Replaying an older game that I love (Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Advance wars)

>replaying an older game that I love (Golden Sun, Fire Emblem, Advance wars)
>unskippable story shit/tutorials
>first 15 missions of AW/FE are slow tutorials
>Golden Sun's intro area takes an hour and a half just to get out of the first town

Why hasnt anyone made Save States of this shit yet and uploaded them everywhere

pretty sure you can skip AW's tutorials

I just want to skip like the first 5-10 missions

They take like 10 minutes in total if you're not shit.

Literally all three of those games are "It's my favourite because it's the first one I played!"

Golden Sun is a terrible JRPG and only enjoyed by anyone who didn't know better. FE7 holds up from nostalgia alone and AW was okay but the sequels were better.

fuck you fe7 is great

>Golden Sun is a terrible JRPG
Fuck off faggot, it has a great sense of exploration and adventure. The lighthouses especially are amazing, so much atmosphere for a handheld game.

All fire emblem games are pure shit, RNG garbage does not belong in strategy games

I never played AW due to an extension of hating FE

GS1 is mediocre, should have replayed GS2

>RNG garbage does not belong in strategy games
>he doesn't understand the concept of risk and reward
Outside of enemy crits which happen extremely rarely, if your strategy could lose to RNG it needs to be better.

Only in the first game. In the other three, they're merged into the campaign and there's no way around them.

AW1 has the best campaign by far. 2 boils down to little more than building bombers or indirects to destroy structures, Dual Strike is a cringe fest whose difficulty is so fucked that it feels like you're playing on the wrong side most of the time. DoR is almost all tutorial, and none of the new mechanics that make it so much better than the old games are even relevant to its single player modes.

>Story heavy old games I played several times before don't entertain me anymore.

>The tutorial is built into first hour of all these games but picks up once the training wheels come off

>it feels like you're playing on the wrong side most of the time
fucking apt

AW1 also puts you in a disadvantage against everyone bar Olaf. AW2 gives you the advantage instead most of the time.

>AW2 gives you the advantage instead most of the time.
You fucking serious? You are vastly outnumbered in most AW2 missions.

>people playing Advance Wars for the Campaign and not the War Room/Making your own challenge maps.

git gud

>That entire butt-hurt LP some one made of Golden Sun, just to "prove" it wasn't good

Shit like that baffles me

Is there something wrong with enjoying challenging missions interspersed with humorous banter between the various colorful characters?

>it's a "most of the enemies are sealed behind a pipe and wont open it themselves" chapter
>it's a "there are tons of enemies but they can't interact with your predeployed bombers as they rush the win condition" chapter
>it's a "pass your turns and win automatically" chapter

AW2 has some high points, but most of it is crap. The better maps, like POW Rescue, Duty and Honor, or Sinking Feeling, just aren't frequent enough to compensate.

The best challenge and usually the best banter comes from playing with other people.

Golden Sun is notorious for being WORDSWORDSWORDS the game

There's an image somewhere of all the words in GS2 that you have to go through before you can take control of your character, it's something like 50+ text boxes or something retarded. Someone post it.
Also the DS Golden Sun was 100% mega garbage, everything was so fucking easy to kill, all you had to do was mash A and select fight and you would win every battle. It was literally pointless to use special moves. I did this for 8 hours to see if it got any better and it didn't.

You can definitely find Romhacks that skip the intro in GS.

It really sucks that Dark Dawn dropped the ball so hard.
GS in general has it's problems, but I'll always enjoy the Djinn system, and how they dictated what a character could do in battle, like summons, Psynergy, buffs etc.

My bad, only remembered the missions where you're for example playing as Grit with a lot of indirect units or Sonja in FoW maps.