Icons: Combat Arena


Thoughts Sup Forums? Keep in mind Project M literally died for this.

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PM died either way.
On second viewing the game looks better than I remember but the on hit sound effects still suck.

I think they're starting running out of "heroic" names for the games.

Icons? Really? I bet we're going to play a "Saints" game soon.


No, it really didn't. Do you believe every fake screencap you see posted on Sup Forums?

The dwarf looks retarded as fuck but I don't think the other designs are that bad

Looks bland and uninspiring compared to OW and Paladins, needs polish

this has to be the most fucking pathetic thing I've ever seen. let your shitty game die already, you've beaten this dead horse long enough to somehow manage to take the fun out of a nintendo party game.

The sound effect when you hit people is really weird.

>Thoughts Sup Forums? Keep in mind Project M literally died for this.
don't care, just glad that PM is dead

Dead on arrival

Jesus Christ, those animations are choppy as hell

No wonder PM fags love it

yeah nah. Call me when they can create an original moveset.

The characters aren't modeled poorly, but they're boring as hell

pretty much this.First watch I thought it looked super cheap but on second watch it looks a bit better.

>Isaac and Lyn died for this

Doesn't look interesting in the slightest. I don't care about Project M either. The impact of the hits don't look or sound satisfying at all, and they ALL make the same bland thump, even the sword bitch. The stages all look boring too. Characters are ugly, and the name doesn't sound cool at all, I mean Icons? Really?

This, it just feel dull and boring

Hard to judge the movement and combat with this video but the characters design is bland. Melee's movement and combat looks more fluid than this too.


>Keep in mind Project M literally died for this
So you'd rather want them to continue work on a 'finished' free mod, instead of them trying to strike big for themselves and earn some dosh?

They look like Battleborn characters

>Smash ripoff called "Icons"
>no Icons

>rip off the logos and designs of Overwatch except make them uglier

I'm glad they're making their own game, but they're creatively bankrupt.

This will make people realize that the only reason why Project M and Melee are popular in comp scenes is because it has Nintendo characters.

Platform fighters are basically becoming like arena shooters.
Because nobody can figure out how to make a new one unique and have it stand on its own two feet, they just continue to copy the most popular one (Melee/Quake 3).

Mr. Tumnus? Yeah it's Mr. Tumnus.

>Chinese MOBA tier designs

Imagine how many games would benefit from being smash clones instead of MOBAs.

This is the opposite.

This was a monumental mistake. When you take out the Nintendo factor from a game literally nobody wants to play it. They failed to factor in the autist factor.

Seriously if the game had good designs it coulda changed the tied

>don't care, just glad that PM is dead
No Blastzones Stamina All-Star was literally the pinnacle of Smash.
Really, I miss All-Star in every other Smash game now. I can't even fathom why no official Smash game ever thought of it. It's such a simple, yet fun idea.

third watcht it looks super shit again though so idk

Honestly the only design that really sucks is the satyr fox character. I like the marth clone character's design.

my satyr OC is cuter than the horseshit design in OP

Did they just use the exact animations from Melee? I can tell who every character is supposed to be.

I had an idea for a MOBA where instead of heroic units you play as Mad Max drivers in third or first person with their custom vehicles. The minions going down the lanes are convoys instead of little soldiers and the lanes are literally highways and trails.

They could still fix it with more polish IMO

This might actually end up good but it was very stupid to show what they have at such an early stage
I'm sure the sound design will improve but jesus christ the character design is a massive blunder


>the only animation that looks acceptable is notmarth because it's a literal 1:1 copy
Fukkin wew

I'm fine with them doing the latter if they make something good. They didn't do that.

I mean it needs like Skullgirls level designs

But I thought characters were just functions

>Early stage
>Open beta coming this fall

>Literalla Marth, Falcon, Ganondorf, Samus and Fox


So, instead of creating a new game based on Smash and other clones of it, they decided to simply develop a carbon copy of Melee (even the fucking movesets holy shit), edited Nintendo's character models and gave them the blandest designs possible, and expects people to pay for it?
What is the fucking point? Melee still exists, anyone can play it right now. Why play an uninteresting carbon copy of Melee if you can just play fucking Melee?

>here's a chance to make the smash characters never played viable competitively!
>here's a chance to introduce entirely new character styles to better balance the game!

I'm shocked there isn't one final destination level and that's it.

Probably people who are ungodly devoted to the PM dev team to follow them into this dumpster fire.

Final Destination is blasé. It's all about Battlefield now.

>and expects people to pay for it?

It's free.

>be in lane, just cruising along your convoy
>suddenly rave horns start blasting out of nowhere as the enemy jungler speeds over a ramp and crashes into you at 200 miles an hour
Rave OP, pls nerf.

>taking design lessons from Battleborne

Actually, "Samus" is the only original character.

Free to play means pay to win.

That is a good start, but not good enough. Devs should be paying people to play it.

Yes, they didn't even bother to hide it.

Like the goat had huge horns and his upsmash is a backflip kick with his dinky legs. Fox at least has metal legs.

Did any of the talent from PMDT work on this? seems like they didn't

The art & animations are horrific

He's also a satyr because his forward B is the dash which is him charging with his horns.



You can't make this up.

that might be good. If they do the Killer Instinct way, it might see some success cause people would be wary of spending $40+ for a Melee clone. Also, people could just buy the characters they like as well.

MOBAs have better characters than this. In fact, they should've gone to Riot with their game concept and asked them for a part of their infinite money to make a Smash game.
Would've made a bajillion dollars immdiately. Wouldn't even need to be a good game or look good. These games are inherently accessible. People would line up just to play as their waifu in a different game.

That's the thing. The lead character designer worked on LoL for years.

The only good design out of this mess is girl Marth, who will probably never get porn.

Well, Sup Forums?

Where's the 4 player mode? The items? The creative stages?

Is anyone else getting sick of the Overwatch art style?

This is rejected Battleborn designs

Overwatch shits on this

Being free is great, with low barrier entry people have no excuse for giving it a try if it's good.

Blame Disney and Pixar

Better drink harder, Elmo, this meme artstyle won't die anytime soon.

I know that fucking face. I just don't know from where.

Also I guarantee you he plays the sexy Marth clone so all of his Melee skills cross over.

I don't hate what I see so far, but the character designs are pretty damn shit

To say this looks like shit would be high praise.
Animations look stiff and shitty, there's low contrast on everything, character designs are absolutely bland to the point its hard to distinguish one character from another...
its sad actually.

The character designs are fucking atrocious, this art style needs to die immediately.

There are so many different esthetics they could have gone with that would have been far superior to this super safe modern MOBA style.

Anime-style (a huge number of melee fans are also into anime)
Comic-book style with heavy cel-shading, using semi-original superheroes
90's cartoon style using historical figures (a la Codename STEAM)

You tell me.

>those characters
Holy shit, they leave no impression at all. Especially that Satyr guy, I don't know why they think using something so unappealing as their mascot.
Also the sound design is grating, I'm not subjecting myself to that hit-sound

Why would people make a smash bros clone if 95% the reason people play it is because of the characters

>yfw Sony buys them out, publishes the game with their own ips, and puts nintendo to bed for the last time

It's almost as if it isn't easy as people think to make a video game. These funny guys think they can make a better game than Melee and so far it's falling flat on their face.

they should've just kept working on Project M. easier to work on a mod than make an entire game from scratch

They look more like mobile game characters to me. Battleborn has this weird angular look where everything is crooked and warped while this is just mediocre.

where will the reddit AMA take place, on their own reddit or smash bros reddit? also, isn't it supposed to start in a few minutes?

>Project M literally died for this.
lol no, fucking scrub

Let's shit on their answers in real time

Not even big on Nintendo franchises, but their character designs are top notch. At first glance you can easily tell what the characters are all about, and they all look attractive/appealing in their own way. Along with that, Smash Bros. keeps each character's distinctive style. Ness still looks like himself, as do Marth, Mario and Jigglypuff.

This doesn't have that at all. Nobody really pops, and the characters all fit the same artstyle.


They are doing it here.

The gameplay and graphics look fine. I'll never support this game simply because of the "diversity" approach to character designs. Don't take cool characters like Captain Falcon and make them into generic brown women to stroke your SJW dick.

Fuck off faggots, don't come back, stay there.

i was asking because I wanted to follow the QA. calm your shit, nigger

>At first glance you can easily tell what the characters are all about, and they all look attractive/appealing in their own way. Along with that, Smash Bros. keeps each character's distinctive style.
You did not just post that with the original generic shonen swordsman.

>At first glance you can easily tell what the characters are all about
But Waveclones also have that. You can easily tell that the sword girl is a Marth clone because she uses the fucking same stance, attacks and possibly cape physics of Marth. Top quality vidya desigh right there.

>I don't care that the game looks terrible, the real problem is the negros!

Fucking hell you actually think people here are going to shit on their answers in real time?

kys seriously this isn't Sup Forums retard.

I really don't get the moba style designs. Like sure that stuff obviously has some appeal to a certain crowd, but that ism't the melee crowd and the market for those designs is horribly over saturated as it is.

Something like powerstone would be the look you go for with melee clones, bright and fun.

To me the game screams of a cash in, especially cause ex-riot people involved. I mean this logo we want to be esports. That shit never works unless you have an established IP or blizzard money. Games should start out grassroots

To be fair, "generic shonen swordsman" is pretty easy to identify and is appealing in its own way.

>on hit sound effects still suck

This times a million. NONE of those hits sounded satisfying and sounded more like someone was tapping on a microphone. Pretty fucking terrible

I assume "All-star" is just ironman?

>Good design tier
>Chinese sword girl

>Okay design tier
>Brawler girl
>Dandy Starlord

>Mediocre design
>Orc girl

>Absolute SHIT design
>Space satyr guy

>THE FACE OF THE GAME is on shit tier

show me a shonen character that looks like Marth.

Which one of the FE reps you want?