>Be me
>first time playing Ed Edd n Eddy Online
>start as Kevin, he was one of my favorite characters
>go out into Cul-de-sac
>swarmed by 8 Melonheads at once
>kill me and take all my fucking starting gear
Eight fucking Melonheads. Why do you people play this shit?
Be me
>kill me and take all my fucking starting gear
>Eight fucking Melonheads. Why do you people play this shit?
>start as Kevin
Don't blame us for choosing the worst character in the game.
>Not playing Rolf
It's like you want to lose
>Not playing jimmy
>Not abusing the shit outta the "HELP ME SARAH!" assist/buff
How does it feel being a weak cuck?
Git gud
You don't even need lower level gear when you can get his leather jacket and glasses set pretty early on
He's only good endgame but yeah he's pretty fucking shit.
>Letting yourself get swarmed by melonheads when you have your bike
>How does it feel being a weak cuck?
Oh, but please tell me how great Eddy is.
>Eddys Brother has joined the game
D-Did they actually add him?
He's pretty weak to the any of the kanker sisters.
I'm more worried when i see a Rolf player transformed into the "son of the shepherd"
Nice falseflagging, devs would never put Eddy's Brother back in the game
>they don't know
A dev joined with the model and godmode and killed everyone, so he may show up in the next update
Don't worry about it. Kevin is a slog with or without his gear until you get his bike quest done.
Then, if nothing else, you can outrun any faggot trying to kill you (save Many Doors Rolf), and maybe even steal kills and loot from other people.
Please go back
How about maybe YOU go back. Sup Forums?
>Add raid boss to game as playable as an april fools joke
>Most of the staff got laid off later that day so we got stuck with him since nobody can undo the joke
How hard can it be to fucking hit "undo"?
Reminder Double D's unique Canadian Squirt Gun is the most fun weapon in the game
>tfw lighting dumbass Kevins on fire with Big Bro's Armenian Secret Hot Sauce from half the Trailer Park away
>loot from other people
They nerfed that shit with the "Nazz" debuff. Now every time a Nazz player is seen, Kevin will never loot, but rather give random items that the player has to the person Kevin is looting.
>They're actually adding The House of the Haunted this Halloween event
Poll for best covenants coming through.
Professor Scam Eddys are broken as hell.
>patch notes says they added dating elements
>I can't bring up the option with any of the Kankers
What's up with this?
how the fuck are you supposed to deal with all 3 kanker sisters together?
who the fuck's idea was it to make them this broken when together?
>Wanting to date the Kankers
none of the Eds can romance with any of the Kankers, dummy. It would completely negate the Kanker's passive abilities.
hopefully they've updated that shit since the leaked screenshots came out last year
I really tried to get into this since my friend keeps asking me to play this, but I just can't. Some skills are beyond ridiculous and seeing a Rolf is a death sentence.
Aside from that, I just feel KOTH Online is simply the superior game.
KOTH fags need not apply
The Gourd
Professor Scam
Mucky Boys
Baron o' Beef Dip
Evil Tim
Eddy's Brother
King Tuckyershirtin
The Kankers
Wilfred (Picture Show Version)
The Claw
The Vampiress
Pebble'd Ed
>heading down to Edtropolis to get the new edtropolis gear set
>hear a loud "DORKS" in the distance
>a group of 10 kevins on their bicycles attack me and three other people
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Epic bread rebbitors!!!!!!!!!!
>KOTH Online is simply the superior game
Yeah, because spamming pocket sand is so much better
Nazz is very poorly suited to the Junkyard, since most enemies are mindless automotons, and thus immune to Nazz' main abilities. It's not 100%, but you can get a basic Bike Kevin to higher levels pretty easily this way.
Kevin sucks ass, make no mistake, but because of that very few players at higher pvp brackets actually now how to counter him. In any objective-based gametype, you can just bike around capturing points and jawbreakers for your team, or picking up quarters to give to someone more worthwhile, and only Many Doors Rolf (Who are usually too busy dueling eachother or picking off more relevant threats to bother you), Chunky Puff Ed (Which is a very unpopular build, since the entire reason to run Ed is for Rock-In-Shoe, the only reliable counter to Many Doors Rolf), or other Bike Kevin, which are virtually unheard of. Kevin looses fights, but wins games if you build one right. Playing Kevin well is more art than science, and you really have to embrace your uselessness.
I loved the show as a kid but reading this thread is cracking me up. Is it easy to start playing?
King of the Hill Online player here, why is this fag I just found a Silver Surfer main? How do I get Silver Surfer?
>Faggot who didn't get invite to the closed beta is here again
You're supposed to get unique passives from the characters you romance. The Kankers have the best ones according to Eddhead.
was old shitty crossover event that you can't get anymore. Don't feel bad though, most of his moves are bugged to shit so he is damn near unplayable
>he didn't get the beta invite
Feels good getting into KOTH Online, EEnE Online, and even the now dead American Dad Online betas
Didn't they also add Josuke to the game for a boss because the voice actor for Japanese eddy played him?
How can someone be invited to a game that doesn't exist?
>be Eddy main
>everyone else in the match has Golden Phone equipped
>and seeing a Rolf is a death sentence.
Rock-In-Shoe Ed is your friend, user. Ed reliably counters almost every Rolf build possible this way, and additionally manages to counter Sarah (Which is an important match-up), and boasts the highest DPS in the game if you are attacking a Legend Eddy's Brother, because of the way Ed's attack goes up based on enemy HP totals.
Just be careful of Dirtpecker Ed, May Kanker, and Chubby Kid Nazz. Their abilities shut down your core mechanic.
Sup Forums not playing games is actually a meme, you know.
>He doesn't know
Post which one you play the most.
I do know, faggot. I'm not stupid.
>tfw mained Rolf ever since the Alpha and he's still the best
>doesn't know how to find the game
>says it doesn't exist
>He didn't get the limited edition Coconut Gun weapon
It fires in spurts, and disables trinket effects.
>unironically being a member of
someone post the public gay erp logs between one of the guildmasters and a thirteen year oldboy
You're stupid at a professional level, my guy
Said it once, I'll say it again. Adding Jib as a playable character was a huge fucking mistake.
Please tell us how not mad you are. =^)
>when you finally enter Johnny's dream and Plank is inside and he's a calm collected kid in a business suit and sunglasses and Johnny's a basketball with a face on it.
guys help
>The fags who patrol these threads and the Spongebob Online threads like troopers in 'Nam
Go back to Sup Forums to orgasm about your shitty shows like Undertale and Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby.
By the way, what's the best character? I started out as Bobby but his attacks are all pretty weak except for his "I DON'T KNOW YOU" kick
>>familiar with chan lingo and history only on a very shallow level, doesn't have any real knowledge of events that haven't been documented by KYM, Lurkmoar or ED
>doesn't know about what's being discussed in this thread despite it having been around here longer than he's used Sup Forums
>uses an image that directly complains about those for doing this
Assblasted Sarah main detected, must suck now that you can't abuse Jimmy being able to buff you so fast
And I was playing fucking Double D.
Thanks, I'll give Ed a go. Rolf players deserve the worst.
Everyone associates Kevin players with . One guild does not a character make.
Anybody have the current tier list?
Sauce please
Pocket sand is nothing compared to all the "that's my purse, I don't know you" spammers.
>Implying Jib is real
How come these fake-Sup Forums threads are somehow more enjoyable then almost all of the actual Sup Forums threads?
Boomhaur dominates at lower levels, but once you get gud and understand his tells, he's trash.
I got you
I get what they were going for, like a reverse carry. A decent character that gets incredibly OP when buffed by a weak character, but the duo is done if the buffer gets taken out. A team between a character that needs to be aggressive to protect their buffer and the buffer that needs to stack evade since they have low run speed sounds good, but like all MMOs it got abused hard.
>eddy's brother
>e tier
He's at least A
>he doesn't know how Ed breaks the game
Starting Ed class is pretty weak, but if you manage to get the pebble and equip it to his shoe Ed become literally unstoppable. I laugh at all the Rolphs who think they stand a chance.
It's been the same for almost a year now.
>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
Double D
Johnny & Plank
>D tier
>F tier
>Current tier list
This was from before the Alien Crossover update, dumbass
>Eddy's brother
Here ya go fampai
It gets even when you realize the only counter to "I DON'T KNOW YOU" is peggy, but peggy is a fucking horrible character!
Don't forget there's one exception to their placement - Sarah is by far and above the best character in the game running off a full Tattle Bar while in any house or lawn zone.
Because you faggots are so bitter that you have to literally pretend to enjoy playing a non-existent game rather than enjoy playing games.
One of the shittiest things was seeing a guild abuse this by going into the PvP arena near the Construction Site and having two Sarahs with three Jimmies on each, buffing them. They'd practically mop the floor and took a lot of good items from players
>mfw the tears in the forums when it was finally nerfed
Well then real games should try to be fun and not imitate being movies
Veteran player of Spongebob Online who's thread got ruined by a shitposter who thought Metroid was a video game franchise and not just a good comic. Dumping builds for every character, starting with Spongebob.
Shut the fuck up
Maybe you should try playing good games
>tfw finally have enough cash from scamming to buy a jawbreaker
>try to buy a jawbreaker, finally
>the jawbreaker sale was another player's scam
this game is shit
Mind coming over here? Fries need some salt.
>mfw playing as Rolph class with Son of the Shepard build
I took on 5 Dorks and 2 Kankers and managed to come out on top.
This is the image that proves the shitposters wrong.
>the jawbreaker sale was another player's scam
>falling for the 5 cent jawbreaker
You deserved to be scammed
>only 1 screenshot
why hasnt anyone thought to take more
We don't want normies and shitposters finding out our code to get in, thus ruining the game.
Because people were posting screenshots like that one, they changed so that your account name is plastered all over screenshots. It isn't worth someone saving your screenshot and someone posting it elsewhere and you get banned.
>go to a pvp server
>everyone is playing fucking rolf
>The shitty television show, Undertale
yall some cruel muhfuggers. i spent 5 minutes praying this was a real game and when i really found it. now im not gonna get any sleep and wont make it to work tomorrow. fuck you all. and rolf master race checking in. is farm tree best tree?