Why don't they just reveal the remake Tifa already?
Final Fantasy VII Remake
right looks better 2bh
The left is right in face. The right is right in tits.
I wish they'd stick with the anime style so Tifa can stay maximum cute.
I read that as
Tina Bone Right
Tina Bone Wrong
Right is 10x better than left though.
Right has better hair.
Can't you use the face of the left and the tits of the right?
They need their customers to survive until the games comes out. You'd all fap yourselves to death.
>He likes saggy tits over firm
What a homo.
Let's all be honest here.
She's not going to have big tits anymore.
Modern men no longer desire big breasts
>liking anime/chink Tifa
Right is objectively better.
>muh two huge tits fmvs
Tits that size are never firm unless they're fake, genius. I'd rather a girl have real breasts with some sag than "firm" ones filled with plastic and shit.
Left: Bug-eyed jap girl with no chest meat
Right: Normie tier 9/10 girl with motherly breasts
>Implying the tits on the right can't be firm
I bet you think all big boobs aren't firm dumb dumb
Go nuts.
they both rook same
>looks like kawiidesu animu japanese girl
>looks like some "we want the western crowd" jewish bitch with plastic surgery
right looks like a tranny
>AC tifa over 10 years ago
I haven't played any of the modern Square games so I don't know if there's an official pronunciation, but is it TIFFA or TEEFA?
>Asian Tifa
never forgive this.
Those are some pretty sexy trannies you've been looking at then.
They look the same
That face on the right looks like it was done by the guy who modeled Injustice 1's females. What the fuck are you talking about?
>I will never forgive them for true perfection.
>left: weebshit
>right: westcuck shit
Right looks like a fairly attractive white woman. In real life people don't have huge kawaii uguu eyes or chins pointy enough to stab people with. I'm sorry that your perception has been so warped that anything that deviates from this you find "mannish".
Lol they haven't even designed her in-game model yet. They can't reveal anything about her when the only thing they've done with the game so far was recreating the first reactor.
That is a really ugly western face
But vidya girls are essentially Asian, especially cute ones are.
This is my favorite look of Tifa
Becausre they made her black with an afro
>Right looks like a fairly attractive white woman
Right put her next to Cloud or any other ANIME CHARACTER from modern Final Fantasy's and her face will look like a frumpy ugly abomination, it's the wrong art style for Tifa entirely.
If you like guy faces.
So that they can catch as many pre-orders as they can before they anger the weebs.
That looks more asian to me.
barrets arm looks weird as fuck in that. its tiny compared to the rest of him.
>Barret's arms
It's blatantly obvious though that in the remake they're not going to use an anime style like the original and are making it more realistic.
They don't want to have to remodel her when the inevitable bitching comes along.
I really hope they make Tifa completely different just to piss of you obnoxious tifafags who perpetually argue over stupid shit all day.
Oh fuck
>short haired dyke with attitude
My wallet is ready.
as one user discerningly pointed out. all AC designs looked asian. Tifa just also happens to have dark hair.
All these Tifa waifu-fag threads and arguments, and not a single person ever discusses her personality or character.
Even fucking Lightning faggots can manage that.
>implants over real tits
Let's not go THAT far user. Anyway these threads are pointless. Games been talked about to utter death. All there is left is dump fanart of their waifu.
Cry me a river
The right one actually looks more attractive due to looking both very sexy and realistic at the same time. It's easy to make an anime girl look sexy, so the left is basic and boring. Right looks good as hell though.
Too moe
Too 3DPD
You might need to see an optometrist, my dude.
If you actually loved Tifa instead of being a waifu-of-the-week faggot you'd not care about trivial differences in fucking fanart as she's still attractive, and still has the same sweet personality you love
>implying you faggots played the game and isn't a bunch of 18 year olds drooling at any tits you see
Waifufags used to have principles and dedication. What the fuck happened?
Short haired Tifa is perfection.
Tifa is an asian, therefore Aeris is best girl by default.
>name is Tifa Lockhart
>people expect her to be asian
Right is canonical.
so matt leblanc is french ?
I want at least this size
Aeris is looking just as chinky in that pic as Tifa does in that movie. AC did a bad job with faces for the most part, they all look like this creepy Asian porcelain doll thing except for Barrett and Cid.
Realistic and good graphics aren't the same thing you retard. Nothing about Cloud in the remake looks "realistic" he has an anime shaped face with insanely good skin texture and lighting and hair etc
>every girl these days has to have short hair
>modern women no longer have long hair that reaches their tailbone
oui oui
My nigga
The PS2 era Square started turning everyone Japanese in their games. I fucking hate it and it's really annoying.
while short hair tifa gives me a boner harder then an diamond in an ice storm, I also agree that girls having really long hair is also hot
Plenty of girls here in Mexico have that type of hair. Meanwhile I really want a girl with short hair.
I agree 100%.
I really don't understand people that act like you can only like one or the other.
People that argue over Tifa or Aeris too. Why not both?
>he doesnt like big soft titties
I bet you like fake plastic tits.
actual homo here
wow man
Remake Yuffie when?
What are the chances that because the game is episodic they give you preset parties for each episode and you can't even use Tifa the whole time?
Probably around the same time as Tifa's reveal.
At least 90% of big boobs are saggy and ugly-shaped.
Butts are good-looking even when big, that's why ass is patrician taste.
>unironically being a westacuck
Well obviously most boobs are gross but that's just because most women are gross. Also that ass is not good looking.
Tifa has the same bust size as Yumi from Senran Kagura. We need to have Yaegishi Nan do her redesign.
Not for a long time yet, unless they change her introduction to somewhere in Midgar.
Though I wouldn't be surprised if they do, since there's no chance she and Vincent will be optional this time around, so they can't just have her show up in a random forest anymore.
its funny that they put all the bench warmers in one shot together
me on the right
I can see this happening as it would save them time and money to do so.
This is who Tifa was modeled after, no joke.
>RIP tits
The one on the right actually looks like a real person though.
was she really?
if so good job square
>left: bug eyed skeleton
>right: believable hotty
i would model her tifa, if you catch my drift
It was a fucking Greek tragedy
i always played with either tifa barret or red in my team with aerith as a healer
>Come on, let's talk!
>fuck off
hapa master race?
She doesn't look asian or white. She looks like stylised CGI aka not fucking human.