GameStop Thread

>go to mall
>decide to stop by the GameStop in to see if there are any good games out
>looking for couch co op or multiplayer game we can play with 2 PS4s
>can't find anything good
>decide to ask the girl at the counter if she knows of any for the fuck of it
>she recommends battleborn
>I laugh and say no that game sucks
>she recommends fucking No Mans Sky
>I give her a blank stare
>she says that you can play that game with friends
>I tell her that the game doesn't have multiplayer at all
>w-well kind of
>how about Fallout 4?

I honestly don't know what I expected

Are there any good couch co op games for PS4 anymore?

Helldivers is pretty great with friends, I'd recommend it

>Le console gamer

I love helldivers, but I don't think it's couch co op?

>le pc mustard rice
The majority of people on Sup Forums have consoles

Local Multiplayer games on consoles are fucking dead. Only consoles with local multiplayer are the WiiU and the Switch. Here is a list of local multiplayer games on PC that I own and regularly play with friends:

>Gang Beasts
>Lethal League
>Rivals of Aether
>Fighting games (that may also be on consoles) like Mortal Kombat X, Street Fighter V, Tekken 7, Guilty Gear Xrd, Skullgirls and so on
>Fucking a billion others.

>The majority of people on Sup Forums have consoles

Yeah, that seems about right

>The majority of people on Sup Forums have consoles
You need a fucking PC to post on Sup Forums. Thus, a majority of people on Sup Forums have fucking PCs.

Oh wait, it's not 2007 anymore. Fucking phone posters.

You arent allowed to act like a snob if you are a console user, you fucking peasant.

helldivers sucks, dropped after 3 hours

shes cute but like probably conceited


I'm genuinely surprised she didn't recommend Zelda.
BTW she was probably mad at you because you didn't kiss her.

>but like

>can't into reading comprehension
You can own a computer and play the majority of videogames on a console

Yeah, this actually happened. You could have at least fabricated an entertaining story, OP.

Bad habit

Play bioshock.

Either Borderlands 1 or 2 is fun Co-op.
I don't play the Pre-Sequal, it's not bad it's just not good

You better be cute if you´re talking like that

>went to gamestop
>looking for PS4 games
>talk to the girl at the counter
>ask her if she wants the ol lickeroo
>she slaps me with her feminine penis
>we all walk the dinosaur
Are you happy now?

not really sure what you expected of a fucking shopkeep whose only job is to sell shit, specifically children's toys to unknowing parents

69/10 story mate

I have the handsome jack collection

Tried playing the presequal but it's so god damn boring

Played the shit out BL 1 and 2 though on 360


>he has a feminine penis.

Like you can't see that stache growing man

This is a weird story because it's about a time I actually wanted to talk to a clerk

>Stop by GameStop because I want to pick up Tekken 7
>usually avoid going in there but the other place that sells games is 10 minutes out of the way so fuck it
>walk in both employees are preoccupied with other customers
>can't find it new
>find it used for the low low price of 55 U.S. dollars
>actually need to talk to someone now
>one employee is trying to get some mom to walk out with ten skylanders and the other is talking about original Xbox games with some dude
>try to look like the most confused dude bro normie that makes GS employees rock hard
>am actually not getting harassed in a GS the one time I want to
>turn 360 degrees and walk out the door and buy it at Target

Wat do?

That picture is from 2012

Hey what's the best car at your Nissan store?
Uhhh this lexus???

What kind of food should I buy my dog percolating?
Uhhh birdseed???

>I hate freedom

>go to gamestop
>buy game, talk to employee for a bit
i don't have exciting stories from gamestop

I look like a dude bro so she probably thought I knew nothing about videogames

Jokes on her! I don't have a life!

this. It almost sucks not having autism and actually being able to interact normally in society.

There's no reason to assume that most pc's are any more capable of gaming than most phones. Only a fraction of people online build gaming computers, the rest are using prebuilts.

Fucking kek. You wouldn't happen to have the ol lickeroo saved that you could post for me? I forgot about that until i read your post.

This this this

>Go into gamestop couple times past few weeks
>Girl that is pretty qt who works on weekends there flirts and strikes up a conversation with me every time

Not really sure how to feel about this.

>same board that makes blockbuster nostalgia threads
get fucked, once gamestop goes down under you fags will start pretending it was a good company

She's just trying to meet her pre order quota so they don't fire her, she flirts with everyone

Last time I ever went to gamestop
>go into gamestop
>theres multiple kids and one women
>definitely her kids, they're pleading with their mom
>"Its not here!"
>They wanted roblox giftcard or some shit
>the guy there is such a bro
>get my steam giftcard and continue to walk out
>one of the kids are crying right next to the exist
>tears going down his cheek and really red
>I accidentally step on his finger because he moved it right into position like a fucking retard
I haven't gone back since that day.

pretty sure they added some form of coop to NMS lately

Retailfag here.

We are just regular people off the streets. Im sick and tired of fags coming in and expecting some sort professional all knowing consultation for whatever they are buying.

I miss gamestop already.

This. They don't get commission so why expect them to give a shit about the product.

This made me laugh too hard

Look I know people who work(ed) for GameStop and ya they're regular people, BUT there are also the alerts of society that work there

If you work at somewhere where you make money off of commission and knowing the product your selling, don't try to sell me fucking fallout 4 and no mans sky as a fucking multiplayer game

AND don't try to sell me a game that's literally free

It's insulting

Fuck you

>GameStop had an extended online event
>Amazon only price matched the best games for a day or two
>Was waiting for Amazon Prime Day for the real gaming deals
>Prime was a disaster, with a lucky few capitalizing within the first twenty minutes
>Want a couple cheap games, but Amazon is now selling them for $29.99
>Gave in and used GameStop's website
TL;DR: I got desperate and ordered a bunch of "new" games from GameStop online. Now my credit information is in question and most of the games will arrive opened.

then you're the cancer killing society

>be me
>go to gamestop, looking for some cash card or something
>go to the girl at the front and ask
>she directs me to it, and then whines about needing a ride home
>i stare at her blankly, thank her, and grab my cash card
>she goes on about how she would kill for someone to pick her up, but she doesn't have anybody who would or some bullshit
>stare silently some more, buy my cash card, and leave
Fuck game stop

Holy shit this autism is palpable.

>"Item didn´t scan? I guess it´s free lol"

I applied to work at Gamestop today. I keep thinking this is a new low but then I look at the other shitty options where I live and think it wouldn't be so bad.

The only time I go to gamestop is for roblox cards that give you special things for buying them from game stop.

Ask her to sign a naked pic,

With Love,

Seriously, this board has become an SJW/SJW LARP dump but, it's nice to kno the memory of Kayona Kim lives on.

Get a job you NEET faggot REEEEEEE

Shit dude whats your steam tag?

Just take it seriously and dont call in sick and pick up shifts. I did this at a crappy job and it put me heads above all the slackers and people that had 'better' shit to do that day and got promoted pretty high in a year just because I wasnt acting like a spoiled high school student.

Don't do it friend

GameStop is a horrible place to work at

McDonald's is better

Show me those hot titles

>go to pre order game
>employee asks if I want to pre order the guide too
>say no
>walk out and check the receipt
>he took $5 out of what I put on the game and put it on the guide even though I said no
>go back in to cancel the guide
>employee tries to convince me the guide might come with exclusive DLC even though it clearly didn't
>tell him no again and finally he cancels it
I've never heard of guides being pushed nor has it ever happened to me since so I have no idea what that was about.

god what a fucking waste of money


You make me a sad


She looks like the type of chick who would just lie motionless while you fuck her.

Such is life my man

Needs more autism.

I've worked food service before. Gamestop might be bad but I really don't want to go back.

>mfw i didnt buy nms


I have broforce

>tfw I shilled the game hard before it came out and genuinely thought it was gonna be great
Still didn't buy it

Would an anime profile pic help?

I too struggled long and hard to accept that, yes, people are really that stupid and not pretending to be retarded.

>Most of the games will arrive opened
>Credit in question
The only thing you said that's not 100% retardation was shitting on Prime day, which sucked ass. You clearly have no idea how the world works if you think a credit company cares about a couple $30 games

They're not going to call you about it. I applied to my Kroger, Wal-Mart, and Gamestop like a month ago and still haven't heard shit. Only jobs I've gotten were because I knew people that worked there and had to quit because of circumstances regarding said people. I just don't want to starve to death waiting on motherfuckers to finally check applications.

>go into Walmart
>literally only three fucking lines open and self checkout is full to the brim
>go to Kroger
>only a couple registers open and same situation
>local gamestop has a legitimate retard standing there waiting to be told what to do but I guess he was in training

When there's a shit load of groceries I'd rather have someone else bag and scan them but when it's a couple items fuck yeah I'm going to srlf checkout. What's the actual point of having all those registers without anyone using them?

>friend tells me about nms
>sounds sweet so I check the trailer
>looked like complete ass in every aspect
>tell friend he´s retarded and shouldn´t buy it
>he buys it day one
>to this day he still tries to make it sound like it´s a good game
I can´t see how any sane person had any hype whatsoever for that shit

Just what is it about her that makes my pants so tight?

You sound like a loyalist.

did you steal her pants and try to wear them fatass?

>need tools and parts to fix motorcycle
>happens to be prime day
>get everything really cheap
Bretty gud

>Go to local gamestop
>Pick up Devil Survivor 1 and 2
>Have conversation with employee about SMT
>Pay for my game and go home
Fucking GameStop

She doesnt wear pants

When I worked at Best Buy, I was expected to know about laptops.
When I worked at Walmart, I worked in the Lawn and Garden center, I was expected to learn that shit.
When I worked at Menards, I was expected to know about building materials. I learned that shit.
I'd expect a person at Gamestop to have some idea about games.
OP is being a bit harsh, maybe. Maybe she's really into Nintendo games and, being retail, she's too broke to afford a PS4. And video games are largely a thing you learn by actually playing.
But I don't buy "she shouldn't be expected to know anything about videogames."

Fuck fast food man they're literal retards that could buy said shit and make it cheaper themselves. I worked Dunkin Donuts and those motherfuckers are prissy as fuck about their shitty coffee, luckily I was a baker more often than cashier else I would have snapped because it was just me and my manager working taking in 3,000 dollars one day just between us while motherfuckers were getting fed up from waiting at the drive through because there were literally only two people making coffee, donuts, and manning the front counter.

>You need a fucking PC to post on Sup Forums

Not anymore, a lot of people here are phoneposting normies.

Couldn't the guy get fired for that? That seems illegal.

Like other said, Helldivers is great. There's also Diablo 3, but that's dated and no one's interested in playing anymore. There's probably a few others, but no one really gives a shit about those.

If you want couch multiplayer, Nintendo Switch is probably your best bet.

>qt who works at gamestop has a crush on me
>she's an autistic Sonic fan

Dunno if I should go for it.

the pic of this girl makes me sad because I have no gf and she looks pretty

So lovely

>>she recommends battleborn
Why do you have to easily give away that the story is fiction

DO IT. You know she's into all the weird shit.

What did you expected from asking a gamestop employee for help you stupid piece of shit.

Ask her if she's kept latest Sonichu lore then if she says yes spray her.

The girl in this pic is a massive sonic autist who even draws sonic porn. Go for it.

Newfag here who is this? Is it a mentally ill faggot?

lmao that movie was so good

her name's Kayona Kim

Kayona kim. Famous sonic artist turned camwhore.