What is the Sup Forums consensus?
What is the Sup Forums consensus?
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they could have been updating the game for like 5 years and instead they remade it like 4 times over, making it worse every time and getting absolutely nowhere fast.
an emptier time-waste than any MMORPG can hope to be.
Grindy as fuck but fun combat-wise.
I was pissed as fuck when they replaced the void system though.
Dropped it when they removed the speed out of it a few years ago.
Never looked back.
>I was pissed as fuck when they replaced the void system though.
mind explaining? i stopped playing like 3 years ago, and void was fucking cancer specially 30 min only drops from defense missions, is the new system better?
Only thing going for it is aesthetics and porn.
Fuck off and form your own opinion, robot
They really haven't added any content to the game since it started. They just keep fucking around with graphics and UI changes and shit. I think they added spy missions and archwing and archwing is garbage because you lose all your actually interesting powers and weapons in exchange for shitty boring ones.
I like the combat, shame there isnt much to actually do in the game. Are there any other games with that level of speed and combat variety in weapons and customization?
Diablo 3: Parkour grindfest
Archwing pvp when?
I'd love to play a well written single player ARPG set in this universe.
Does a better job at explaining. Basically people hated it because you no longer go to the actual void, instead you go all over the system now.
Warframe development loop:
>Add new gameplay mode
>It sucks
>Community gives up on it
>It never gets fixed
>Devs promise reworks
>No reworks ever
Don't forget adding in a shiny version of the current meta gun and frame, and selling it for $60.
Instead of keys, it uses relics
Relics can be found in any endless mission and some non-endless, like the occasional spy/capture reward
The Void is still around, but it's just a regular old zone now. Instead there are void fissure missions, which pop up randomly like alerts, but you can replay them as often as you want during the time they're around. When you start one up, you select a single relic to bring with you, and each relic shows you the six possible drops it has. Each relic has three common drops, two uncommon, and one rare.
Fissures act like regular missions, except it'll spawn in corrupted enemies in pockets all around the map. Corrupted enemies don't follow the usual mission type, so you could get infest and grineer enemies in what would've been a corpus mission. Corrupted enemies drop reactants. Getting 10 reactant before evaccing breaks open the relic, although you don't see what drop you got until after you finish the mission. Opening a relic also drops a random amount of Void Traces, anywhere between 6 and 30, which you can use to refine a relic and increase the drop chance for the rarer items.
Unlike keys, relics don't reward other relics. There's 20-minute only rewards, but no 30.
Dark Sector?
Titanfall, kinda.
Vanquish for speed and combat.
into le bin
Good gameplay with Korean MMO tier grinding.
I liked it a lot and I played since the very beginning. Excalibur prime is one of my favorite warframes since it is just so OP.
I am not playing now but I will when they release the open world content and see them make a better one than Ubisoft's Wildlands.
I think it's fun but by no means good.
The devs really don't know what they want to do, since they add new things all the time that players just ignore after a week like Archwing or PVP.
Much better than it used to be.
People will complain about the grinding, but you're adequately rewarded for doing so and the game is free and there's also enough content to do that you're not forced to do only one thing.
It's pretty much a play how you want to play game. Stealth is now also a viable option.
It doesn't get much more accurate than this.
I always seem to come back to it, because the gameplay is fun to me, but Jesus they really need to nail the open world or they're really going to rustle some feathers.
Used to be fun now its just complete garbage, every map/level is just a hallway
>want to unlock character
>need to do 4 different missions to unlock parts
>each mission has a 10% chance the enemy I need spawns
>enemy has a 10% chance of dropping the part I need
>it's actually possible to play this game forever and not progress at all
That's why you shouldn't play it. inb4 just spend money to unlock it :^)
Pointless grind, constantly fucking over their players.
Regret founding the game.
And you know what, it's still atrocious. Most of the maps are pointlessly big without dense groups of enemies so everything just feels spread out for no reason. Capture, sabotage, and kill quests are so boring. And so is running corrupted mods and void chests because you have to check every single nook and cranny of those stupidly huge levels.
Why are Warframe players say the game is not about farming?
Does DE still not believe in endgame content or are they still tossing in "side content available to all" that's forgotten about after a month at the very most?
I've played the game enough to have thousands of gold cores, millions of credits, along with a lot of forma and potatoes, so I can max anything I find interesting, but what's the point of it all if an unforma'd unpotato'd warframe can stomp Sorties even with the restrictions, and raids are easily cheesed with crowd control they aren't even worth mentioning.
There's nothing to do. Loading up a T4 Survival and having to wait for 2 full loot rotations before the enemies begin to resemble difficulty was dumb.
you cant spend money to unlock it.
i mean you can spend money to buy the frames from other players.
thats how i spend new years when nova prime came out.
i traded the full nova prime blue prints for 500 plat. which is like 30 bucks.
took me 12 hours but whatever. i got tons of other stuff from the grinds to.
how do i farm cores?
also yeah. all i got from the game was that 4 frame combo that aoed everything and had infinite energy
D3 and WF are the only 2 games I've been playing constantly for 2 years now.
Am I beyond saving?
If that's the kind of game you're into you were never save-able to begin with
Not that I'm one to speak, I'm playing Grand Order and Warframe
Easiest was during this Vay Hek Archwing event. Takes like 3 minutes to get 5 Cold Cores guaranteed at the end of each run. I was bored enough to semi-max a Archwing so it solos the run super easily.
Other than that, I think Hieracon Pluto where you defend the mining drills. Just run it solo and leave after two if you want to be optimal. If you're fine with grinding mastery/exp/focus in addition to Gold Cores go ahead and stay for a while in a group. Bring a Frost/Vauban for an easy time.
Despite all of the negative press D3 isn't actually a bad game after RoS. WF, on the other hand, is a bit shit.
That was a fun game. Too bad it has nothing to do with Warframe. Before they revealed the fact that you're a snotty brat i was thinking that you're a guy/girl in the suit just like in dark sector.
Or you just do a quest, or kill a boss like 5 times.
I admit that some frames are cancer to farm, like mesa
It's a running meme in the WF general that every major update is "make or break" but I'm pretty sure Eidolon is the one most likely to break the camel's back if it's worse than launch Arching and TSD, both of which were nigh unplayable.
Doesnt seem to be any better than old void, what happened to void keys, i remember stashing a shit tone of them from T1 to T4
They might not disappoint us this time, who knows.
But the last 4 years has had a LOT of disappointments