How would you fix N-Sane Trilogy, Sup Forums?

How would you fix N-Sane Trilogy, Sup Forums?
I love the game but jesus christ it would benefit so much from a patch

>please let me skip that intro
>fix the jumping mechanics and physics, of course
>these loading screens are atrocious please do something about it, no way it needs to be that long
>in lieu of the loading screens, just give me a fuckin ''Restart button'' for things other than Time Trials. Why isn't this here?
>target times in the start menu so I don't have to quit the level. And stop kicking me out when I get a Sapphire gem, ask me if I want to retry
>seriously, lower the requirements for saphire and make the saphire relics gold. There's just no reason for it to be that hard. I'm not doing Under Pressure and Deep Trouble again
>fix the loading screens. Twice.

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Add an option to switch to low poly.

that'd be pretty nice but I think they're made in a different engine so it woudn't be easy to do

>seriously, lower the requirements for saphire and make the saphire relics gold. There's just no reason for it to be that hard. I'm not doing Under Pressure and Deep Trouble again
other's got it, platinum even, so you only got yourself to blame

also just look at the leaderboards if you want to know the gold time before getting sapphire

No it just changes the models like the intro

I'm working my way towards it, don't worry. But I'm perseverant and I'm not sure that's going to be the case for every player. Getting Gold on Native Fortress took me about 2h of non-stop trying

And sure you can check before, but it should be easier to access considering going out of and in a level takes about 15 minutes because of the loadings

The intro is a secret loading screen.


Yup, makes sense. Then it has to load another 5 minutes to show you the games menus

>seriously, lower the requirements for saphire and make the saphire relics gold. There's just no reason for it to be that hard. I'm not doing Under Pressure and Deep Trouble again

Agree with most except this. Getting golds really isn't hard and especially not on those levels.

I'm with you 100% op with the exemption of lowering sapphire requirements.

If that's true then that's some very bad optimization/programming. There is not need to load anything but a title screen. The loading of the games should take place when the game is chosen. And even then the loading should be quick as there isn't a whole lot to load before you enter a stage. And if you're going to have an initial hidden loading screen then nothing else should be in the need of loading.

Just to clarify, it's the gold requirement that should be lowered. I, for one, thought the Saphire relics were better than the Golds for the longest time (I honestly don't know why) and had to revisit the whole 3 games because I got Saphire for every single level

Pretty much just better loading times from my experiences so far. Everything else I'm pretty happy with.

The problem with the platforming so many people have now is due to the fact that Crash now has weight, whereas in the originals he didn't. This meant in the original you could land a jump with one pixel of your foot, but in the remakes he'll just immediately slide off. This means you have to be a lot more precise with your movements and jumps, and while there's not a problem problemwith that in and of itself, the fact that the distance between jumps wasn't slightly tweaked to make them less impossible to do in the remakes I feel is an unfortunate oversight.

I thought this was obvious given how it has to load for another minute just for the game select



Nah, fuck you and your "mek me gud by gibs me gold".

Just git gud.

Make it a remake of literally any other series.

> make Crash Bandicoot remake a remake of anything that is not Crash Bandicoot



>jumping mechanics and physics

Yes please, shit got really weird from time to time.

Every thread, without fail.

>m-master race
>can't even play games

Just emulate the originals at 60FPS desu

it's a better experience, as good as N-Sane Trilogy is

It's going to be multiplat anyway

Goddamnit she's so cute.

She still looks off to me
Like there's just one or two things that make this design worse looking than what she's had before, to me

Indeed. She's made me realise what love truly is.

That giggle she sometimes does at the end of the victory dance is what made me fall in love.

Look me in the eye and tell me this looks better.

Is this tushy age/species appropriate?

Much better; the low-poly masks the disgusting face of the new version.

>Fix this shit on pic related. You updated Crash at least update Coco

>Skip Intro
>Dramatically lower load times
>Restart Level Button

Whats Coco's look trying to convey here?

which plats?

Huh. I had no idea Stevie Wonder posted on Sup Forums.

Very. She's roughly 8-9 years old.

That's not exactly a fair comparison

I dunno, she seems more like a teen to me. Maybe 13 or 14.

>comparing the character to herself is a bad comparison

Satisfaction both in farting and successfully blaming it on the polar bear.

Their cabin is so comfy.

Comparing the character to a much lower poly and lower quality version is a bad comparison yes


No, but this is

Oh I'm sure.

They didn't hide the loading in the cutscenes in Crash 3.

>If you don't like butt-ugly lipstick wearing gremlins, you're blind.

user why would they use a model that isn't from the OG trilogy?

user, it's like you DON'T want us to be friends.

I don't. I don't want to associate with anyone who thinks that's acceptable.

That's not what I'm saying

That user specifically said her old look looked better though. Unless he was talking about

The only reason the game is difficult is because modern games have input lag because graphics bro

No one would be bitchin if it was 1 for one

F-fine it's not like I wanted to be your friend anyway baka

Well time to post this so you all can have a chuckle.

That expression is priceless. Here's a bit better quality.

Thank you friend.

Crash is the best. I don't know why anyone would even bother playing as Coco.

I don't like the way she looks at me when I lose or miss boxes.

>play through games regularly as crash
>replay as coco to collect leftovers

Then don't lose :^)

That hand wave is sooooooooo cute.

Turn off the god awful motion blur it seriously hurts my eyes.

B-but some levels are really hard.

Add a rotate camera option, like Mario 3D World had.

It's not the 90s anymore, we don't have to suffer from camera limitations in 2017.

The camera is fine, except maybe on the jetski levels.

Almost an awful of an opinion as the idiot who suggested that Crash should be able to grab ledges if he falls down a pit.

Should i be playing this with dpad or analog stick?

I know in crash 1 you used a dpad with no other option but this game even in crash 1 feels like crash moves a bit different than he did in the original

is it warped movement? its been a really long time since i played that game and i dont remember how it felt or if it was primarily built for analog or dpad

>seriously, lower the requirements for saphire and make the saphire relics gold. There's just no reason for it to be that hard. I'm not doing Under Pressure and Deep Trouble again
Holy shit I never say this but get fucking good Jesus Christ.

Anyway here are some more actual problems to fix
>Make Nitros not jump 50 feet in the air in 2. Shit has killed or hurt me that many times through no fault of my own and there is absolutely no way to avoid them usually. It's entirely random and it gives me the shits.
>Add more boss dialogue
>Fix animations. How animations are worse than the PS1 games is beyond me
>Hog Wild hitbox for last roast pig.
>Fix hitboxes in general
>Fix random deaths like losing the T-Rex to lava and then randomly dying when I'm in a safe area
>Fix going offscreen
>Fix the entire fucking awful soundtrack
>Give Ripper Roo his old voice back
>Re-record Dingodile saying "butter" without accentuating the t's
>Fix the fucking jetski controls and physics
>Fix the frame skip on motorbike jumps
>Give Coco some more death animations
>fix the ice physics

People who say THERE'S NOTHING WRONG YOU'RE JUST SHIT AT THEM NOW GIT GUD clearly only played the games 20 years ago. A lot of this shit is being pointed out by speedrunners and I replay them very often and noticed this shit too.

It doesn't seem like they'll be changing anything about the jumps or collisions.

>a constant framerate
>actually optimize the game
you forgot two of the most important ones
they could literally add all three of the games and just emulate them. the game's already 24gb, so it doesn't even matter.

Stick for 3D levels, d-pad for sidescroller levels
and it's basically a completely new feel for controls than the originals

casuals btfo

N.Sane Coco looks garbage.

You look like garbage.

>tfw everyone forgets about your waifu and you can have her all to yourself

Crash Bandicoot is a 2D platformer, it doesn't need a movable camera.

I do the opposite. Coco for first play through. Crash for time trials.

He's obviously the faster one.

You move forwards, sideways and up on the very first level

Crash Bandicoot is a 3D platformer, except for the obvious 2D levels.

Shuffling a few inches left or right is fake 3D.

Still 3D. If there was absolutely no lateral movement, all levels would look like this.

It's 2.5D :^)

This is 3D

Shut up waifufag

it's a 3D game but does very little to take advantage of the extra axis. Crash could have been made for the SNES or Genesis, SM64 couldn't.

optional scanlines

i do.

pissed off small girls are funny.

This is a 3D level that because of 90s limitations you couldn't rotate the camera, forcing the developers to include an "easy" way of clearing it.

The remakes have no excuse of adding a rotating camera. Something as simple as 30 degrees in each direction would make this level possible.

Using the most literal definition of 3D possible and not what we traditionally refer to as a "3D" platformer, you'd be right. In reality, the game would remain 95% unchanged if movement was restricted to a 2D plane.

>because of 90s limitations
Incorreect, it's because muh grafix. Plenty of PS1 games had freely rotating cameras - Naughty Dog could not add one because muh grafix. All of Naughty Dog's games have prioritized muh grafix over gameplay.

They're funny to me too, haha. I wonder if Coco gets mad if you pick her up. I'd like to see what that would look like because it'd be funny haha

The only time I can think of that a rotating camera would've been helpful is during forced backtracking segments, where there's a route split and you have to go down each to get some boxes, such as Cortex Power.

Otherwise it really wouldn't make much of a difference.


>not the case for every player
It's almost like it's not for every player and just the most hardcore. It's not like it necessary to complete the game.

>2 hours in native fortress
Thank fuck, I thought I was just bad
I gave up after 1.5 hours yesterday when I choked on the final jump. Fuck that shit.
The game is well-designed but the engine is pretty fucked; I'm tired of just slipping off of things. The load times are also inexcusable.

I want to lick her feet

Did you just remake my webm?

I really like the art in this picture, and kind of wish she was just wearing her normal attire, because it's otherwise a great little character piece.

I need to jack off as much as the next guy, but sometimes I just want good, fun art of characters I like.

kys pedo
