Why is no other company as consistently good as Atlus?

Why is no other company as consistently good as Atlus?

I want to ______ Jack Frost.

>consistently good

They are consistently good at making and publishing games.

b-b-but Persona 5

>consistently good


Autistically min max the stats of


All the other companies want money.
Atlus just cares about keeping the ramen and hentai flowing to their office.

>persona 3, 4, 5
>devil survivor 2
>etrian odyssey

Sweetie, the only thing they can do well is SMT.

They were, during the 90s
The departure of Okada and the release of Nocturne marked the decline, however.
And now that even Kaneko does fuckall, literally who cares anymore besides personafags

Too bad they're jews obsessed with remakes.

it's because you have some sort of brain parasites that are affecting your judgement and how you perceive things

>this is what mainlineonlyfags believe

yes, persona 5 too.

>shitting on EO
DeSu 2 was a massive disappointment in terms of tone/plot, but was an improvement otherwise. Etrian Odyssey is great, even with the missteps of 4 and the shit Story Modes in the Untolds.

Both luminous arcs were a pile of shit.


give macca to

3 is one of the worst games I've had the misfortune to play.

You could have said Persona 3 or Persona 4 instead but nooo, you just had to be absolute hipster trash.

>Shallow as shit
>Everything is unskippable
>Shitty settings
>Barely interesting characters

I'm starting to understand why P1/P2 fags hate P3/P4

SMT: IMAGINE being so wrong

i legitimately dont see how, it was the peak of the series

The gameplay was absolute fucking trash.

the only gameplay parts i can see you hating is tartarus, because the rest is basically every persona game onwards

Made me chuckle

>what is drone tactics

>Give macca
>Not Soma

Really Hee's my Ho


>lack of party control
>not bad
One of the few things I can give 4 credit for improving on from 3, party orders be damned.

It gets better when you aren't 12.

i'll give him 4385 macca, user.

I played it about 2 years ago, and then went on to 4 soon afterwards. Spent well over 100 hours on each game, and I can comfortably say that both of them are bad games, with 4 being the better of the two thanks to gameplay alone, even with a far less interesting plot.

>mainline SMTfag shitting on EO
You're fucking retarded aren't you?

Story modes made the game a better deal than just a graphical upgrade cash grab. It's more content and it gave me a reason to replay EO 1 and 2 after playing the DS versions.

Alright what are some Atlus games to emulate? I have played all the Persona games and have played SMT 1, SMT 2, and Nocturne as well as Digital Devil Saga. I am playing Strange Journey right now.

Aspect Raidou.

falcom > atlus

>Play SMT 4 because I hear everyone rave about the series
>It's just a generic ass fantasy RPG but with a cool battle system and demon recruiting
>Suddenly they go to fucking tokyo
>Game opens up like crazy, have to explore connected areas, and the music and atmosphere is like Silent Hill x Resident Evil

wtf this is like sex. Do the other games focus on this fantastic modern day apocalypse setting? Which one has the biggest emphasis on exploring a destroyed, demon infested city?

Daily reminder that Atlus developed pic related.

I had the same experience, user. it was fucking awesome. I buyed it during a sale. One of my best gaming decisions ever.

>Do the other games focus on this fantastic modern day apocalypse setting? Which one has the biggest emphasis on exploring a destroyed, demon infested city?
All mainline SMT.

how's that blazblue tang, thundercock?

Because Atlus can't afford to be as lazy as bigger companies. If more than one or two games tank, they die. That simple.
It's amazing what those stakes do for a company.

>people think p5 is good
So standards are killed after alk

I want Jack Frost in Smash.


would still play 2 over most other JRPGs

How do we make SMT as popular as Persona?

Man, from the trailers I always thought the samurais were gonna travel in time to go to tokyo or some shit like that. Making the Tokyo the literal HELL was really great and inventive, not only that but it also added a layer to the story, I really wanted to know what happened to make the city covered in a shell. SMTIV plot may be pretty crazy but the world built around it was pretty interesting.

>being a Fatlus

>Atlus released Rockin' Kats in Japan few months before Sonic was released

and it came out after megami tensei 1 too which i always found funny

This image triggers me. No proper Fatlus would buy FF titles.

Honestly? Just change the tone a little. From the outside, SMT has always looked weird and edgy. Advertise it as some fun, accessible RPG romp, and by the time shit goes down in the story, and the combat gets deeper, first-timers are already hooked.

So SMT 4?

Yeah. It took Persona 3 titles to hit the popularity it's at. They just need to keep at it.

>having a problem with being a 6'5 300 pound HEALTHY adult male

c'mon man

Well the fact that SMT is getting a HD console game again is a good sign. I want this series to be big as fuck

>tfw underweight

I love not eating

>"Sorry Mr Frost, but you have 5 minutes to live"

>*hang up*

>tfw used to be a skelly
>now I'm skinnyfat and slowly getting bigger
I need to stop

The Devil Survivor 2 remake is one of my favorite games of all time. Dunno why so many people on Sup Forums hate it like it murdered their Pascal.

This. I get that people are annoyed by muh friendship, but from a gameplay and overplot perspective, the game was great.

Atlus is pretty inconsistent with localizations.
Their translations are pretty spot on. I just wish they could tell us when they're going to release DT2-2.

>Which one has the biggest emphasis on exploring a destroyed, demon infested city?

most of the mainline games have this to some degree, but Nocturne probably has it turned up the most



because you're a fucking weeb

*blocks your path*

t. westernshit cockgobbler.

Mist of Pandaria is fucking garbage, man.
Diablo 3 is shit.
Heroes of Storm is mediocre.

nigga what the fuck

blizzard hasn't released a single good product since TBC

MoP has great ambience and quests. It's sill part of the main game that is WOW which is still ongoing and profiting after all these years.

Go back and play Diablo 2 and tell me it does something better than 3 other than music and ambience in general (being mor dark / gothic).

I have not played HotS so I can't comment much on that other than it's basically as team based oriented as a MOBA gets today.

Nigga what? P5 is a good game about society internal problems.

>consistently good
>producing nothing but cheap low effort Skinner boxes
Too bad suckers with shit taste are such a profitable demographic.

They're not Atlus?

Why are they called Atlus? Because of Atlas?

Could be. Both are written the same way in Japanese. Perhaps they thought they were clever by misromanizing it on purpose. As far as I know there is no official record on history behind their name.