What does/v/ think of Until Dawn? I just recently beat it and I quite enjoyed it. It has a very interesting story.
What does/v/ think of Until Dawn? I just recently beat it and I quite enjoyed it. It has a very interesting story
So I take it you haven't read a lot of books in your life, right?
It's the only acceptable movie game
I liked it well enough.
Wolfie was best girl
Would have been better if they didnt put actual monsters in it.
punished jessica best girl
who /mike/ here?
Breddy gud. I paid like $80 when it came out. It's now free on psn. Still no regrets
I let chris die because i didnt aim the gun fast enough. Did i mess up?
Yeah I'm not a huge fan of these type games but I'll play them every now and then. I personally like it more than most Telltale games.
Been seeing a thread a day for this game the last week
it DESPERATELY needed a run button. Its painfully slow.
Its free on psn right now.
I wrote it off at its e3 trailer as just another heavy rain with a dumb psycho killer.
Kinda wish i knew at the time of the big mid act plot twist.Reminded me of one of the better earlier episodes of Supernatural.
Dosen't Matts actor have an amputated arm?
I wanna fuck all the girls
It was alright. Characters could have been fleshed out a bit more, by the end I didn't REALLY care a ton about any one in particular, though I liked Sam and Mike the most probably.
Did anyone else think it was a bit odd how Jessica's story was pretty much dropped? She gets ganked by the monster, we don't see her for almost the entire rest of the game, then she gets a very short segment in the mine and shows up during the end credits interviews. I was fully expecting Mike to find her at the asylum or something. We didn't actually get to see them reunite.
Chose it for my free game with a buy 2 get 1 deal and thank god they accepted my return the next day. Most b horror movies cant keep my attention fully and this one I have to interact with? Fuck no
Just got to the part where the wendigo takes josh and the mountain man dies. How much is left? Im losing interest.
matt and Jessica dont even know whats going at the end of the game they get one scene past mid act which was unfortunate.
Yeah I feel you about the characters. It's seems as if they forgot about some of them and were like "shit we got to add their side of the story."
Trash movie with jumpscares every minute so it becomes boring very fast
I like how Mike started off as this typical Chad, and ended up being pretty bro tier by the end.
Fuck that Asian chick though. And I lost Chris and ashleigh in my playthrough :(
>not wanting a bossy as fuck slant eye waifu
Yeah the jump scares were a little back to back.
I didn't really know how to feel about Jessica so I was disappointed she got so little screentime/development. She was acting like a bitch and all, but I felt bad for her because she's clearly not very smart.
I was also expecting Emily to get some development and stop being a terrible person, especially when the game was telling me not to judge so quickly. It never happened. In my playthrough I accidentally killed Matt by not giving him the flare gun, and in the end credits she was talking shit about her boyfriend for abandoning her even though he was dead because he was trying to save her. Did she become any less terrible if Matt lives?
It really needed some naked tits.
I killed all the men so i could have all the babes to myself
This game is a shitty excuse for a CYoA game.
There's literally only one ending.
Two characters can't die until the last chapter
Some character deaths are completely impossible to predict, namely the one with Matt and Emily. If you give Emily the flare gun and try to save Emily from falling, you die. You cannot escape the death scene.
The acting is bad
Frame rate drops to sub 20s outside the lodge.
Story turned to shit with the wendigos.
Tfw mike was cucked to death
Jessica seemed to go through the character arch that you'd expect Emily to have went through but instead its Jessica all quite and humble
also how did matt die from not having the flare gun? ive never had that happen..
I dont remember, but did it market itself as being driven by choice, like games like heavy Rain, or Walking Dead?
The gaming industry Is going down because people like you who likes shitty games. Look what they did with RE 7. You prob a Life is Strange fan right?
would probably be more liked here if it wasnt only on ps4 and thats the truth
Post nude models.
If he doesn't have the flare gun, he has nothing to shoot at the Wendigo to scare it off, and he gets his face impaled on a meat hook.
why didn't you uncuck Matt and jump to safety?
>introduce badass mountain dweller man with flame thrower
>kill him 5 mins later
Wolves are for petting. Not for punching.
The entire opening jerks off over the nonexistent butterfly effect system. The only way your decisions matter are in the therapy scenes where you pick crows or spiders. The game puts whatever you pick in the jump scares.
Other than that, your decisions only matter in who lives. It does not change the way they experience the night in any way.
I liked the art behind Life Is Strange but the story not so much.
ah so if you dont hide...Ive always hid because Jessica was never in any shape to run
Nah, Chris and Ashley a shit.
Because its funny.
>I'm the elder god and protector of this mountain and you're all getting SAVED.
>make mike search the cabin for matches to light the fireplace
>next scene hes in he has a lighter
Goofed up
>he forgets to mention to the group to stay still ,fire and they only hunt at night and only tells Chris
I dunno, I still enjoyed it. The plot twist midway threw me for a loop, and I quite liked at least half of the cast.
I do think it dropped off in the last act though, and some of the characters were pretty flat (Jessica, Emily, Matt) but I still had a good time.
It was better than Heavy Rain at least.
His death is the only unavoidable one, isnt it?
>tells chris to stay still and they wont see you
>literally seconds later tells him to run away
Not in the mines with Jessica, we were talking about waaay back when the radio tower falls into the mines with Emily and Matt. That's where he can die if you didn't give him the flare gun.
Thought I was the only one who caught that, ha.
I think josh gets it no matter what? I collected Beth's bullshit and showed it to him and he just turned anyways. Not even sure what happens if you don't show him her stuff.
Well, to be fair, he doesn't die. he doesn't have a happy ending though.
What is death?
If the physical body you see before you is still "josh" but his mind is no longer his own is he really still alive?
What of his soul? Is it still in there, trapped?
Nah, that nigga dead. He ain't josh.
deserves maybe 20$ at most. Hope noone paid more.
Its free, dog
>wendigo repeatedly goes for the neck and decapitations kills
>badass expert hunter has no neck protection
ah if you dont jump to safety i see now
It was 100% not as good as Heavy Rain, which had a solid 30+ fps, 7 endings, and scenes you can miss entirely. There is only one scene you can miss in Until Dawn with Matt and Jessica in the caves.
>explains to chris how the wendigo skins you and eats your organs but keeps you alive while doing it
>it just takes your head off immediately actually
Is this game worth 0 dollars?
I've been debating on getting Heavy Rain is it any good or is it not worth the time? The main reason I enjoyed Until Dawn was because it was free and I thought it to be interesting.
Downloaded on PS+ and about to start, is it 'safe' to play infront of roommates?
Its literally just a horror movie with qtes
No Nudity. I think there may be partial.
I don't get the flare gun one:
>guidance totem (iirc) shows you giving the flare gun to Matt
"Huh, iIf the guidance totem tells me that, I should listen to it!"
>give to Matt
>well, now emily has no defense
My memory might be wrong on this, but iirc then I feel like the game just straight lied to me.
>shoot emily or don't shoot her?
>shoot her
>"oh no, she's dead!"
>"Now it's time to look up the book of the hunter what a wendigo bite does!"
>"well she would have been fine"
When you say room mates, do you actually mean parents?
Heavy rain has some big plot holes but I felt like I was actually controlling each playable characters destiny.
So yes, very worth it. I got the worst ending my first try and was heartbroken. Then I was ecstatic at how different the true good ending was.
I'll more than likely give it a try but I'll keep what you said into consideration.