What are some delightful games?

What are some delightful games?



Oh I get it, you posted this because Mechagamezilla uploaded a video with Croc in it. That's pretty funny. Did you come up with that on your own?

I did, thank you.

fuck croc. sucked when i was a kid, I'm sure it sucks today

I wish that Croc ate enemies.

croc was going to be a yoshi game but nintendo rejected it :)

first N64 game is better, but this one is more delightful

Looks more like Luigi to me


Great video but maybe a little too angry. But if anger gets him to make more videos then I'm all for it.

Is Oneyplays finally finished?


I miss the games like Croc, Spyro, Crash, Jak & Daxter, the former Rayman.


Good soundtrack but the controls are awful. My copy would always freeze during the video intro to Cactus Jack.


Needs an updated list that isn't Japan-biased and we're good.

I'm currently developing a comfy game so this list is super useful.

Terranigma is not even remotely comfy however. Not to me anyhow.

Except it would be hard to make it without Japanese games because the west generally doesn't tend to make comfy games. It is not part of their videogame scene.

Why they all green

damn thought that "fuuraiki" would be some sort of old bizarre fmv bus driving game but apparently it's just a visual novel

Kirby Super Star

games on that list that weren't quite comfu-core enough for me
>Shadow of the Collosus, not sure about Ico haven't played it
>Catherine's puzzles weren't that comfy to me

add to the list tier
>gen 1 pokemon
>dragon quest games

I don't think I'd call Catherine comfy

I don't know, Shadow of the Colossus was pretty comfy for me but I can see how someone else wouldn't find it comfy