Twitch degeneracy

>Twitch degeneracy
>SJWs, feminazis, anti-japanese games
>hysterical people begging Ubisoft and western devs to include blacks in every game
>screaming at polygon tits while supporting pedophilia in real life

Other urls found in this thread:

>supporting pedophilia in real life

its just a bodytype bro

>he doesn't follow MSM closely enough that he doesn't know what propaganda is currently being spouted
I'm not even a Sup Forumstard and I know about that shit

3 out of 4 of these are actually the jews. Twitch whoring is women though.


>Twitch degeneracy

That's youtube

The jews may have their fingers in those pies but it's women and feminist culture that is trying to enforce everything

The fuck is MSM? hardmode: why should I care?

I agree OP.
We need more traps in these fields.

>eceleb degeneracy
>neckbeards who support shitty chink games just because it has underage anime girls in revealing outfits
>hysterical racists who cry at the sight of a person of color in their vidya

t. Salon journalist

Mainstream media


Mainstream media, because one day you will have to live in a society run by these psychos unless you're vigilant

>main stream media

stop for a second and use your bloody noggin for something other than growing hair you weapons grade plum.

Honestly I kinda of just roll my eyes at twitch whores. Its like good grief, if I want to watch porn I'll watch porn, I am either playing vidya or watching porn, the two don't overlap unless its a porn game

>Mainstream media
>Video games
Pick one.

Nice videogames thread.

Got it, I'll get ready stocking up on guns and pissing jars for when the crazy's come for me for not watching twitch whores.

Who is this semen demon

Which is also on the jews, as the other shit they have their fingers in (social justice and academia) are what teaches and promotes those behaviors and mindsets.

mane stream meteor

We having fun pretending we're the protagonist in a show rather than insignificant iotas of nothing in a chaotic, complicated world?

Wow it's like if women weren't taken seriously and given rights then all aspects of life would be better then they are today lmao!

whats wrong with pedophilia?

Hajimete no Gal.
Seasonal Anime.

Why didn't this happen when we were introduced to Ms. Pac-Man? Or Chun-Li? Or Lara Croft? Or whenever the first Barbie game was released?

Because those games are good.

you people do understand that the MSM in the USA is now fox news, right?

Doing the lords work

Yes I wasn't saying that they weren't involved, however they were not the topic of original discussion

So because I'm not apathetic I am delusional? Good work user, putting that depression to good use.

Women said everything was going to be better if they could vote

Women said everything was going to be better if they had equal rights

Women said everything was going to be better if society allowed them to dress like they wanted

It's CNN and NYT

Considering the kind of news the german state provide Fox News is pretty much a nazi broadcast corporation
t. kraut

Women have been the main source of bad things since the beginning of time. Not all women of course, but the amount of women not being shit at everything in the history of mankind can be counted on two hands.



fox news is the top of the main stream

What a collection of retards. I love containment threads.

You read that right. One most persistent "peoples" about fan services in videogames always defend the real thing instead.

copypaste fucked up

In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

>fox news
At best it's considered vocal fringe, not many people take FOX seriously nor should they

>cable ratings
>meaning anything in the age of the internet


>that anatomy

You should be able to reach from your belly button to your groin with your thumb and middle finger. Look at where her bellybutton should be, then her estimated hand length and then look at how fucking far down her pussy is. That shit's fucked. It's like twice as far away as it should be.

0/10 alyum in disguise.

>Women said everything was going to be better
Pretty sure that's not the argument they were making. But if you want to live under sharia law you can live with the sandniggers.

99% of what is shown on CNN is repeated by MSNBC, ABC and NBC.

you can't deny that giving women "liberation" was a mistake.

they have a net negative fiscal impact most of their lives. men do not.

Do you really hate your mom this much?

And most major online and offline publications

Yup. Fox has been the number 1 cable news company for like 2 decades. They've even had commercials bragging about it.

Giving any sort of power or responsibility to dumb gashes is always a mistake.

Lena Dunham molested her little sister

Yes, I was happy when that stupid cunt died.

which SJW confessed having sex or wanting to have sex with a 13 year old boy? I don't remember if it was Zoe or something else

Gosh you know your right- they are second class citizens. Why can't we be more like Iran?



I don't remember either. I know who you are referring to though

>her mother is Jewish; Dunham has described herself as feeling "very culturally Jewish''

i love how you guys targeted this chick when she's basically /ourgirl/
or at least would have been before you puritan anti-loli faggots showed up

Do you consider children to be second class citizen because they have fewer rights?

....Are people actually throwing money at that goblin?

I thought you at least had to be somewhat attractive to be a twitch whore.

so easy to manipulate Sup Forums fags

>meanwhile in 99% of game

fragile white male turboautists getting triggered by anything not fragile white male turboautists

This is the one thing that sandniggers are actually correct about, cunts should be property instead of individual citizens.

nigger they have more rights than adults

Kill yourself, whiteknight cuck.

>modern medicine
white men
>civilisation and society
white men
>rocketry and space travel
white men
>computing, phone and internet
white men

I definitely think we're more entitled to degeneracy than women

>Developers targeting their main demographic

>the future
Black men
Thanks for beta testing white cuck

you know the way out reddit r/thedonald


You comparing women to soft brain youths really speaks volumes.

>yfw single
>30 year old
>didn't fell for the pussy jew
>didn't fell for the trap meme
>never had any sexual infection
>never had to pretend i cared about a useless whore to enjoy 15 seconds of orgasm

t. triggered feminist

the jews are using diversity to wipe out the white race
wake up sheeple! #RedPill

>t. white male who erased minority history

protip: the white history books you read only mentions when white males invented something despite minorities inventing it earlier

If Africa is anything to go on, then the world is fucked


Children are not allowed to vote, they can't hold property, can't enter into many types of contracts, can't sue, etc.

Not an argument.

that's Ok, as long as whites are eradicated. It will be a fairer world overall, with less genocide.

Reminder that anyone like this or this (or Sup Forums) are very likely to be pedo scum

This is what happens when you let them out of the kitchen, boys




>poor white autists still chasing his own strawman


white males are responsible for the worst racism, sexism, genocide, colonization, rape, murder and planet killing. white males are literally the default enemy of humankind. no wonder even white women want you extinct

Women were property for a reason.
They destroy society if you let them loose


you're not wrong

liek what? peanut butter?
you are not even trying

Would you like to work for me?

>All of them are aged between 20-30 and conventionally attractive

HOL UP, could it be that they're targeted at women as well?

>52% of gamers are female
>white gamers are fast becoming a minority (thank fuck)
>trans awareness and representation is higher than it's ever been
The world has no problem spinning without you, shitheel


Mesopotatian, also Iraq, also white
roman, white
Babylon, white

I'm just here to make you look stupid, not to prove you wrong

You responding to me dictates that it is an argument. Your contention is that children are equivalent to adults and should be given the same rights. Mine argument is that all adults should be treated the same under the law. Don't act like you're not deflecting.
