Got the platinum trophy two days ago. Been depressed as fuck since. It fucking hurts to see the reception it got.
Got the platinum trophy two days ago. Been depressed as fuck since. It fucking hurts to see the reception it got
Yeah, too bad we'll never get a sequel.
Despite it being actual 'movie game' Sup Forumstards hate so much I'd like to see the story finished.
I was so bored of this after the first 10 minutes. Clearly you jokers are the target audience.
The story's fantastic, but it's the attention to detail that blows me away.
It's not for everyone.
The story is amazing but the gameplay itself was nothing special to me, it didn't deserve the hate it got but also didn't live up to hype
>Clearly you jokers are the target audience.
For the most part I'm a souls shitter with roughly 4,5K+ hours in all of them combined but I see nothing wrong with trying out something different once in a while.
shit game i watched it on youtube
>Sup Forums
One of the games I want to get when I buy a ps4
don't respond to me
Stop trying to force this meme OP. I know it's you making these threads.
Totally agree, it's for people who don't like to play games
all me
Cucks that watch e-celeb faggotry don't get to have opinions.
Borrowed it from a friend. I might start tonight.
You are not even remotely in a position to be calling others "cucks" if you're a fan of this trash.
I've been making The Order threads for a week 'cause the hate it gets is unjustified as fuck.
>Gags on e-celeb cock.
>Pretends to know shit about video games.
stop responding to me thanks
Its dull.
I don't care if a game wants to be cinematic, I enjoyed TLoU and the Uncharted series, but it needs at least some fun gameplay. The Order has no interesting gameplay. The shooting sequences are repetative and the handful of enemy types uninteresting, stealth has no depth and the game has a HUGE overreliance on QTEs. Its also easy to the point you dont have engage your brain at all. The story is nothing special and characters generic af. The only thing going for it is graphics, which are fantastic. Its just a shame they wasted it with another grainy, grimdark aesthetic. Honestly, if you're not a shill, you should feel ashamed to like this game and im embarressed for you.
It was a shitty game, OP.
fuck off
I see we've reached the point where we pretend this was good. Gotcha. What OP said.
I'll back this user. Game seems interesting, but it's missing a lot of important elements. I just wonder if they had advertised it as a cinematic experience how it would've gone after release.
Fable's got 85% on Metacritic.
How you could get bored of the combat? Game's short as fuck.
this isn't a game
Go play with your Switch. Adults are talking.
I don't know if you are trying to force a meme or whatever but I like this game.
You can tell Sony doesn't give too fucks because it doesn't even get a Pro patch (despite being the big black graphics dick measuring standard on the console) whereas fucking Resogun does.
The major MAJOR mistake this game made was marketing it as a shooter. Its not a shooter, its a adventure/VN with shooting mechanics. The whole thing was marketed wrong, it should have been marketed like Until Dawn or like Life Is Strange but they marketed it like a Halo or a Gears Of War.
I've never pretended to be anyone else. I post these threads 'cause The Order's a masterpiece.
Fable's got 85% on Metacritic.
thank you
not my post
stop acting like you're me
....... that's great. What does that have to do with anything.
>sony movie game
Mere coincidence
I played it about 3 monhts ago. It was mediocre outside of the visuals.
It was probably much easier to advertise it as a shooter since the uninitiated would be more likely to purchase it. But I know Sony's tricks.
Don't reply to me.
You're a cuck no one cares about muh marketing and the Cucker 1869 sucks
>"cinematic" 24fps
>lazy, derivative story
>0 gameplay
This game is among the contenders for worst game of all time.
You're welcome.
If you think this game is anywhere near worst game of all time you have probably played like 10 games your whole life.
You're right.
It's not a game at all.
I'm in the minority with you, OP, I enjoyed the hell out of this as well. It was beautifully done and I liked the world building/setting.
But yeah the gameplay was very bland, sadly, but I do wish they got a chance to give us a sequel. Any idea what the studio has been doing since then?
They've been relegated to developing literal dog shit. It's a shame 'cause the engine they built is fucking incredible.
A movie game is exactly what it is though
Fuck, that's sad to hear. Yeah I loved the visuals a whole lot. A real shame such a poor reception can reduce entire studios that have the talent/potential to that sort of fate.
If 1886 has bland gameplay, then so does every other third person shooter.
What a wasn't even that bad, it's probably the best game of the decade or perhaps the best game ever made.
Don't fuck with me. I've never met anyone else that thinks it's a masterpiece.
Lmao, the Switch has more actual games than the ps3 does and it's only 4 months old.
This game would have been better received if it wasn't one of the few exclusives near launch. It had to please too many people
I haven't played it by the way
Literally the best game of the 2010's
Yeah I don't get why people praise it so much.
It's the worst fucking game I've played in years.
Nice to see this game get some positive attention. I picked it up for $20 and loved it, probably because I had no expectations going into it. The graphics, sound design, and story were great. Gameplay was pretty standard.
It was a mistake to sell it as a full priced game. Should have been $40-$50 at release.
How is this a bad thing?
You're being modest, tell us how you really feel.
let me blow your mind user
there's people that upload recordings of games with no commentary
#wow #woah
>remove parts of the screen
>how is this bad