Can the men, dwarves and elves of Sup Forums not just get along?

Can the men, dwarves and elves of Sup Forums not just get along?

No. Fuck elves

no you globalist shill

It'll be a cold day in hell before I acknoledge you knife-eared, sap-loving, blush bitches.

Elves are trash.

Elves are cute!
Especially in urban clothing.

How come his lesbian scenes are his best by a country mile but he does them the least compared to straight/gay shit?

>he doesnt want to enslave cute elven bois and do horrible things to their boipuccis

Elves were literally made for orc cock, prove me wrong

ALRIGHT LISTEN TO ME YOU POLE-PROPORTIONED DENDROPHILES! If you try doing nasty in that back alley over there, I'm gonna take yer' fucking arrows and shove em between yer' perfectly polished figure nails. Im gonna take that bowstring of yours and string you up by yer' fucking foreskins till gravity gives yer' a botched circumscription and play it like a fucking violin, I'm gonna headbutt yer' till there is nothing but a butt left. I'm gonna colour that little pansy green shirt of yours red, USING YER' FUCKING BONE MARROW. Ye better believe yer' gonna wish you were never born, because I'm gonna make it seem like you never were. Ye atrocious fucking boil on the face of reality

elves are only fit for hard manual labor

even then they drop like flies

The people who like Dwarves are those overweight kids into metal and warhammer that believe they are the wisest kids in class but turn out to be a min wage wagie.

I dislike them intensely

Black man here

Elves need to get fucked by orks, their women impregnated, their men sissified.

the fuck is wrong with you, user

Your threadly reminder.

elves are cute collared and on a leash

Someone with a deep disdain for someone he knew that really liked warhammer

>mfw i get along with dwarves and elfs and have no problems with them
>mfw we laugh as we kill and slaughter greenskin scum all day everyday.

Fuck dwarves

I was never fat but I used to like metal and warhammer. I didn't think anything of fantasy races
Now I stopped liking metal and warhammer but I realize how dwarves are the best race and also how most faggot ass devs that put dwarves in games follow the tolkien meme, in the sense that attractive dwarves are impossible to come by, nope they all look like middle aged humans no matter their age. It triggers the shit out of me, the only worst thing is that half dwarves are nearly impossible to see in anything but half elves are all over the place. Why do devs/writers hate dwarves?

Elves are bound to get extinct as their form of a life cycle stretching over a few centuries is become obsolete with advancement of warfare and development of new weapons as a single life gets less valuable and sheer mass of soldiers becomes more important. This is especially the case because mankind is quick to reproduce and spread in comparison to elves. Elves would either have to adapt to this by fundamentaly changing their societal standards to a more reproduction friendly environment or they would simply at some point die out by too long warring with humans which could way easier compensate for life losses.

Elves are sluts

Fuck those faggit elves and their fancy magic and dainty robes

I like the Dunmer.


Pictures of orc and elves being friends and having fun > shitty rape meme


Fuck Elves, Dwarves are the master race.

Mens can be slaves.

Dark elf here, other elves are pussies.

lobster wouldn't be special if you ate it every day, user

Elves are cute!


What we need is a final solution to the plague of man.

>those happy orcs

>dark elf

go back to lapping up your master's semen off of the dungeon floor slut

>be a member of the glorious elven master race
>exterminate all dwarven filth
>exterminate all human scum
>make wearing any kind of facial hair a death penalty
>create a paradise on earth with superior elven architecture and ingenuity

What games let me do this?

>Fuck elves
Sounds like a plan.

>tfw youll never be an orc and play pranks on elves

What if they could be saved?

Just realised I want a game featuring a half orc half elf, and the subject of their parents comes up at some point and everyone assumes rape but it turns out they have really nice parents who are still together and embarrass them with doting

sounds like a paradise of fuccbois.

That's literally me.

w-what's she going to do with that leek?

Kill yourself right fucking now.

Man those videos are great.


> used to like something
> stopped liking it

Found the dumb poser. You bring shame to your clan. Commit sudoku, now.

t. Elf Supremacist

>t. elf

post the rest
image search brings up a bunch of korean shit


I would more say Sup Forums is full of orcs and trolls. I highly doubt there are any of the 'good' races

t. Falseflagging dwarf

Normal elves should be kill on sight just like drow

fuck I hate reading like that

t.still orc


>elf posters

elf pusy

dont mind if I do


Best fantasy races

Okay fantasy races

Bad fantasy races
animal based ones

> man-made slaves with no will are the best "races"

Found the cuckold

Man could you imagine if they made LotR today, half the cast would be black and gandalf would be a trans woman just because. Im grateful they made it when they did.

What is it with elf posters and the "boipussy" meme?

They can't handle a strong dwarven woman is their problem!



sounds like he's the cucker and not the cuckee friend

Fantasy settings are implicitly racist

Dwarves are my favourites but Kobolds are fun.


Gnomes here,

Stay away from our turf

Thank you for your consideration




>that lewdfic where the elves are some kinds of priestesses and they capture an orc
>they tease it and milk him for his sperm
>he breaks free and he thinks they're raping them but he's playing like putty into their hands
>i will never find it again
it hurts, it really really does

>no good female orc doujins besides the one where the fat knight switches to their side and becomes their chief and raids the city he was from


Lord of the Rings is pretty racially charged anyways.

>civilization threatened by the savage hordes from "over there"
>elves are the master race that are the absolute best at everything, and must return to their ancestral homeland that is only for elves



Halflings are literally the greatest race.




What have Dwarves ever done to improve the world? That's what I thought.


But we're not friends.

I dont think girls oughta be sayin stuff like that


Not when political shitposting exists my friend.

Where did the whole "dwarves and elves hate each other" thing come from?
In the LOTR books they seem to get along just fine, other than the Lorien elves resenting the Moria dwarves for fucking up and releasing an ancient evil. I don't remember seeing the scene in the OP image anywhere other than in the movies.

Elves are condescending because they live longer, aging like fine wine overlooking a mountain of shit that always falls apart.

Dwarves are just greedy little passionate short sighted bastards whose best talents always lay in being persistent, hard working and having good comradery.

Dwarves and elves used to have good relations but they had deteriorated quite a bit by the time of the War of the Ring.


All races are great as long as they're male. Females all belong in the trash, though.

Humans are always the most flexible so I prefer them usually.

How about elves in vidya

Can anyone explain the appeal of dwarves? They just seem like the lamest fantasy race to me, or at least the least appealing, they are just small miners and that's about it.

ElfxDwarf is a good BL pairing.
