Harvest Moon

Post your favorite bachelor/bachelorette

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Best girl here

fomt is great, I liked how if you had harvest moon DS and you put in fomt in the gameboy slot you could talk to the characters

Literally 10/10

I came here to post this

Wow.. not everyone actually enjoys getting cucked by a horse. But here you are


>Actually has body hair on artwork and in game model
Owen is also nice.

For some reason I've always gravitated to BTN Karen.

I haven't played that one they recently released on PS4. A Wonderful Life I think. I've mostly always just replayed SNES, 64 and BTN over and over. Is AWL worth it? Would I like it? I tried Save the Homeland on PS2 when it came out and hated it so much I haven't touched a new one again.

The mermaid.

I don't have any to post, I've been kicked out of every town.


N64 Karen

A wonderful life isn't that good in my opinion. The village feels dead as fuck and is also small. The only cool thing about it is that you can grow old and influence how your child grows up and what career they pursue, and then ultimately die.

Wanting the suicide girl who drowned herself

Nice trips.

I like the idea of growing old and having a child that actually does something. Empty town sounds bad though. Maybe it will be on sale one day or I will emulate it

I regret playing RF. Now it feels like too little to do in HM

Best girl because her sweetness is maximum!

Too bad the artstyle is trash and literally every RF protag after Ragna looks like shota shit

I wish I can marry my female playable character more often in any games. The controls are absolute shit in her game.

That's fine because Frontier had all the best girls

Are you saying HM protagonists don't look like fuckboise from gay fantasies?

This. After all these years, Mist is the only girl I care for

Jack looks pretty normal
Same for Ragna
Now RF2+ protags are literally gay fuccboi twink porn tier
Well, this is right.

>find a chibi waifu
>marry chibi waifu
>have chibi family
>live chibi life

The implication of games like this is always lost on a lot of people. Like, during the day its a cute shit, and then suddenly its "poof" we are married now with kids. It's hard to imagine but the implication is that protag farmer found your little chibi waifu, takes her hand in marrige and then fucking gets sweaty and naked with them and railes them with his now erect leaking cock, they hurridly insert him into her and he rutts away at her hips just fucking slamming her and slamming her and slamming her and she is dribbling with a mix of pleasure and pain and he is so close now and he calls her his little fucking slut and she is all like yes yes do me and then he starts moaning louder and she knows its coming and he arches his back and cartoon semens fucking fills her chibi slit and impregnates her right there and he collapses on her, both of them sweating as she stokes his sweaty hair building cartoon famalies sure is cute huh anons?

Wasn't the girl on the right just a little kid when you move in, Wonderful Life MC was a fucking cradle snatcher

Lumina shouldnt have been marrigeable

>red hair
>blue eyes
Is this even possible?

This game really really had a huge hand in developing my taste in women and I ain't that mad about it.

it has really good melancholic atmosphere. different to any other game in the series. go for it


Ah. Prehaps you too, have the superior taste?

When's the dlc for trio of towns coming out? I heard it adds a lot of shit


AWL was just ok crops take too long to grow and the characters were p boring imo. I did like how it was the most realistic harvest moon though but it just wasnt a good game. The game really did not meet my expectations

No, my taste a shit and its a fucking terrible personality in 3DP but it does insane things to my dick.

When are we getting Switch Harvest Moon?

What's the last half decent HM? I don't mind emulating if that's what it'll take

This, I've only gotten to like the beginning of year 3 and don't finish.

The last console harvest moon was on the Wii so probably never

Stardew Valley

the new Harvest Moon games have been kinda crap anyway.

>tfw no more RF
We could even kikestart it.

Animal Parade.

>having chibi sex
When I first found out you can have children in this game it instantly became one of my favorites. That and making money with crops.

Nami's eyes and hair. Is it possible for them to have that color in that order naturally?

>all those types of animals
>but there's a barn limit that means you can't have them all

It's an anime, son.

I know! I'm asking in real life!

Do u have brain pobroglems???

>Play as the guy
>Work in the fields while wife works with the animals
>Asks your opinion on what she should focus on
>Have a good life

>Play as the girl
>Work with the animals while husband work in the fields
>Asks your opinion on what he should focus on
>Have a good life

Best couple right there.

I love her man, fuck the doctor his name is literally doctor how can you have sensual sex with a guy who named himself doctor?

By saying "Thanks, doc."

Who are the best Rune Factory whores

First time playing HMAWL meet Nami instantly know I want her, go in blind try everything to get her to like me progress is slow mfw she leaves.

I have red hair and blue eyes but I'm not a cute anime waifu girl

are you a cute girl (male)

Clearly a man of taste

yes it's possible user

I think the manual said she's 18

Eh, RF3 was great, RF4, while an improvement in game mechanics, was what I felt as a step back. HM/SOS is more casualized, but it's more laid-back and easier to put down and pick up at any given moment.

Trio of Towns is pretty good if not a bit slow (this coming from a turbo autist who loves Back to Nature to death)

the vampire lolis

No faggot


Posting best tomboy

I know a girl like that irl shes hot and has huge tits fuck