Friendly reminder

Friendly reminder.

Other urls found in this thread:

>e-celeb trash
No thanks.

shoot yourself in the fucking face, nigger

my asshole itches, is that normal?

These people are cancer, they dont even genuinely like video games.

Pretty sure only reviewbrah is approved anywhere on this website

Speaking of that. I stubbed my toe really hard six hours ago and it still fucking hurts really bad. It's hard to even walk. It's not bleeding at all though.
What's wrong with my toe, Sup Forums?

>watching fat people

Can kacey start doing porn already do I can see those fat cow tits

any discoloration? can you move it?

where mechagamezilla @ doe..

All of those people are shit

Brittany Venti's funny sometimes, TB is pretty based, Boogie is alright

Everyone else there is a waste

Reviewbrah is the only perfect YouTuber here

The area it got hit in is really red but that's it. Looks bruised I guess?
>can you move it
About as much as you can move a toe.

No this is.

reviewbrah is the only even remotely decent thing on that list

Fuck off, this is a Joey's World Tour board.

Whoops meant to reply to

I'm not one for Markiplier. From that group, I just like the loud, shouty Irishman.

Hell, even the Irish part is in dispute for Jack... he took a DNA test that found that he's only about 60% Irish, and he moved out of Ireland.

I don't care.

pro jared is my guilty pleasure

>nochin supposedly has 2 million dollars in the bank from bullying people on the internet
what a world

Everyone one else is trash. Prove me wrong (protip you can't)

Sage for not vidya

To this day I still struggle to believe that anyone would want to watch this trash. Then I remember this place is 80% under-age and I move on.

Reviewbrah is the only one.

I enjoy these retards

>not /ourguy/
he's redpilled about ds2 and put redditors in their, he's fucking based

Literally shit now. Stopped making Youtube videos and his Twitch streams are all boring.
>hey guys let me just do something kinda funny but laugh super hard and overreact to it for an unnecessarily long time and let me do this like 10 more times haha i'm so funny
Jerma's great though.

I was thinking a couple days ago that Jerma > Star. What do you think?


Just out of habit game grumps has always been my go-to channel whenever i'm sick or feeling like shit. Never watch them outside of that though.

use to happen to my as alittle kid. when a i had an especially soft poop, i wouldn't wipe my tight wittle boipucci properly.Now, whenever i eat oatmeal or corn, i stand to wipe my hairy asshole, and splash some water on it if i take too long and some has dried up.

Jerma is way better then star. Stars dropped off and he's almost a generic fps, overbotch streamer. If that's the case he's getting off my list

Ster himself has actually admitted that Jerma's now more way more popular than he is, but he's also happy for him and thinks Jerma deserves it.

I only watch Zero Punctuation and Gamesacks to be honest. For some reason they don't annoy me when they have shit opinions


let me scratch it with my cock


Kill yourself. Also I wanna be friends with Britney.

Where's the 8 Bit Brody Tier?

He does deserve it every bit. He seems the greatest guy, but I kinda wish he wasn't.

Hello! This is, running on empty......

I watch that Vinesauce. (the green mario mushroom) all this nigga talk about is his shitty music and make autistic pewdiepie noise. never again.

>I kinda wish he wasn't.


Where the fuck is "The Kike Kryptonite" Pewdiepie?
He's more /ourguy/ than anyone else on that list

yahtzee openly admits he has shit opinions and is prone to contradicting himself in different videos


well that's a name I haven't heard in a while. What the hell happened to him? I'm pretty sure once the MGSV hype/ruse train reached its destination, he simply faded into obscurity because that was pretty much the only thing that drew people to his channel (and god was the content shit, basically took most of the stuff that people threw as rumors out there as facts and shit.)

I like that they're just fucking around, it doesn't seem like they've become soulless like game grumps did halfway through the Jon saga.

Didn't dsp masurbate live stream one time?

Also, I want to like reviewbrah, but he only does fast food. It's hard to watch his videos because I've been vegan for 2 years now.

Otherwise I've been a Matthewmatosis fan since 2012, he's super wise.

>reviewbrah already past joey on subcount

survival of the fittest

>the only Sup Forums approved channel is one made for weebs
Really tinkers my thinker

I want to suffocate between her thighs

Guys I'm really debating with myself here. Who would you fuck between Venti and Kaceytron


The only person I know off that list is TB and only because he reviews games and has been around almost as long as video on the internet.

Are they all game reviewers or do they just scream on stream?

>watching Jerma stream
>makes a joke
>before I even laugh his girlfriend cackles into the microphone and sucks away anything remotely funny
Goddamn it, why her of all people Jeremy.

If it's your big toe it's probably ok, if it's one of the smaller ones you may have fucked it.

Are you kacey or venti

Is it just me, or does that faggot markipiler have the most punchable face on youtube? And then he got that meme haircut and it made him even MORE punchable

>approving of any "youtuber"

Why aren't you watching pure gaming streams?

Two of them do food reviews, and bottom-left on the right does Youtuber news.
Don't know about the rest

Venti if its just a fuck and she's gone, Kacey if we're actually chilling afterwards.

He got BTFO just like all the other faggots like Caramel, FIB, Pythonselkan who thought Kojima had more up his sleeve

there are no approved eceleb

They both browse so could be.

I'd be content with modeling desu.

It was my small toe before the pinkie. Shit.

Brittany is /ourgirl/ and reviewbrah is cool, fuck everyone else on both sides though

>there are people who are actually falling for this retarded bait image

I can only watch a Venti stream for about five minutes before the constant screaming and other obnoxious noises drive me away. I've watched her OOC streams and she's actually pretty cool, I wish she'd do those more often.

>watching sellouts

Get it x rayed

>look up pure gaming
>the only relevant hit is "charlscarroll" twitch
>"wait a second, this mother fucker looks a lot like charles from MDE"
This is too fucking crazy to be true, since when did he start streaming on twitch?

Just stopped by his channel, god it's depressing to see a ME:A video on the top row of his video list. Also, does anyone remember that cringy interview with joostein? it was a serious shit show.

what's her name

Him trying to awkwardly flirt with Stefanie Joosten was a sight to behold.

Plus the second time, it was bizarre in that he seemed unable to differentiate that Joosten IRL and Quiet weren't one and the same.

Where's Pewds?

Ai is ironic weeb trash.

I really only watch videos of her in youtube, her streams are not very entertaining i assume


>all e-celeb is neo incarnate

The only popular youtubers I've ever enjoyed were James Rolfe and JonTron.
Also the hack frauds at Redlettermedia. I like the shlock they put out.

> Sup Forums approved YouTubers that aren't STGGGS or GoronCity
> Neo Sup Forums approved YouTubers that aren't even vidya related aside from asscancerman and the tit cow who's riding the memetrain

You might have hemorrhoids.
Squat over a mirror and see if there's anything protruding.

I should invest in a company that manufactures hemorroid gel. With people sitting on the toilet with their smartphones for hours every day it's become a worldwide epidemic.


>actually falling for this bait

Shouldn't the "Sup Forums approved" be nothing but griefers?

Who's the guy on the bottom left? What's his name, Sup Forums?

Displeased Diablo

Frustrated Ferdinad

Resentful Rodrigez

Threadcrusher Tulio

Peeved Pedro

I had this problem where I had an itchy asshole and I scratched the skin all around it raw and it got even worse and traveled to my balls. Put Desitin on it. I had this problem for almost 2 years and it fixed me in 3 days. Relief instantly. Use the desitin or something with zinc oxide in it.


Vengeful Venancio

where the fuck are the Venti nudes... they have to be out there

There's nudes of a girl with a similar body to her but I doubt it's actually her