Why is the fake anime girl here

Did they do this to appeal to the 12 year olds who watch RoosterTeeth

Do Nips even care about RWBY enough to merit adding her in

This is going to be trash like Central Fiction isn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nips like RWBY and BB's director is a RWBY fan that has said he want to make a RWBY game before

>Do Nips even care about RWBY enough to merit adding her in
It's quite popular in Japan so yes. Tons of ads for it in Akihabara and even has its own light novel being made.

>Do Nips even care about RWBY enough to merit adding her in
Have you been living under a rock mate?

I barely like anime and other assorted shit anymore so yes

I'm pretty sure this won't be a BBxP4AxUNIELxRWBY, more like BB ft. Guest Characters

>Blazblue Cross Tag Battle
You're so smart user

who cares blazblue is trash anyway

So there's no reason to be so buttblasted because it's just another BB game.

RWBY is moderately successful in Japan. It's still pretty bizarre that it was included in this.

RWBY's Japanese cast is made up of A-list seiyuu, famalam. Also, RWBY topped the Blu-ray sales charts when it released.

Shit's popular over there for some inexplicable reason.

>blaztag bluebattle

what kind of name is that

Even just having one Rubby character is bad enough

Is this the BlazBlue that the Switch is getting or is that a port of Central Fiction?

A japanese one

From what I understand it's to shill some RWBY shit that is being released in Japan.

Lol Switch fags are pathetic


Fuck it make this a Switch exclusive nobody would mind losing this one


Yeah haha imagine buying a console.

R > W > B > Y

prove me wrong

you cant

Switch could easily run either. The Vita had great ports of BB games so the Switch is getting BB for sure.

Where the fuck were these A-listers then? The end of that trailer was my first exposure to RWBY and the voice was god awful and soured my excitement for the game. For the first time in about 10 years I am hoping and praying for a Japanese language toggle.

Blake a shit.

Which one has the horrible VA that we saw in the trailer?

The worst part is the horrible fucking voice acting. If RWBY is popular in the nipland why doesn't it have a jap dub? Smh.

Because it does?


Lindsay Jones, a RT employee

For the Japanese, RWBY's English tickles them to no end. Though even Skullgirls of all things got a full on dub, so it's a really weird situation to have to try to explain.

Yuck. Gonna skip this one

it has a dub but they probably also have purists who WAN ORIGNAR DUB ONRY

What are the chances of this being balanced?



user they needed a selling point and this will get 20k for people who never played fighting games.

about the same as DBZF

The difference is Skullgirls in English didn't make me want to fucking tear my ears off.

Plus, if they don't dub anyone else she's gonna stand out.

DBZF will have better balancing than the average DBZ game and that's why fans will hate it. They don't like fighting games with actual mechanics.

>watching outlaw anime
I better not see you on /asp/ ever again, pinhead.

>arcsys licensed game
They can't even balance blazblue

no shit it's fucking dragonball, they don't like anything with actual anything

>nobody would mind losing this one

Speak for yourself, faggot.

Y > B
W > All

Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 is balanced. Top 8 across majors are evidence of that. Now Blazblue is a completely different story

Surprise! The Eng version of RWBY just uses whatever women happen to work in their offices because they had no money

Ok but if they're have the other characters speak Japanese dub her as well.

I 100% understand the beef that people have with Ruby's voice, I didn't like it at all at first either.
It is one of those things that you just get used to though. Same with Blake's voice.

Weiss, Yang and the others are based right off the bat though.

I take it RWBY is basically Big O all over again in regards to overseas popularity?

>implying this isn't just Arc Sys testing the waters for a RWBY cash grab while saving money by reusing assets from BB, Persona, and UNIEL

Top 8 at Evo was 8 different characters, i'm sure it's not that good at other tournaments but you really can't expect better diversity than that.

Saying Blazblue's balance is bad just because joke characters like Bullet and Noel exist is wrong.

>joke characters like Bullet and Noel
Bullet wasn't supposed to be a joke character.

I hate most english VA but I think her lines in the trailer were delivered pretty well honestly.

Will we get more than 4 series in this?


It's very unlikely.

Isn't that the web show with atrocious animation?

Fuck off who japan

Not really, its pretty much the same deal across other majors. The variety in the roster is huge and it call really boils down to specialization and skill. People like to tout things like Sin when literally no one in Japan other than Machaboo, DC and Dogura play him. The former got bopped by being too complacent; although he could really just choose Ky or Sol and still be a beast since those were his characters in AC. DC is a jobber who chokes at high pressure and Dogura just uses Sin vs the Chipp matchup because he cant handle it using Raven. Among other things; there's really no dominant characters. Easy characters yes, but never dominant that it takes 3-4 slots in any top 8. They're really doing a fine job with Rev2.

BB's all over the place by virtue of how its made and the design of how everything got designed with style first over balance.

I don't see why not

maybe Jewpuncher and Sol

If they don't dub characters from any other series into English I'm switching her to Japanese anyway but I'm not putting up with this "voice acting".

You can choose not to believe me, I won't prove it because criticizing other actors is really bad for business but I am a professional VA and it brings me physical pain when someone gets paid real money for such shitty work. Any random no-name dub actress would do a better job than this. This is fucking newgrounds sonic flash tier shit.

You tell me.

>and how everything got designed with style first over balance.

Well, given how much RWBY and BB's audience overlap, i can see them saying ' yeah, this is a good idea!'

Sometimes nips get just as autistic over dubs as we do here. They think her English voice is cute.

>joke characters like Bullet
Please no bully.

GG is more balanced at least even dumpster fires like Jam made it to top 8

wtf is this shit

What the fuck

>That image

Finally! A game that combines all the weebshit I hate into one package!

At least one gg character is likely.

For what platforms is this coming from?

GG's definitely in a good place right now, but i was talking about Blazblue when i said the top 8 was 8 different characters. CF is actually pretty balanced in general as long as you don't play something like Lambda or Bullet or Noel.

Do whatever you wanna do, doesn't really bother me. But I think, as a "professional VA" you claim to be, saying all of that off 2 lines is completely stupid.

I watch, and unironically enjoy, RWBY, and I will tell you right now that it's not a good show.

Nobody knows, but is believed since theres atlus characters that the game will be console only.


Jesus christ i think the flash game N had better animation than this.

>console only

Skullgirls characters when?

Yeah I guess I can agree to that. I think BB got the whole "It's not broken when everyone's broken" deal, which is ok if they didn't forget Noel, Bullet, Kagura and all the others who got their kneecaps busted.

Weirdly enough Atlus also publishes a lot of stuff on PC too, just none of their rpgs.

It obviously is great since the Berserk team tried to copy it. :^)

Do you have any idea how pretentious you sound?


Who is the janetty?
Was Ruby a draw?

somebody actually made it to top 24 at EVO with Kagura, i've been meaning to look around to see if i can find any of their games, because i was impressed.

>wanting a mvc tier clusterfuck of art

PS4 is a given, and there's a good chance it'll be on PC I'd say

Can't wait to have based snekman literally stomp on them

Techincally it is a clusterfuck already.
The UNIEL dudes use a different spriteart style

>Why is the fake anime girl here
So that they can corner Altair in the elimination chamber.

So if that Ruby girl has an English voice, does that mean we're getting English for everyone else too? I'd love to hear Patrick Seitz.

but they're from different realities so it's justified

Obviously I gave benefit of the doubt and looked into the series, saw 2 episodes. Nah, she's shit, the show's animation is embarrassing and every actor in the show is either terrible or half-assing it. Her only other notable role is Freedom Planet, another game with embarrassingly bad acting.

Yeah I saw that. It was Makoto vs Kagura too. That Kagura relied on a lot of gimmicks though, but he didn't lack in solid fundamentals. His OD ToDs were also hype

>implying they can beat the hime

Watching Kemono Friends made me appreciate RWBY animation and 3d models. Now this is a prime example of shit 3D.

what the fuck is this letter font i can't read shit, blaz tale blue battle ross?

nigga she IS an english character that IS the original dub

Probably not. Japan just likes her English voice for some reason.