Do you think Disney will still let him voice Hades in Kingdom Hearts 3 after all the things he said? I hope not.
Do you think Disney will still let him voice Hades in Kingdom Hearts 3 after all the things he said? I hope not
What did he even say?
James Woods is still getting work in cartoons.
He threatened some black guy that he would arrange for his brother to get raped in prison.
why wouldn't he? What he do?
Sounds fitting for Hades. All the more reason to keep him.
If based solely on shit like race/etc then sure it's bad.
Otherwise if because they spurred legitimate crime or other dogshit first then James is giving some due punishment.
He's a Tr*mp supporter and has a lot of really gross white supremacist/transphobic views.
user cant be this new
james wood has been blacklisted in Hollywood since the late 00's. he wont be in kh3
he's redpilled and the limp wristed kh fags prolly wouldnt like him
i hope not, i want to live in a bizarro world where the jap hades sounds more like the original than the english one
>not Drumpf
You fucker.
This guy sounds awesome
wtf i love james woods now
He is. Also pretty good actor. Pic related, pure kino.
No. They don't need that kind of backlash. Besides, Why would you say something like that to a person?
damn, didn't realize james woods was such a badass. totes a fan now
I honestly doubt even half of the iconic characters in KH3 will be voiced by their movie voice actors. The game would get very pricey very quick. Tom Hanks along would add a couple million to the cost; though they could get his son for a fraction of the price.
That's not Videodrome.
Only 18+. Everybody knows james woods is the man.
>Gamers aren't racist.
>The SJW boogeyman is ruining our games
You do realize, people like you are the reason the general populace wants more "SJW's" behind the scenes, right?
From my recollection, aren't you the Card Shark?.. The Golf Hustler? The Pimp from Beverly Hills? If I'm wrong please correct me cause I never knew you'd be a heist man.
Probably not which is hilarious because they are still using the Japanese VA who is trying to sound like him.
>not posting the best one
fucking savage
im racist sjw
>(((general populace)))
That's a classic too. I think his best movie is that gangster movie about the Jewish mob.
To be fair, this is exactly what I would expect Hades to say on that matter.
>lot of really gross white supremacist/transphobic views
Oh so he's down to earth and fairly educated. yeah I guess that could be a problem for the Disney cucks.
>Woods's name was in an advertisement in the Los Angeles Times (August 17, 2006) that condemned Hamas and Hezbollah and supported Israel in the 2006 Lebanon War.[34]
>the general populace wants more "SJW's" behind the scenes
Actually he's a certified genius (like 150+) with a massive dick. No jokes, it's been reported upon
yeah is that supposed to be a bad thing? If you're not transphobic i want nothing to do with you.
It's just a game. Why should personal politics matter?
>tfw SJWs literally keep track of baby cartoon voice actors to see if they've committed any political wrongthink
B-b-but muh Sup Forums boogeymen...
>Still think the SJW isn't being BTFO more everyday.
All you fags still have is Anita Sarkeesan and a few lefty blogger sites like mic, vox and whatever.
>daily SJW bait thread
Wasn't Billy Zane kicked out after KH1 due to being in an anti-American film or some shit?
Hopefully before they dis his member.
No more filename threads are starting to happen, I think.
>That many likes
What is wrong with this again?
He's kind of a nobody and not worth the effort, so no. Many people can do his voice and not be total shitheads to work with.
>no more sound threads
I'm still mad about that.
tumblr boogeyman is worse than Sup Forums honestly.
what the fuck is "gender creative"? Remember when child protective services did stuff about this kinds of stuff? He's right when that kid is 50 he's gonna go on a shooting spree as are most of these lib cuck kids.
>no more fun
>no more anime threads
I've heard that as well he's got like one of the highest IQs in Hollywood and he doesn't give a fuck either. Mel Gibson was the same but he crossed the (((line))) and needed a break.
>i was still in character
Honestly prove it.
I don't give a shit. I like his role as Hades regardless of his political opinions.
So we're trying to make this place reddit then?
It's like the problem that ultimate fixes itself.
>we have to ruin everyone who disagrees with our doublethink insanity
Mate, I was referring to his famous scene in GTA SA...
I don't wanna be caught in the crossfire when "Stardust" the "gender queer" Tran Womyn goes on a killing spree.
James Wood's political views aren't Square's or Disney's so yeah he should do the part. He's literally the reason why the Hades is as great as he is.
Oh yay its another one of these threads
Just look around, they're the ones triggering most of the political shit anyway.
Top row is the only one that really needs to be pushed + gas furries.
Well, Mel actually after ((((THEM))) so he had to make a hasty retreat. here's hoping his collab with vaugnh goes well
Fucking reddit
Yet you people have the nerve to ask why are you treated this way
We know who is and isn't a crossposter, don't forget it
>when you claim to totally like liberty and freedom but also demand the government enforce whatever you want on others
>buttons that have already been pressed
>read this in hades' voice
doesn't sound too far off from what he would say
He's too much of a liability and also a fucking no one. He doesn't even qualify as a celebrity in 2017. You could get an imitator easily.
Nobody has publicly spoke out about james woods.
>down to earth and fairly educated
Is this what Sup Forumstards tell themselves?
>Nah man I am not a loathsome piece of garbage, I'm just down to earth and well educated
Jesus christ.
I always loved Hercules and now I have a new found respect for James Woods. Shit I haven't watched Hercules in years but seeing him as a piece of shit in Casino is always great too.
You only get shit on when the usual suspects of blue check marks deem you an enemy. He's avoided that.
Boys should be encouraged to wear dresses and makeup. It's only bad if they try to delude him into thinking he's not a boy. Crossdressing is justice, Trannyism is a mental illness and needs to be purged.
>In 1988, Woods sued Sean Young for $2 million, accusing her of stalking him after they appeared together in the movie The Boost.[23] Young later countered that Woods had overreacted after she had spurned his advances on set.[24] The suit was settled out of court in August 1989.[25][26] Young was awarded $227,000 to cover her legal costs.[27]
>On July 26, 2006, Woods' younger brother, Michael Jeffrey Woods, died from cardiac arrest at the age of 49. Woods sued Kent Hospital in Warwick, Rhode Island, alleging negligence. The suit was settled in 2009.[28][29]
>On July 30, 2015, he sued a Twitter user for $10 million over an allegedly libelous tweet.[30] In October 2015, Woods lost his legal bid to learn who was behind the Twitter account who accused him of being a "Cocaine Addict".[31] However, on February 2, 2016, Judge Mel Recana gave the go ahead to pursue the case further. It was believed that this would force Twitter to reveal the identity of the anonymous user.[32] On October 21, 2016, attorney Lisa Bloom revealed that the anonymous user had died
They probably wouldn't bring him in unless they wanted to get sued
Probably because, again, he is a nobody and utterly irrelevant. I cannot even name 5 films James woods has ever even been in. I can name one, and it was just his voice.
If people want to try cut off their dicks they should be allowed to, since liberty is the founding ideal of the west.
>b-b-but I don't like it
Tough shit.
>leftards are THIS upset abotu a actor not being sjw trash
Being triggered a full time occupation, it seems
>down to Earth
Yeah most intelligent people reject the notion that you can cut your dick off and become a woman. Go back to neo-gaf faggot.
He's right though. That kid cant be older than 10 and his parents are publicly parading him around as "gender creative"? Little fucker hasn't even hit puberty yet. There is a difference between being supportive of your child in their development and using their developing minds for your own personal agenda because you are excited about how trendy it is
They could easily destroy him in court m8. Disney owns entire cities and counties. Honestly the people in could easily bring him to court as well.
I personally don't give a rat's ass about a celebrity's politics as long as it doesn't interfere with their work. Unless he starts ad libbing and going on rants during the recording, I think he would be fine.
Honestly, people are very selective when it comes to getting outraged about a celebrity's politics. Besides the fact that they're famous, they're just people. Stupid people with their own stupid opinions, same as everyone else. They just get a bit more attention because many people have deluded themselves into believing that being more famous means your opinions are somehow more valuable. Unless said opinions relate to their specific craft (ie acting), you shouldn't give a shit.
Is James Woods "our guy?"
Thats because you probably aren't old enough to drive and think the cape movies are good.
Someone's so angry.
>you are upset if you cannot name an F list actors roles in direct to VHS films
Sounds pretty based.