You gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread

you gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread
you gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread
you gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread
you gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread
you gain E.Ψ.Ǝ Thread

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This thread is OK.

My leg is broken.

swords > guns


any guides on how to play this game? its really fucking confusing but i love it

Gain medkit research. Gain heavy armor until you gain good. Gain the pump shottie. Gain brouzouf.

My legs are OK



1) press enter to use armory
3) gain brouzouf

>Research importance order, research these if you can
Medkit>Cybermancy>Other shit>BioRegen (leave this for when you have a lot of fatal wounds)
>Stats importance
Endurance>PSY/Accuracy>Speed>Hacking>Strength>whatever>Mental Resistance
>Shop shit
Invisibility>Bear Killer (You NEED this, so get stats for it)>Vit converter (you need random drops for this)>whatever
>Cybertech shit

0) rebind keys so use is something you can reach with a human hand instead of enter

Sword and Gun > Swords > Guns

Technically, you don't NEED the Bearkiller, since the TRK AD is a gimped version of it with an extra shot. Being able to have another gun for general purpose or carrying another 4 magazines of high damage armor piercing rounds (assuming you can make use of all slots even with a TRK AD weighing you down) is incredibly useful and convenient though.

PSY> swords> guns

Have fun in blazing heaven, faggot
*tips chinese hat*


You can also just melee everything armored or psi everything armored.

>TFW they recently announced the title of eye 2



Does the damage scale based on psi? Because I've hit metas with four or five barrels and it's done jackshit.



>tfw AVA will never be released
I know it would be a complete mess and in french but I still want to see it

>Bullshit! Ultra-failed thread!

>*tips chinese hat*

Arrancadora > Swords > Guns

Get bigger props
The forklift is actually the best weapon in any game mode

Is Syndicate Black Ops worth playing?

h*ck yeah
that map in particular is a bitch though

What does this popup even mean?
Does it mean you did less damage?

Technically, but the damage ranges of every weapon outside of maybe BK13 and HS010 (which have their fire rates to compensate for it) are so high that it's practically meaningless.
Like rolling a 10 for damage instead of 100 when almost every enemy has 2 HP.

If you're fighting moderately armored enemies without an armor piercing weapon, it matters.
Say, using the Bosco on spec op troopers. Means you just effectively wasted a shot.

>fighting moderately armored enemies without an armor piercing weapon
That'll teach you!

You don't really need an AP weapon until heavy armor culters, interceptors, Desu Exes, or those really rare hammer streums.
Most of the game is non-AP friendly.

>tfw no desu exe gf
EYEtawa Shoujo when

>halfway through the story, the wheelchair girl announces "My legs are OK", gets up, and walks off never to be seen again
Fund it. You have all of my brouzouf.

>took her half the game to find the v key

No, the blind one will hack herself once she learns to not spam attack.

nigga blind people can't hack

We see in this post why the player character is a Culter and not filthy Jian.
If he were a Jian, he'd never have gotten back to HQ from that cave.

Actually I'm on my way to that cave right now, with my Mentor and some buddies.
Hope nobody tries to assassinate us!



>eye threads becoming common on Sup Forums now

Life is good sometimes

My legs are OK.

I just bought E.Y.E.
some one please help me. what am i supposed to be doing.
whats going on
i'm doing this first mission and i keep getting spotted immediately
it feels like there are endless waves of dudes to fight.

>The best shit game on the planet

You can't explain it. Don't try to explain it.

Enjoy the best horrible game ever made.

Dont make waves.

>endless waves of dudes
There's your problem. Don't make waves.

i dont understand.

There's no need to understand! Just follow orders!

please help

You were warned about making waves.

Tweak the various difficulty settings so the infinite hordes are smaller. Also neuter their perception abilities so they can't track you literally across the entire map, through buildings, and while crouched in inaccessible locations.

Every few levels, cheat yourself several hundred thousand brouzouf. There is an easy to use save editor you can find through google. Otherwise you have to spend tens of hours of farming to make your character remotely playable.

Don't bother trying to be stealthy without the cyber cloak. Don't bother trying melee. It's a meme. Make a character focused around psy powers, and have them tot around the minigun. There, you've solved 99.9% of problems with the game's design.

>steam page calls this an FPS/RPG
>it looks exactly like a multiplayer FPS

The enemies are just braindead Quake bots. It is literally a multiplayer kill arena jurryrigged with a halfassed plot and sold as a single player game.

I should have bought the game when it was still 1 dollar

They crop up and survive a while every time there's a sale. Really hope some of you faggots stick around for Battle Royale, seems like there's a new regular or two with every wave of new cyberweaks.

Never before have I seen a post that more embodies advanced Jianics.
Editing difficulty is fine if you're a casul, but outright cheatan means living a life of utter dishonor. You also know nothing of melee's true powers, I would feel pity for you if not for the overwhelming revulsion.

I farmed up my character legit, but I can't in good faith recommend anyone do the same. Most of my game time is farming followed by leaving the game running while I'm not at the computer because research takes so long.

>what am i supposed to be doing.
Following orders

There's always dicking around in coop/pvp while you wait for it to tick down, though that does require other people or, heaven forbid, friends to make it any different from regular play.

I did play with others, and they are too disgusted by the game to keep playing.


>being this much of a jian
The only accident I fear will be your head falling into a vat of acid with me wearing your fucking moron face as a party mask.

It helps a lot if you have at least one person who's already used to the game's bullshit. This is one of the few cases where playing with Sup Forums can be an improvement.

As long as you're not trying to do the Fed ending, anyway. Someone always goes full retard every time I've tried it.

The only research you need to do is Medikit.
You don't need any upgrades.
You don't need to grind for levels.
All assuming, of course, that you have basic proficiency and aren't a miserable sub-looter Jian.

The truth hurts; Game is shit.

That said, once you get past the grind the game truly shows it's colors. I can't think of another game that lets me do all of the following within the same few seconds of combat:

>Predator a guy from stealth
>Teleport gib the strongest of the group so I don't have to deal with their physical damage immune ass
>Minigun the weaklings with one of the few vidya miniguns that are good
>Anyone who doesn't die instantly to minigun fire gets turned in to a psychic figment monster
>That psychic figment monster then gets dissolved by the very same power
>Teleport gib a guy on the horizon once I'm done as a means of fast travel.

It's just sad what you have to go through to get there. Telling people NO NO THE GAME IS AMAZING ONCE YOU PUT UP WITH 50 HOURS OF BEING BORED AND GRINDING isn't really convincing.

>tfw the map where you get all the EYE niggas to kill each other is easily one of the best in terms of atmosphere and interaction but almost no one sees it in multiplayer since someone fucks up cc_shadow

Damn, I got momentarily excited thinking it would be something like Fallout with Quake movement.

Yes, strictly speaking you can beat the game completely with only the heavy armor and minigun. You can invest in literally nothing and win so long as you have those. That was my first storyline completion.

>50 hours of being bored and grinding
I don't follow. I had gained tens of thousands of Brouzouf from simply doing co-op missions with friends while progressing single player on my own terms. Works fine like that, takes maybe a couple hours of playing around with friends.

Cyber enhancements and research ramps up in to the hundreds of thousands a pop.

I know, and with the occasional mission giving upwards of 100,000 Brouzouf, and not wildly spending shit, it's not terribly grindy then.
Certainly not near 10 hours even at most.

Depends on what you want to do. For example.

The game can be played in a fairly brain dead manner with the minigun and heavy armor. This holds up even when turning up the difficulty. This is selling the game short, though. There are far better games to play if you just want to be a stompy guy with a gun.

If you want to experience what makes E.Y.E. a compelling experience, you gotta pay for it with time investment.

I need Brouzouf, this thread is ok.

I'll play EYE some more soon.

And there's a problem with that? The progression of your character is where some of the fun comes from, as you try out playstyles that aren't braindead stompy shooty guy, which only become more viable as you progress.

Bullshit! Ultra-failed post!

You've posted a good and caring daddy.

*makes waves*

I wish there were enough decent cyberpunk games for /cyb/ to come back to life desu

I miss /cyg/

I had fun with it, but some maps were too much for 2 players.
Just gather all your friends (assuming you have about 4 to 8 friends or so) and it should be a blast.

It's a shame about the thing where when half or so of the players are dead it fucks over everybody, though at least you can get back to correcting/learning from your mistakes instead of just watching someone solo the rest of the level.
I think 3 was the sweetspot for allowing one guy to go alone after the other two perish, but it's been a while.

I'm making one with my little team, it's an FPS/RPG in UE4 with voice acting only in main missions. It's designed so it'll only take you roughly 12-15 hours to complete a single playthrough, but it branches out into three completely different hubs based on what decisions you make within the first hour, leading to three completely different environments each with their own distinct storylines and side quests. It's meant for repeat playthroughs with extremely wide variety in potential content at the cost of the length of a single playthrough.

Keep talking dirty, I have a Damocles to polish.

Why Deus Ex are so fucking scary? I always try to backstab them or shoot them in the head from behind so I won't see their eyes

Because they're psionic cyberdemons. Psiberdemons, if you will.

Fun fact: even if you're killing them, just shooting (and maybe looking) at them drives you mad if you're close enough.

To some extent, this applies to all metas. I'll be cutting down hordes in the minos custom mission with my Damocles, not taking a scratch, then suddenly I go batsdhit.

I thought they were Russian.

Lots of people think this, it's either ruskies or slavs. Is it because of the voice acting? The translation is sort of fucked, but it's fucked in a distinctly frenchie way.


Link please? Been waiting years for EYE2, please not be a troll, has nothing.

My legs are okay.

>not Ok

New PC soon, I can finally play with all of you.

What is there to understand? Nothing makes any sense!

am i supposed to mod this game to make it playable? or is the pile of garbage presentation part of the charm?

>tfw the memes are better than the game itself
