Why doesn't Sup Forums hate casuals anymore?
Why doesn't Sup Forums hate casuals anymore?
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The casual kiddies grew up and invaded the board.
The oldfags are tired and busy with other stuff.
Just the other day I saw a thread where this faggot was bragging about not having more than 150 hours on any game.
>people act retarded
>suddenly retards think they're welcome
Who would have thought all the ironic shitposting and falseflagging would have an outcome like this.
Hard games are considered autistic now.
Because they won, and they're in gaming to stay
I hate Tei
cuz Sup Forums is casual now
I want to fuck Tewi.
they won the culture war
anyone with like a thousand hours in a single game need not apply
all the hardcore people went to /vg/ and post in their games general.
Sup Forums is full of console war leftovers and normies
Sup Forums is flooded with flumpskins from r/the_donald now
Just another case of newer users overtaking the old. People say that constant flow of newcomers are necessary for a community to survive, but at one point, it's stops being worth it for that community to keep going
How do you pronounce Tewi again?
Genres with high skill levels stopped innovating so if you want to git gud at something today the chances are the high point of the genre was reached 10 years ago, so every possible strategy has been thoroughly tried, recorded and documented so 90% of the learning curve is scaled by wiki pages and tutorial videos. Only and idiot would actually play a competitive game to learn it.
Also the developers with resources to make proper competitive vidya are all snared in by muh esports money and microtransaction shops, so the optimal design makes even shitty players *think* they are doing well so they keep spending money.
Sup Forums hates everything. Especially Sup Forums itself.
In 2014 moot chose the casual side.
You coin up exactly what I hate about competitive gaming. There's almost no experimenting or creativity, just looking at what the big boys do and parroting it as perfectly as you can.
There are constabtly thelread sup discussing ecelebs like giant bomb and dunkey, constant threads about wharever garbage overwatch churns out, and then usually some political trigger thread for crossposters. Sup Forums is just casual as fuck and that really shouldn't be surprising at all. It doesnt help that newer generations will grow up on the skill cucking games known as tripleA western titles.
It is what it is user.
Because underage faggots and casuals invaded the board.
There are actually people on this board who think that games as recent as 5th gen are "unplayable" or that games that require you to learn the mechanics are "autistic" or "unfair".
Because I'm slowly becoming one with old age.
This is honestly the sort of mental gymnastics casuals use when they dont want to learn a game.
casual games are comfy now, get with the times
Dark Souls made casuals and normalfags think they weren't casual anymore, ruining the distinction in the process.
Is this hiro?
Unironically this, its a shame that a game so good could pollute the minds of so many people.
>mfw all these Vanilla WoW threads talking about the good ole days
>mfw you'd get your WoW any era thread shitposted into Oblivion pre-2011
>even fucking Halo and CoD are getting apologists out the ass
Gaming as a whole is more casual now.The hardcore people left ages ago.
I really miss the days when Sup Forums would collectively shitpost to death any attempt to talk about casual games. It was a time when we had taste, pride and standards.
Being casual is the best way to experience gaming. Why would I want to worsen my experience?
Yeah but people who do that implement strats they don't truly understand and can be exploited if you are good enough to be aware of what they are doing.
Now its all gone.
Like drops in a raid.
Yeah, it's gotten really bad with Halo especially.
>hating on WoW
Fuck off newfag
I think that anyone who tries to discuss Halo as if it was an actual game worth talking about should just be underagebanned for a year. Would help a lot in clearing this board of neo-Sup Forums.
Most of Sup Forums turned into the casuals they hated 5 years ago. The older anons got jobs and don't have as much time for video games anymore and the younger ones grew up on mobile games and other casualized garbage.
we reddit now
Casual is a perspective.
Im sorry you were 12 when WoW came out and it.was great for you but vanilla wow was considered carebear as fuck when it first came out son.
Yes, and? Casual =/= bad
It literally is. Kill yourself.
T. neo Sup Forums
Seconding this. If we make talking about casualshit a bannable offensive, it won't take long to get a cleaner board here.
I hate the devs that pander to them instead. As long as casuals aren't pretending to be legit gameboys for attention I couldn't care less.
most of the time it's better to end it than to make a sequel
Where does the line end with casual shit though? We know clearly defined casual crap like almost everything on facebook but you'll always have issues.
That's nothing new though. That happened for Sup Forums at least 8 years ago.
normie games made after 2000 and everything made after 2007
Too many newfags, we got invaded by hordes of casuals with assfaggots and more recently overshit.
What the fuck am I reading?
Maybe for shit games but no amount of wiki page reading is going to make you a top level rhythm game player.
>all this rage at underage users
That's who should fucking be here, not virgins who are mad that they spent the best years of their lives nose-deep in online multiplayer with nothing to show for it but a twin sized bed and a Denny's nametag.
It's not like this board has people that play videogames anyways
Banning anime trash and Sup Forums or relegating it to vg would have a better effect on the board. Times change oldfag, the people that played halo and cod in their teens are now 20 and above.
If you think WoW was liked around here before, you're probably the one who's new. There weren't really WoW threads in 2007-2008 when I started browsing, and if you made one, you'd be told to fuck off.
And this is coming from someone who enjoyed WoW a bunch.
Hard games don't sell, senpai.
Sup Forums turned into leddit why are you here if you don't like it
Sjws make casuals seem like friends.
I'm a newfag from 2010, and even to me, Sup Forums feels like it's gotten homogenized with all the other major sites and Sup Forums boards these days.
>implying anything made between 2000-2007 is worth a shit
I guess there's DMC but I can't think of anything else
I think you mean all the people that got their fee fees hurt on Sup Forums went to /vg/.
Because the casual games tend to be the most enjoyable ones.
I have become the casual
all I play is hots and the occasional weeb game
Mods should also ban anyone who says that a game is too "difficult" or "complex" to them. We don't need casualshitters like that here.
>liking WoW
Consider suicide
That mindset is how you know youre a casual, as if you werent you'd find more satisfaction out of overcoming challenges and pushing yourself.
Nu-Sup Forums will call this autism and then go on some mentalgymnastics to justify why they arent casuals for thinking this and how other people are just tryhards for not being shit at the game like them.
>People on Sup Forums claim they're not casual.
>RRRREEEEE at fighting games and refuse to play them.
that's what's called envy of the elite
Same with shmups and rhythm games. Sup Forums has always been casualcore.
I don't give a shit how you like to play games. I just enjoy casual games more myself.
Yeah because youre a casual user, thank you for pointing that out again for everyone in the thread. Why dont you just accept that and go on enjoying your casual games?
Because Sup Forums have always been the casuals.
Point to where I ever claimed that I wasn't.
Because Sup Forums became the casuals.
Okay well thank you for you wonderful input user, anything else you'd like to enlighten people about?
I don't know but ever since I started play mobages I've had more fun. FGO has top tier gameplay and I just skip the cutscenes.
>OP asks a question
>answer question
Why does this make you so mad user? There's nothing wrong with being a casual.
l play games for entertainment, not as a substitute for homework or whatever.
If l want to push myself, l'll do it in something actually productive.
>being mad
>this is the mindset of a casual
>I-i dont give a fuck about what you think
You seem to be confused user, youre the one who sounds angry. Im sorry but I dont have any guides on how to read threads on Sup Forums for you.
Nice reading comprehension. I said I don't care how other people like to enjoy games. If you want to play hardcore then go ahead. It doesn't affect me at all.
FGO has better gameplay than most SE jRPGs.
I dont inderstand how you guys constantly replying to me and proving my point correct is helping. However since youve been kind enough to openly admit your casual nature would you mind finding a noose?
That way the medium can be rid of the cancer that is your existence lowering the bar on vidya.
No thanks. 2017 has been a great year for gaming and I'm excited to see what new games are on the horizon.
Please kill yourself user, its for the good of the nation.
Fate should have stopped after hollow ataraxia.
>caring about anyone but yourself
lol no
>Why doesn't Sup Forums hate casuals anymore?
because they won
video games are now as derivative as movies
Fucking casuals
Remember when Sup Forums lost it's shit about stuff like League of Legends and Katawa Shoujo because they weren't "real games"?
Gen Z is taking over and they are ultra-casuals.
I mean, this is the generation that grew up watching BBT while playing shitty iphone games.
artist's name?
Don't you mean "Fate should keep after hollow ataraxia."?
>Sup Forums is now overrun with casual furfaggot memespouting redittors
>it's too late to stem the tide
Whoever came up with the "ignore it and it'll go away" mentality needs to be shot for this. Before, when any of the aforementioned threads were made they'd be sage bombed into oblivion. Somewhere along the line it became """autism""" to tell undesirables to fuck off, so here we are.
Because casual games are fun and that's the whole point of playing video games. If it's not fun, why bother?
What anime is this?
It's not fun if the game is playing itself and it jerks you off for doing nothing other than a very simple button press here and there. The whole game could be one large series of quick time events for all it matters.
A steady flow of newcomers is good when they're small enough to be forced to adapt to the existing board culture. Too many and they overwhelm the existing users and the old board culture dies.