order.
>We can't, and this is why I have a problem with it.
What a faggy motherfucker. Why do you even want a men-only event anyways?
Just because the girls have it?
it's reverse sexism.
being sexist by segregating themselves from other the sex.
Same thing happens with racism
>Mobo awards
>BET channel and awards
>Black heritage month
the list goes on.
Basically this world is retarded
Will there be any cute ones?
Omg what the fuck is that thing??
Holy fuck this disease is already spreading everywere
Based Japan
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums making mountains out of mole hills again. Who gives a fuck if they are having a women only event. It's the same as ladies night at a club or bar. The more we revert back to men and women having their own social functions like this the better. First everyone bitches that chicks are invading their precious hobby and then everyone bitches when women are getting their own corner in the market.
You kids will do anything to cry about being a victim. Doesn't it remind you of any other group or do you not have the nuance to piece it together?
Why do you faggots care about this shit> Literally, no one IRL cares about this kind of shit. OP fucking kill yourself.
This event was cancelled because a famous spanish forum was going to troll it, also general public reception. It didn't even last a game.
In Spain we have some retarded apologizers, but the non-cucked ones (Male AND Female) make it for them.
>The more we revert back to men and women having their own social functions like this the better
>implying they'd accept men having their own
I can't think of anywhere that women haven't spread, user. They're half of people.
Seeing as how I'm a continent away, and Spain Spanish sounds ugly as shit, I don't really care.
>because they (women) want to be safe in that place
fucking stupid
straight men aren't the rapebeast assholes everyone tries to pretend they are
>Susan Hummer
that can't be real. That'd be like a fat chick named Jessica Whale or Jennifer Shapely, or Kristen Ton
Think they meant safe from gamers. Rape is preferable to being surrounded by gamers.
>"I'm hosting an event"
>"Who cares? I don't give a shi-"
>"You're not allowed to come"
Outside of Sup Forums most men aren't so insecure that seeing a couple of women at their event would cause a meltdown. Unisex gaming events are predominately male and the only time there is ever a gender problem is when someone like Anita comes along to kick the hornets nest, and that's only a problem when people give her the reactions she wants.
In Japan there are women only train cars, why do I never see Sup Forums losing their mind over that? This even is that train car.
Honestly if I was a girl who played as many games as I do now I wouldn't want to be bothered by other guys.
I just wanna play games man, I'd know im getting hit on because I'm a girl gamer and that'd get annoying after the 3rd sperglord came up to talk to me about vidya.
I'm fine with an event like this, find some co-op partners to play games with without feeling eyes on you from creepy ass nerds.
This, spics are pretty much rapists
So only 5 girls will come to the event?
We dont play games at the klan meetings though!
It doesn't really bother me, Woman don't play as many games as guys do.
How would you feel about a meet up English speaking Gamers in Japan?
I can get wanting to meet and even play mostly with other girls since you don't need to worry about causing a huge disturbance in the group or having someone trying to hit on you.
If the whole 50-50 thing was true then I would call sexism on it but its not
Would you get pissed about a meet-up for gamers who live in your area?
I know, right? Nothing like playing the games i want between work and family matters which sometimes happen to have attractive female characters. I'm such a tyrant for preferring them over the whims of crazy authoritarian bitches with too much time on their hands.
Also this.
>dress as a trap
>try to get in
>they tell you that you're not allowed because you're a man
>accuse them of transphobia and yell about it loudly enough on twitter that that they lose theirs sponsors because they don't want to be associated with such a transphobic event
I wonder how many trannies are going
I can't say I really give a fuck. I try not to spend a ton of time worrying what other people are doing when it has no effect of my life.
Kek. saved.
Fucking this man
It's good to worry about things, but getting upset over things like this is just a waste of time
>go there as a man
>tell them you identify as a woman
>you get let in
WOW, so difficult
Am I a time traveler or are they just trying the same thing they cancelled a few weeks ago because some paella website planned to identify as women and crash it?
But as this shit grows, it most certainly does affect your life. Men not being able to have men only spaces and activities, being forced to accommodate women while women are encouraged to have women only spaces is not good for anyone.
>Sup Forums is literally this stupid
If you apply a slippery slope to everything, then next thing you know you've got dyed hair and a 5000+ post history on Tumblr.
Slippery slope is considered a fallacy for a reason. I don't care if women want a women only swim time or women only gyms or whatever. I wouldn't be interested in a men only space anyway and unisex will always be catered to because money.
So men are too scary and that's why women can't succeed? Why can't men have men free zones free of intimidation so they can succeed too?
If women need special accommodations to even pretend to be equal to men, then maybe we should just admit that women can't keep up with men in the vast majority of things in life and stop trying to force them in everywhere because muh equality. Women already have every opportunity men do, the fact they need special accommodations and privileges and events should make it clear they just can't compete.